US Election 2024 antics

No I didnt wonder about that at all - your post really has no connection to what I said which was purely about something Trump suppossedly said about last election.

I made no comment about where he suppossedly said it at all.

Never mind - I thought it was too reasonable a thing for Trump to have said and it proves to be so.

I’ll walk you through it, it not hard to follow:



Trump campaign, Arlington National Cemetery staff clash at event

The campaign is disputing reports of the incident, which stemmed from federal rules on filming military burial sites.

When you think he can’t go lower,there he goes.

Then this is posted



Trump campaign, Arlington National Cemetery staff clash at event

The campaign is disputing reports of the incident, which stemmed from federal rules on filming military burial sites.

When you think he can’t go lower,there he goes.

I then replied

No need.

My post was not about where he was or any other report of any incident but simply commenting on a so called quote of Trump’s which turns not to be a quote of his.

which I have pointed out many times already - clearly to no avail

I didnt think what I said was hard to follow - but clearly it was. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Time to move on.

If one follow the replies back, it was about the situation at Arlington. Nothing else except to drag the conversation off topic.

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A selection of the Gold star familes replays to Harris attack on Trump.

They asked bothTrump and Harris to attend.

Why Gold Star Parents Are Torching the Harris Campaign Right Now (

Gold Star families slam Kamala Harris for ‘playing politics’ over Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery (

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my posts weren’t though - they were purely about what Trump suppossedly said , not where how, anything else about it.

so, moving on

so as not to hijack thread on he said/she said semantics, I am leaving this point alone now

feel free to have the last word

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Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi reacts to ‘Swifties for Kamala’ (

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Sorry, I’m not American and I don’t recognise the term gold star family. My first guess would have been its a name for a family where many generations have worked at McDonalds. (Don’t get offended folks, it was only a little joke and not in any way disrespectful of families of service men & women.)
Also, “Townhall”? You get your unbiased info from Townhall. Again, never heard of it - so I had to look it up. Then I understood. Townhall was set up by the Heritage Foundation as a publisher of misinformation on anything from climate change to women’s rights over their own bodies. The Heritage Foundation I had heard of - a lobbying group bankrolled by right wing billionaires to push for even more right wing governments and policies… which will benefit billionaires.
So thanks for that opportunity to share.

Billionaires are people too

There is another example of misunderstanding: Town Hall and Townhall.

Towmhall owned and operated by Salem Communications

Just curious - what the hell is a “Gold Star” family (or parent)?

Take your research one step further. Currently owned by Salem. But established by the Heritage Foundation. Which is what I wrote. The Heritage Foundation - them that have written Project 2025. Which should make everyone very scared.

Was founded. It not owned by them now. Past tense. How many things can be put in past and have any relevance. Information is intentionally left out to sway the audience.

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Townhall is still a very right wing propaganda rag. Its editorial approach did not change with ownership. So not in the past, very much in the present. Absolutely the evangelicalist, hard right messaging that Heritage Foundation and all the other Trump fan groups that push the same regressive messages. Oh, almost forgot to mention that Salem Comms is another hard right group. Salem was the distributor for that film equivalent of a lying cow pat, 2000 Mules.
Meanwhile Trump is going all (even more) senile on us. He seems to have forgotten that it was himself who dumped on Pence. Bigly. Seriously, Trump has age related issues.

Trump:" You know, I do the weave. You know the weave? I weave stories together. Friends of mine that are, like, English professors, they say it’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen."

(One of the Oxford English Dictionary definitions of ‘weave’ is ‘to pursue a devious course.’ James Shapiro, a professor of English at Columbia University)

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Quite an interesting (Australian) interview with Donald Trump’s former communications director Anthony Scaramucci. He is no longer a fan.

“They are feeding their base”

“The Democratic Convention was mostly black and 80% women” not the Merican demographic

Of course I have no idea who Seth Meyers is but this popped up in my Youtube feed and it did make me laugh:

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Only a fool or those in denial thinks what traitor Don does with any media and / or filmed is not political.