US Election 2024 antics

The whole problem? First thing they do once they step into this country - they broke the law, bottom line.

That money they are giving to illegals, could be used for Americans. Bottom line.

It keeps being referred to as a crisis. That, in it self, is a problem. It not a good thing!

The “whole” problem is, there is no one addressing the actual problem, and your Trumpism policy of branding those who do not agree is doing naught for the situation, by throwing in unassociated issues does no more than watering it down, actually making it appear as what it is, a propaganda ploy to rile up the extremist elements of Trump supporters.
On to your political ploy of attempting to connect the border crisis to US veteran benefits /needs, these needs have not been addressed (to any extent) by any recent Congressional session , nor prioritized by any recent President, and these are benefits / needs we have earned, the US Congress (and Presidents) have let the US military down, even so far as deporting some vets who have honorably served. .
Basically Mr. Robin, you have no appreciable argument, a complaint, no argument, and like the US government, no idea of how to address it.

And you still haven’t said what the “whole problem” is. IMO It started the day Biden took office.

Changing words from the “whole problem” to the “actual problem” doesn’t define any point.

Democrats don’t even want Biden as president. And the best they can come up with is VP Harris, you know the one that is the border Csar that went to El Paso once and paid central American counties millions to stop their citizens from leaving.

Wake up America.

Had you taken the time to read my posts you might have some idea of what the current problem is, and it’s not Mexico. The obvious problem is the stability . or instability of the countries ( El Salvador / Guatemala, and Honduras) they are coming from, and it’s gotten worse, of course you are going to make it political, because that is all you know how to do, and is also the problem with all American politicians. This coming election is a lose lose for working class Americans, we get senility from from both candidates, and with Trump, we also get a traitor and convicted criminal too boot.

I see the wife of the next probable President is selling tat again.This time to commemorate 4thJuly.
What with Eric,Junior and the others,the Trumps make a really classy team. :grinning:

No, I’m not trying to make it political. I’m just starting facts that this administration is doing that doesn’t make sense.

The United States Agency for International Development announced $42.5 million in new humanitarian funding for the people of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. This brings USAID’s total humanitarian funding for these three countries to nearly $261 million since April 2021.Feb 15, 2023

There are other countries with higher stability problems the those countries and other countries closer to them that have lower crime rates then the US.
It is not the US job to save the world.

So, that reasoning just does not make sense. That 261 million could of help Americans that are in need. Along with all the other funds being used to transport, feed, house the illegals.

Accusing others of do things the current administration do is a good example of socialism. Doing it all the time.

False accusations or is there some bases to that?

In US funding terms, these are all very small numbers. The defense budget is $840 billion. So the $261 million is 0.03% of the defense budget. Small, small, small. But the point is not the relative scale. It is the simple truth that providing humanitarian support in countries where people have historically left to go the US is one way to reduce that flow of migration. And a good way. I’d suggest a great way - make these stable but not wealthy countries a bit wealthier. Then fewer people leave, more people can buy stuff and countries that make stuff people buy can sell their stuff. Win - win. It is perhaps the job of US to find sensible ways to help others and thus help itself.
And trim a mere half percent from the defense budget to help those Americans in need would be really, really powerful. $4.2 billion powerful. Not a pitiful $260 million.

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The reason why it doesn’t make sense is because everyone appears to think only one nation can solve the US southern border crisis, it will take all the involved Nations working together to solve this crisis, and until you get the cooperation of all the North and Central American Nations involved, this crisis will never be resolved. Meanwhile thousands upon thousands of refugees are trekking across Central America (starving / dying) trying to find refuge in a country where they may work and raise their families.
We have only to look at some of our own cities to understand the price of instability. The job market / economics, these are the driving factors in destabilizing any city / town / country. Between 1980 and 1985, and then again 2001 to 2009, there were precipitous declines in US manufacturing jobs; it is estimated that 1/3 of U.S. manufacturing jobs vanished in the eight years between 2001 and 2009, and few have returned, the worst period for U.S. manufacturing since the Great Depression. Cities like Detroit , Baltimore (my hometown), and many other cities, which were heavily reliant on manufacturing , lost factories and jobs because it was cheaper to invest overseas , and when people cannot find living wage jobs to support their families, they start seeking other means to survive, the US has lost 5 million factory jobs in the last 25 years alone, only to be replaced by low paying / no benefits service industry job, and crime has sky rocketed. This is a human problem, Mr. Robin, it is a shame Corporations don’t see it as such, in most cases they have caused the problems.

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Immoral psychopath or senile senior, The future looks scary.


