US Election 2024 antics

Just read wiki about the treaty, NZ will not allow nuke weapons or nuke powered vessels in their territory.
Kind of voids the agreement. Australia just bought a nuke sub from a US company.
I would void that treaty out, see you at the table.

And that treaty has nothing to do with the US southern border.

It’s the US southern border. Don’t need anyone else to decide our border laws. Not even the UN.
Sorta like your neighbors deciding what your house payment should be, what concern is it if your neighbors, none.

And as I said before. Your choice and your religion.

Mine is agnostic, my choice.

I find objectivity and compassion in all your posts.That’s very rare when people are talking politics.Thankyou.

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Nope definitely still valid, look at the rotation of US troops through the NT and the facility at Pine Gap

(we don’t get any nuke subs until 2030s, though why we need them at all is beyond me)

I am as unreligious as they come, also an agnostic, but I know 2 things, so go one of us, so go us all, and your views confirms what I have thought all along, you are a disciple of Trumpism and an ardent proponent of tyranny, and as I said before, your way has no chance of securing the southern border, tyranny is not the answer, no nation is an island unto it’s self…

So Japan and others believe in tough border control. Must be Fascists?


Regards the shooting of Trump:

There are many examples of Dems and MSM saying Trump is a Nazi / Fasist.

Here are 2 examples of the Liberals contributing to an air of intimidation, Biden included


I am assuming you know what Fascism is, so you already know your statement is utterly ridiculous, and relates in no way to Fascism. As far as Trump goes, he cares not about the extreme right, but about achieving total power.


…and of course you have omitted all what Trump and his supporters have said and done, even the hand slap the joke called the US Justice system gave the Jan.16th traitors who invaded the US Capital, nor the threats of coming events should Trump be reelected.
When discussing politics it is all about power and control, we think only of ourselves, not about the nation as a whole, so everything is biased, there is no “commonsense”, just greed: and that is why the human race, inspite of it’s initellectuallity, will go extinct.Ohhh, yes, the person who shot him was a registered Republican.


The comments suggest that American people are in the same mindset as UK. Ashamed, alarmed and disillusioned by politicians, media and the dangerous hype that leads to violence.

Detailed account from eye-witness who spotted man on roof.


Excellent summation, thank you.

Gun law is far stricter after Dunblane. The latest violent incident involved a crossbow.

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LOL. Registered Republican. Like the way that was zoomed in on. One gets registered to a party by voting in the preliminaries. So if one votes for anyone in the political party
run offs, say to give another person their vote, instead of the leading candidate. They get registered in that party.
It’s not like signing up to be in a certain party.
Let’s not mention the whole truth, to make it like an unbiased point. He did donate to the Democrats party. It’s more interesting just to say he’s a registered Republican. Make since to shoot your parties candidate. :frowning:

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One thing the attempted assassination has ensured is that Trump is a shoo in as President unless Biden stands down and someone pretty remarkable stands in his place.


I think the campaign trail should continue as before. If the person wanting to become President, they should get out in front of people, to let them see what they really are getting for their vote.
Look what happened when one campaigned from his basement. Where the taped and edited clips passed on to television broadcaster, making him look all hunky doory. When that same person went live, live broadcast were switched off, white house staff shout down questions, the mic gets turned off. Other times on live broadcast, no one could figure out what he was talking about. Yes, his handlers can guide him off stage, guide him away from questions, etc.
That is why the campaign trail should continue and it will show which party is the violent ones, the party that chase people into bathrooms, interrupt/interfere with people that try to have a meal in peace in public places.

Just saying what the evidence has revealed, I’m sure you will supply us with the extreme right wing version, shucks, you will probably have Joe Biden in the conspiracy theory. I’m not a fan of either, and I think they both are a lose-lose for the future of the US, but ol’ Donnie Trump has given the US nothing but lies and incitement, along with collaborating with a foreign power to gain office, so do not be suprised at anything they find.

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…and that is why Trump “almost” was assassinated, to hopefully get the sympathy vote, either way, it’s lose lose for the American people, and Democracy.

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Wow, their are some far stretched stories. Again, trying to pass them off as facts. In which are far from.

Ya, that’s what Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan were going for, sympathy votes.

I can go along with that ;-).

The real big money is behind Trump.They have never had anyone so unprincipled and stupid and malleable.They know for the right price they’ll get deregulation and less tax.


Yes, that is very irritating to Americans, by putting Americans first.

What true American doesn’t support “make America great again”.
It really doesn’t matter what country your from everyone should believe that.
(Make YOUR COUNTRY HERE great again)

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