US Election 2024 antics

Oh my goodness, women now have to water down and justify the exact sort of rights men take for granted?!? A much better re-writing would be: only regressive men think there is any argument against women / minorities / gays having the same rights as privileged white men have taken for granted for centuries.
Now why they think that is a whole other exploration of such a mindset that isn’t appropriate for a thread about the US elections.

Lol, I’m saying GENUINE progressives fully support womens rights to single sex spaces and sporting opportunities.

Rights were fought for by women but now men are telling women to pipe down on womens rights.

As JK Rowling says, all the ‘progressive’ men who women thought were on their side, have thrown women under the bus and only support womens rights when they suit men, eg abortion

Errmm … It was you who posted the link explaining that “Brandon” was a coded insult for Joe Biden and now I’ve thanked you for explaining that it’s an insulting reference to Joe Biden, you seem to be turning it round on me as if I’m the one who called it insulting - when it was you who posted the link! :woman_shrugging:t2:

When I read the link, it sounds just like silly playground games to me, not worth getting offended over.

Anyway, it gave me a laugh when you said I was the one being rude for thinking someone called Brandon may be another politician - :joy:

Why did you think to mention 'minorities/gays and privileged white men Lincs? I thought only women were mentioned…I hope you are not suggesting that Conradd is a homophobic racist just to bolster up you discussion and make him look bad… :018: Naughty!


Only white middle aged men would stoop to elbowing women aside and taking sports funding that was meant to enable women


In your opinion “it sounds like silly playground ground games”.
I use a phrase being used by hundreds of thousands of a Americans use in objection to the current president. Which may be offense to his nonsupporters and it is a none violent or disruptive way of protesting his administration. Not like the left that demonstrate their opposition with destruction and violence against Trump.
The chanting is done with no violence or distruction of property. And I can give numerous occasions of this happening and can’t find a single occurrence of this happening on a playground.
I myself prefer nonviolent and nondestructive protesting.


I’m pro womens rights.
Women are 51% of the population.

ANY man can gain access under Labours GRC policy.

Men will jump at the chance to impose themselves into womens spaces so they can expose/ intimidate/ get off on the power they have to override womens dignity.

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If you don’t mind me saying, I’m not the one who is taking offence here.
I think it’s daft and I’m just exercising that much vaunted free speech by saying so - but I don’t care if other people want to exercise their free speech with a bit of harmless chanting - chant away!

I think we’ve exhausted this conversation now, so that’s it from me :wave:t3:

Another dishonest antic from Trump.

Good news for dictator Trump.
Russia,China and now USA it’s your turn.

But presumably that also means that Biden now has complete immunity for anything he decides to do whilst in office…?

How refreshing to see some common sense has finally returned to the farce that is the American judicial system. But it’s something that most people knew already. I think the American way of life has dodged a bullet…

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Common sense?
Trump made no presidential actions in the run up to 6 Jan - just self-serving actions (and inactions). Yet the very partisan surpreme court judges (well, 6 of them) decided that any action taken whilst in office is presidential. Even actions that could have, were designed to, led to insurrection.
M’lord, I beg to differ.

Working with half the information, this is some of the things they left out of the January 6 committee.

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Some people are more concerned with furthering their belief concepts, without the regards for the rights of others, hence you hear bashing of the Left or bashing of the Right, when in reality bothsides have let the working class down. Trump is a dictator wannabe( in addition to being a traitor and convicted criminal), with as much an issue of his aging mind as Biden, supporters of bothsides will lie and say they don’t, but it is obvious they do. We (in the USA) need to start voting for candidates who are young, energetic, and Moderates, and there need to be both term and age limits (or at least mental evaluations), or the USA will at some become embroiled in another Civil War, and that will spell doom for Democracy here in the US. We need to return to to being a nation for the people, of the people, by the people, all the people.


That is the problem with politics, we are so quick to point out the faults of those we oppose, and then turn around and cover the same faults of the people we favor.


This is what happens when you fail to balance your courts, justice has become a farce. No person, no matter who they are, should be above the law of the land, pure hypocrisy.


Trump’s control of the Supreme Court even though he has no Presidential authority at the moment is quite astonishing.
Personally if I was falsely accused of something I’d want to go to court to clear my name.
Trump’s delaying tactics speaks volumes.


Before Trump was in office the left leaning press was headlining faults they did not agree with before he was even in office. Since then there has been literally hundreds of lies and accusations made against Trump.
But when the table is turned and the facts are coming to the surface, they same one say that the truth and facts should not be shown.
I am a firm believer, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If one starts throwing stones, then stones are thrown back there is absolutely no end until the ones starting it, are taken care of ten fold.

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There was never a problem until verdicts are against what one wants.
Say ing Trump stacked the supreme court is foolish, it’s just the way the cards fell. When a judge retires, there is a set amount of time to have the judge replaced.
I can’t understand the mentality of that. Pure ignorance!

On Tuesday, May 16, a group of U.S. Senate and House Democrats [reintroduced] the Judiciary Act of 2023, a bill that would add four seats to the U.S. Supreme Court, bringing the bench from nine to 13 justices.

They didn’t get what they wanted, so they intentionally try to stack the deck. See the difference??