Ok, let’s compare. US defence budget is for Americans. And has nothing to do with foreign countries. The 42.5 million is not for a single American. See the difference?
To reduce the flow if migration? Just like everything else this administration has dealt with, is a complete failure, because the numbers have increased since they received the funds.
Not understanding, if you say those migrants have no place else to go? If that is what is being stated, one might want to do a little research on south and Central American countries. If countries need aid, go to the United Nations.
Giving money to other countries, in no way does that put money in American pockets. Look at the cost of living now.
No, not cutting funds for Americans. I say cut these funds – U.S. foreign aid obligations jumped from $56.3 billion in 2021 to $70.4 billion in 2022. – cut every dime to foreign countries.

That’s interesting but it does nothing to stop the crisis on the southern border. The current administration has done nothing about it since coming into office and Mexico was assisting with the border until this administration changed thing to the worse.
Texas has bussed illegals to the sanctuary cities and they are crying because the got a few thousand and the border state are getting illegals in the million.

Neither had the previous administration, and the increase started during his watch. That is the problem with US politics, each side plays the “blame game” (not only on this issue) , and issues just continue to grow and manifest it’ self in other areas. We have not had competent leadership in the Oval Office since Obama left office, and Congress has only made it worse, and until an American leader comes forward and unites all the nations involved, working together to address this issue, it will only continue to get worse, partisan politics, along old and inept leadership, are going to be the ruination of this great nation, and the fault lies at the feet of the US voter, you get what you asked for. Humans are the most intelligent species known to man (species), and yet the dumbest. In the end our greed will be our down fall.

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Maybe the facts will help:

It was not congress that sign the presidential order. And the Democrats had control of Congress when Biden took office.

Actually, the US military is one for projecting force rather than purely defensive. It is all about overseas actions and presence. It also buys a fair bit of kit from other countries. The military budget also reflects the power of the US military industrial sector. This is not really about giving support to ordinary Americans. So no, there is not much difference.
Isolationism never works. It can look attractive but in practice this is such an interdependent, inter-connected work that there will always be overseas expenditure. And it does benefit the US to give to other countries - perhaps not directly and perhaps not immediately. There is also justified pressure for wealthy nations to support poor nations. If only to encourage people to remain in those countries and not become the migrants you so dislike.

IMO. The US is not here to protect other countries. Our primary concern should be US interests only.

And US defence fund does not include money and weapons provided to other countries. I provided the number above.

Started out, the US was giving minimal monies to central American countries. And the numbers provided above shows the the US pays more then most countries.

As per your norm sir, you are looking at the small picture, and as I said in an earlier post, your points and facts are shaded in political bias, and no matter who is President after the 2024 elections, the same problems will exist, and probably even worse , as I alluded to in previous posts, it is not an issue that can be resolved without the cooperation of all nations in the region, what is looming is a potentially even bigger humanitarian catastrophe. The irony of it all, is the “right” is supposed be a “Christian movement”, as in all religion it all depends on who you are, “Christian brotherhood” is very subjective, it’s very history speaks for it’s self, I grew out of it a young age, life taught me better.

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Small picture or facts? Political bias or facts?
The same problems will exist but as facts provided, the problem is 4 time worse since we his administration has taken office, fact.

The southern border is between the US and Mexico, no one else.

The Humanitarian crisis else ware, is not the US problem. The US need to put their attention to the crisis in the US first.

I can not believe their are no Christians in the left!

Yes, that is the rights in this country " Freedom of choice" and “freedom of religion”, your choices.

They damn well are. We come to their aid when they get into trouble and we expect them to help us as part of the ANZUS Treaty

Again, you have, or refuse to have, absolutely no idea what is going on. I know where the southern border is, and that “problem” you speak of is influenced by more than just the US and Mexico, and until the North and Central American countries come together to resolve it, it will only get worse.

There are Christians on the Left, what I should have said (forgetting you are in the south, my apologies), the extreme right, because not all right -wingers are extreme (my most sincere apologies to the moderate right) and advocates of Trumpism.

Humanitarian issues are issues of the world, everyone’s problem, we are all human, and every religious work known to man advocates for the poor and less fortunate :

Islam considers helping the poor and needy a fundamental religious duty**. Fulfilling this duty strengthens one’s faith and demonstrates a commitment to the teachings of Islam.

James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

The biblical laws of Tzedakah translated these principles into concrete religious and legal duties. In the Book of Deuteronomy, God commands the Israelites “to open thy hand unto the poor and needy.” For Jews, this aid is not a voluntary act of kindness-it is obligatory.

Find a religious concept, and it will tell you, the poor and impoverish are the problems of everyone.


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