US Election 2024 antics

yes it seems so
and that in itself says a lot about how real or not equality for women is in US

It remains one of the very few, if any, other western nations not to have had a women leader at some point.

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I don’t think it’s got anything to do with the fact that she is a woman. She just wasn’t suitable for the position… :009:

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Has anyone been consuming bleach?

If suitability was in any way correlated to being voted in, we would not have had the muppet show of the last few years in our own country OGF. Clinton was a far stronger candidate than Trump, but Americans will never vote in a woman President.

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Refering to the video in post #1152

It appears Harris is very unelectable in 2024 too

I wonder if Michelle Obama was more electable? Or was that a bridge too far?

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I was just talking about this to someone IRL. A woman would only be seen as having any value in a presidential race in the US if she is nepo’d via the previous success of her husband. She is then associated with that man. On her own a woman has no political value in the eyes of a large swathe of US voters. Goes back to Vance’s “cat lady” remark. It’s how many voters think.

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I think the Dems lost it.Having all those rich celebrities at your rallies is not going to appeal to poor working folk.


Because everyone knows what the Republicans and Trump bring to the table, tax cuts for the rich, favoritism for Corporate America, the working class, the poor , and the elderly will bare the burden, there is absolutely no upside to trump’s reelection for anyone but the affluent, Corporate America, and the extremist Christian Right.

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I disagree. I think it has a lot to do with it.

And anyway it isnt just Kamala - no other woman has been elected leader either.

US remains one of the very few, if any other, western countries for that to be so.


Exactly. The USA has a long way go in the “inclusion department”,all because of hypothetical religious writings of man, which is without an iota of proof.

I think she (Michelle Obama) would be appealing for 2 reasons, 1- Her husband was the very best President we’ve had since (at least) Bill Clinton, 2- Obama’s success and experience along with his nurturing would potentially offer us the second best candidate (at least) for President since Bill Clinton, this would absolutely scare Republicans.

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Donald Trump is clearly fading mentally and physically. His running mate was handpicked by a Kremlin-agent white supremacist (Tucker Carlson) and two creepy far-right billionaire techno-authoritarians (Peter Thiel and Elon Musk).

This is not the election you think.
1/ No Trump voter is saying that they are voting for Trump because they want J.D. Vance to be president. Or Elon Musk. Or Peter Thiel. MAGA voters believe they will be getting MAGA if they vote red.

They are absolutely not going to get that. They are going to get the opposite.

12/ Elon Musk will be U.S. co-president if Trump wins… not with Trump, but with Peter Thiel.

J.D. Vance, who—again—is in a cult in which Peter Thiel is his mentor and superior and which is headed by Curtis Yarvin, would simply be the executor of a techno-authoritarian agenda.

Seems a bit far fetched but …who knows???


Traitor Don was never suitable for the job, and was elected twice, so most any moron could march right (especially with the help of the Fascist Right.


Think that you will find that Clinton won the popular vote.

More Americans voted for Clinton than Trump in 2016

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What did Obama do that was so great ?

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Trump looking to make drastic changes.

To be fair Joe Biden should have stepped down sooner than he did, leaving her not much time to prepare. Inconsistency did not convince Democrats.

The prospect of electing the first female president didn’t rank high as a motivator for voters. Only about 1 in 10 voters said the fact that Harris would be the first woman was the single most important factor for their vote, while about one-quarter said it was an important driver, but not the most important.

Denise Martin in Georgia had a grim view: “I really feel like the majority of Americans still aren’t ready for a woman. They are so short-sighted.” That included, she said, some fellow female voters.

To me here in the UK Trump just seems to be more ‘American’ than Harris, and I have always regarded diversity as a bit silly and counter productive. It shouldn’t matter about your gender or the colour of your skin, you should be employed/elected because of your ability to do the job.
Of course there will always be people (women in this case) arguing about their rights and wanting to be represented. If you prove yourself to be a woman of the people, they will elect you. Now, no more of this nonsense… :009:

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Trump has run 3 times, Clinton, Biden, and Harris, he (Trump) has only won the popular vote against Harris.

I know.

That was not my point.