US Election 2024 antics

I’ve been wondering of the source of this information?
It does not come from the Oxford dictionary.
It does not come from the Webster dictionary.
Wondering if this is a quote straight out of the tabloid " New York Times". Where the reading comprehension, at its best, is equivalent to a 16 year olds reading level.

Thank you, this is a good example of preteen mentality. It was the mentality incompetent left media, again, reporting fake news, not factual. Shows how the mentality incompetent, do not check/investigate information they print/report.
Maybe, under a socialist country, one may not be allowed to pose with a family at their son grave sit. News flash - it’s not illegal in this country, no matter what freaks believe.

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Traitor Don’s followers hate the truth.

I would say Seth Meyers nailed it :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

My question to Robin, I know you are a Christian extremist in ideology, but can you actually in all honesty, you support fruit cake traitor Don :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

this is a good example of preteen mentality

My Oxford dictionary says exactly that:

Perhaps you have an abridged edition?

…of course, because I do not support a convicted felon, compulsive liar, a fraudster as well as a traitor to our country, gotta be something wrong with me, in addition to my being a liberal : ‘Liberal’ shares a root with ‘liberty’ and can mean anything from “generous” to “loose” to “broad-minded.” Politically, it means "a person who believes that government should be active in supporting social and political change.(for those who think us "Yanks do not know what a Liberal is :wink: ) , but not to tyranny.

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The right have tried to hijack the word liberal and make it seem like a bad thing. Its not, it is simply trying to move a nation forward to the benefit of most not just a very few.
Being neo-conservative is a bad thing, thinking the trickle down effect of tax cuts for the rich works in reality is a bad thing, imposing religious believes on others is a bad thing, not supporting those in real need is a bad thing, divisive & poor education is a bad thing, allowing bad corporate behaviour to go unchecked is a bad thing. That is, bad for a nation as a whole.

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Sorry, I don’t see the “devious” part.

You’re not looking, it is there several times over

devious = (of a route or journey) longer and less direct than the most straightforward way.
“they arrived at the town by a devious route”

Oxford again

Just think of the word deviate and you’ve got it weave means exactly the same

I do not support a convicted felon

Lol, are you saying you supported him before the conviction. The answer is “no”. Don’t know the purpose of that statement.

compulsive liar

You supported Biden, he is a lier too. Not sure where your line is drawn. That line looks like a rollercoaster.

gotta be something wrong with me.

Can find anything to oppose that.

Liberal’ shares a root with ‘liberty’

Grabbing for strings there. Shares a root with the English language too.

can mean anything from “generous” to “loose” to “broad-minded.”

“Generous” as long as they don’t have to donate. “Loose”, agree it showing on all the news information. PS. Common every day things, normality or normal things don’t make the news. So that would put it in the abnormal column. “Broad-minded”, we’ve seen that too. Wanting abortions up to the time of birth. Wanting books in school libraries that you can’t even read aloud in the school board meeting. And list goes on.

tyranny - cruel and oppressive government or rule. I would like to see information on that.


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That’s an example as not a straight route. Could be traffic jams or accidents but not necessarily wrong. So I’ll give you that one but take it as a good thing.

Notice in the first example, refers to politician and it does not exclude any politician. From local to national.

showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals.
“he’s as devious as a politician needs to be”

(of a route or journey) longer and less direct than the most straightforward way.
“they arrived at the town by a devious route”

Robin, you are so blinded by your hatred for Democracy and anything not Christian Fascist Right, no evidence in the world would be acceptable to you, lest it meets the approval of traitor Don. The only thing a true freedom loving American can do is to work to keep your leaders out of office. I will say this, I think ol’ TT (traitor Trump) is / has been good for American politics, we have, over the years, become complacent, thank you sir (and yours), for reminding us of the dangers you people present to Democracy (and a stable government).
PS-I’ll go so you can print your lies and propaganda.

Thank you for proving my point, you don’t have a clue on what you’re talking about.

Thank you again. For your preschool antics. Having to return to childish name calling for the incompetence of articulating your point.

My view can be changed, but using mentally impaired movements, will not and can not change my mind. It seems that you can’t provide a sensible or reasonable point of view.

Watch where people will try to accuse others of being something that actually reflect closer upon the accuser then the ones they try to accuse.

No it cannot (your view being changed), you’ve but to read the news, and you know he is a compulsive liar ( Trump), a fraudster, a traitor, a collaborator, and an insurrectionist. You complain about Biden, Trump is just as bad (mentally). Some may blame your views on ignorance sir, but I know better, we’ve done this many times before on Buzz50.

So you two have a history ?reminds me of the Major and Hannassey in Blanco Canyon. :grinning:

Didn’t realize I had called you any names, I was just pointing out the truths of your political philosophy. What is really hilarious about you (and many Trump supporters), is you not only support a wannabe Fascist dictator, but one who is as mentally impaired as Biden.

What proof or facts do you have to back that statement. Truth/fact not so two bit accusation.