shaun y defaid( dev i’d)
Didn’t I see or read somewhere that during WW2 that if the Germans were eaves dropping on conversations if there was a Welsh speaking person then the Germans could not listen in
Haven’t heard that one but I can believe it
Bore da pawb,sut wyt ti ?
Iawn diolch
Day four…having exchanged pleasantries you might like to say who you are.
(insert name) ydw i
udd-ooh e
I am …
And being British you might like to mention the weather.
We’ll get there tomorrow😀
In Primary school I was taught to say yw fy enw (is my name).I suppose it’s more formal.
It is.
Quite correct though.
I’m not getting formal here.
Or getting into differences in language between north and South Wales.
I thought they spoke Scouse in North Wales
Bore da Eliza ydw i
Bore da Spitty ydw i
Bore da Eliza
Bore da Spitty
Gave up learning welsh when a local told me ‘dym parcio’ meant free parking. Luckily some kind soul corrected him.
All I learnt from the welsh TV channel is ‘ochi ochi ochi’ and ‘nor sta’. Not got a clue what they really mean. I think ‘nor sta’ means north star. Which you can only see in the evening. Ochi means something to do with darts.
You are spelling it as its pronounced look for a clue in the off topic section.
So good night to you’
I did watch and like the Welsh show Un Bore Mercher in English.
Did watch one ep in the Welsh language and to my surprise kinder was able to follow it slightly.
Un Bore Mercher … One Wednesday morning
I think Ty Pawb means a tied contract pub.
Bore da
Good morning
Sut wyt ti?
How are you?
iawn diolch
Fine thanks
(Blewog) ydw i
I’m furry
Day 5
Continue the conversation by mentioning
y Tywydd
the weather
Err -tow with
One weather type a day!
Mae’n Wyntog
Mine Win-tog
It’s Windy
If you agree respond with…
Ydy,mae’n wyntog
Uddy,mine win tog
There is a you tube channel called ‘Welsh with Us’.
It is very good!
Discovered while trying to find someone pronouncing ‘Mae’n Wyntog’ correctly.
A boring bit…‘dd’ is pronounced like ‘th’ in English.
Bore Da, Furry , y Tywydd Mae’n Wet