US Election 2024 antics

What is irritating is that truthfully, Trump’s following never cared about the best interests of America, Trump’s following is a make up of extremist right -wingers who wish to push their belief concepts on the US, while Trump’s goal ( and Trump has publicly admitted) has always been to be President / dictator for life.

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We all know those have been hollow accusations that have been told for years. The truth is easy to prove because the facts are out there.
The world is seeing the true colors of the socialist Democrat in the US. History is just repeating itself, where they try to get rid of their political opponents.

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…there is the propaganda the Trumpers keep putting out there, then there is the truth. Everyone knows Trump is a compulsive liar.

Good point and reading through here, I honestly see here the propaganda (accusations) made with truth and facts backing it.

Admit it or not, this will be an awful election year for the USA, lose - lose, Traitor / convicted criminal Donald Trump (who should not be eligible) against senile Joe, and I was tempted at one point to forget about voting, but Joe Biden (with Kamala Harris backing him up) is better to be President than a tyrannical Donald Trump, who literally did nothing in his one term as President but divide a nation, and if he returns, it is very doubtful this nation would survive another 4 years.

Trump shooting souvenir T-shirts already on sale after assassination attempt

US politics, geared to rear up Fascist America.

I am so eagerly waiting to hear responses on the Trump souvenir shirts on sale so soon after the assassination attempt, my bet this was a well acknowledged assassination attempt designed to fail.

Several shots fired with one whizzing past Trumps Ear, and another one taking out a security guard? Sounds a bit risky to me raven…And what about poor old Crooksy? “Here’s a job for you Thomas, just shoot off Trumps ear to give him a better chance of winning the election…Oh! and by the way…You will be shot dead after your attempt”… :009:

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Indeed, he moved just at the right time, USA should be very concerned about the failure of security. The hype around Trump made this inevitable, his reaction saved his life and showed his true character, strong, defiant.

It took 6 seconds from the first shot until the elimination of the shooter. That is very good reaction time. Could it have been prevented, a very good possibility.
But the thing is, all the ones calling the lack of security after the fact, could not or did not see the problem before the shooting. Anyone can can see the mistakes after the fact. If they want to impress me, make the call before shots are fired. Look around, there has been times when shooters have be stopped before hand.

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I can give numerous examples where Trump was putting Americans first.

Did read and make of it what you will.

The gunman was reported and spoted before he started to shoot and the marksmen where ordered not to fire.

When he opened fire they shot him 6 seconds later.

Fox news.

Former US Army sniper on Trump assassination attempt: ‘One of the easiest shots’ (

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Actually, all you have to do is look at the film to see that is not true, only one shot came close to Trump,else secret service agents would have been hit, and the first thing heard afterwards, Trump would be a shoo-in for the election, guess the , guess the father killed and 2 wounded was just collateral damage.

…of course you would sir, probably even a couple where Trump was the actual hero.

This will explain it in more detail. This is from Harvard University

A load of questions which may be answered in due course. Let the law enforcers get on with providing the facts.

I did agree a little with the video.
True. 130 yards is what we called “a give me shoot”. Meaning there is no excuse for missing a target that close. I don’t think that 20 year old had weapons training, there for the miss. That close of a shot would not been done by a professional. A professional would want as much distance as possible for a higher chance of escape.
I still think the reaction time was fast. Locating, distancing, aiming and firing was quick for 6 sec.

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(38) :rotating_light: LIVE: Secret Service And Police CLASH Over Trump Attack - YouTube

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