US Election 2024 antics

There are three branches of the government and one branch can not tell the other branches what to do.

This is a Republic with our own laws. It’s not perfect but it’s continuing to improve.

Trump has been dodging the justice wheel his whole life, money talks, especially when it is backed up with political influence.


and when the truth arose in the NEW York Courts, he was convicted, because he couldn’t be protected by a bias extremist right leaning GOP.

No it is not, it is a Corporatocracy, a government owned and controlled by Corporate America, and the affluent. A country that is embroiled in extremist ideology battles between the Christian Right and the Alt life Left, while the common working class American, who pays all the taxes, is swept aside. We need business and religion out of government, and a flat tax rate across the board, no exceptions.

The real problem with American politics, "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.

Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."

~Carl Sagan

Does this on have money to get out?

Juan Jose-Sebastian, 26 from Guatemala, was arrested mid-February for driving without a license. We’re now learning that the same man has been wanted in Oregon since 2017 on multiple counts of rape and sexual abuse.

Snyder said because U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) won’t take custody of him, they have to release him. As of Friday, he now walks free.

Hundreds of more people being released, that are not rich of political connected.

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What is I find interesting is that the Indian, British and French Elections have come and gone without any of the fuss of the US election which doesn’t even happen until November (as I understand it).

An over worked under staffed immigration’s service which has never been fully financed to handle their job by any administration in recent history.

But one has also have to look at the European elections are equivalent to state elections in the US.

Can you imagine what it would look like if all the EU countries had to elect one leader.
I honestly think that would get ugly.

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I don’t think that is true but if it was US Presidential elections are just council elections compared to India aren’t they?

In actual fact the EU countries just held elections for the 700 seat European Parliament, I don’t remember court cases or a great song and dance about that election do you? The 27 seats Britain held were distributed to other countries

Indonesia has a similar population to the USA and they don’t make such a fuss at election time either.

I guess you could compare India to the US, via population but really nothing else. Hundreds of different languages.

Same with Indonesia small the the US in land and people also with hundreds of different languages.

Both are having political unrest, just no cares or reports about it.

EU, in my view like International court and world health organization, they have no real power. They can do and say what they want, but who really listens to them.

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No remembers last year

I don’t know where you get this information from

India has one official language, Hindi, the population is massive compared to the USA (300Million against 1.5 Billion ie the USA is one fifth the size. About the same as the USA compared to the UK or France

Likewise Indonesia, Bahasa is the official language (same language as spoken in Malaysia)

By your criteria Australia (similar in size to the mainland US) also has hundreds of languages and the USA has several as I understand it.

None of which changes the fact that only in the USA does an upcoming election create such furore months beforehand. Still five months to go, no other democracy has such long winded election cycles.

Correct, recent history (last 2 1/2 years) with open border and millions of illegal entries of course they are under funded. Biden created this mess and understood with the lack of man power in the border patrol and immigration court system knew full well what would happen. If he did not understand the “cause and effect” is a good indicator he should never of been president. Along with all the other blunders.

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You are only looking at the surface of the problem, Mr. Robin, and of course, your motivation is purely political. The number of migrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border rose in fiscal 2019 to its highest in 12 years, but that was because there were even more people trying to cross the border, had nothing to do with Trump and / or any administration before / since. The demographic profile of those crossing the border has changed, too, people traveling in families, not single adults, accounted for the majority of those apprehended last year (56%). And most of those apprehended were from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, which have struggled with violence and a lack of economic opportunities , and that represents a notable break from the 2000s and early 2010s, when Mexicans accounted for the vast majority of those apprehended.The Mexican border is a more complex issue than you (and most others) are making it out to be, and until we find a a way to address the root of the problem, it will never be resolved, and building a wall will not solve the problem.

No, my disagreement with the illegal southern border crossing is in no way shape or form, political.
I brought my wife in the legal way. It took me several years to get her citizenship. We spend thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours and thousands of miles.
So, your understanding of my view is 100% wrong.
The majority of people do not have a problem with immigration. We have a problem with the one that do not use port of entries. Known as illegals, breaking the US laws the first step into this country. That’s what we need, more criminals.
2021, 2022 and 2023 are more than doubled (+) the numbers of 2019.

I misread this first time round as “I bought my wife”. Funny, no?


…and your reply tells me you are very very much unaware of the US / Mexican border crisis, you are speaking from a position of entitlement, a person with the means and a way, has absolutely no comparison to what is occurring on the US southern border. These people are poor, seeking a better life in a land they perceive / hope will offer them (and their families) more and better opportunities, they have no one on “the other side” to pay their way, and do the legal work to gain entrance, these people are just seeking a place to work and be able to provide for their families, and while I am by no means a religious person, that right should be afforded to every living being.

Living in Texas, I have no clue I of what is going on at the border. Valuable point? But I agree with you, it is a crisis.

What is my titlement? My position? I went to the Embassy in her country and asked what do we have to do to allow her in the US and with whom do we deal with, once in the US.
Oh, ya I was a Millionaire, living pay check to pay check. FYI back then E4 and below qualified for welfare.
Them are poor, while paying the cartel thousands, looking for a better life, believing they don’t have to follow the laws.
Please, if you don’t know how the system works, asking what steps to take.
Thank you for wanting Veterans to live on the street while illegal live in 4 star hotels.
Thank you.

You have a closed mind, you refuse to look at the whole problem, only as it pertains to you, and at what point did I say I wanted vets to live on the streets ? You sir, are blowing smoke, how does the southern US border crisis regulate vets to living in the streets, you are speaking of 2 different issues, neither associated with the other, other than their being the failure of the the US Congress and every President in recent memory. No President has been able to properly address the Texas / Mexico border, Trumps was a cheap unreliable solution , which never worked.