Over 50's Wales Club

Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Itā€™s killed off a lot of things Sue, I donā€™t think it was a good move. Our Scottish Thread comes and goes but it did that on the old forum as well.

Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Iā€™ve given up on the Wales thread. Hope you can keep the Scottish one going. Happy Christmas to you all.

Sorry to hear that, hopefully it will come back. Sometimes I think The Scottish one has folded but we do return. It needs to have a few determind members. In the mean time why not come and join us on ours?

Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


This has turned into the Bot Thread. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Itā€™s doing a good job of keeping you updating of our #wales mini-forum Rox :003:

1 Like

Aye, I suppose it is. :wink:

Thank you Bot :wave:

And you said this place had gone quiet.Thereā€™s Bots everywhere.

I know ā€¦ I shall have to eat my words shanā€™t I.

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Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)


Hi, this is an automated message from your friendly Over50sChat bot :039:

Just a quick note to say a new thread about Wales has been posted :blush: You can view the thread here:

Donā€™t forget you can view our mini-forum for Wales here: Wales Forum | Over 50s Chat (over time as more threads about Wales are posted here they will show up there, and when search engines index the forum it will mean more people searching for ā€˜over 50s in Walesā€™ will be more likely to spot the forumā€¦ andā€¦ hopefullyā€¦ register and join in with you all :003:)
