US Election 2024 antics

I agree - it has nothing to do with her gender (or her race)

I agree it has to do with the things you suggest - and contempt for Trump.


I hear Trump was making up more things. This time that Harris met with Putin five days before Russia invaded Ukraine. Harris did not meet Putin, ever. She met with Ukraine president Zelensky. So either Trump is maliciously making things up or he is as senile as Biden. Or both.

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Trump will lie, his puppets will swear to it. The thing about Trump one has to remember, he is not dumb, he knows what he is doing, it’s not important how many do not believe, it’s his few puppets who do believe, so he can keep them riled up and sending him money. Tyranny prefers for it’s followers not to think, just defend the tyrant and act / react.

That all appears to be true. But is this not totally dismal? This has barely been reported from what I can see. Trump blatantly and maliciously accuses his competitor of conniving with Putin just before a war, and clearly does so knowing he is wrong … and nothing happens. If a contender for the highest office in any European country made such wild, plainly wrong claim then that contender would be hounded and ridiculed. At best a humbling apology (and doubtless dismal excuse) would be required and most likely the candidate would be obliged to retire in shame. Very few would vote for someone displaying such poor judgement. So how is it that the United States has got to a state that it just accepts all this?

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Exactly my thoughts, and wonder how we have so many people who will close their eyes to the truth when they hear it come straight from the man repeating the lies?? We should be be a better country than this.
Lies are lies.
I vote for the truth.
Can you imagine if FD Roosevelt had skewed and manipulated the truth during the war years? He would have been impeached immediately.

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When you think he can’t go lower,there he goes.


Trump and his defenders will lie, lie , lie, that is the face of tyranny, but Americans know this, why do you think Kamal Harris is doing do well, it’s not just Democrats, it’s Moderate Republicans, they realize the cancer Trump and his following is. Biden’s ascension to the White House in 2020 was not just Democrats, it was alarmed Republicans, and '24 will be a repeat.

In such a diverse society as the United States, people come here (this country was built on people escaping the undesirable) to escape many tyrannical countries, and they brought with them their own ideas of what a “proper” society must consist( overlooking all the while the diverse society they all entering) with the intent of creating their dream society.

It seems unlikely that a vastly diverse people inevitably means that the media, the social media, the commentators, the pundits, and everyone who has an interest in how the country is run - all fail to hold Trump accountable for such extreme lies / false accusations. Worse, some within those groups think it is perfectly ok to ignore or even excuse such lies / false accusations. How is it that even that excusing is deemed to be acceptable?

You quoted it, research has been done. It a lie from BBC and anyone that uses it as a quote.

If the BBC and the like, a third grader can read the 36 CFR and it about employees of ANC. There are requests forms for the press but not individuals.

These are Harris supporters, lie, repeat lies with our checking information.

Loved the BBC news this morning “peaceful riots”. How stupid can people be. If it’s a riot, it’s not peaceful. But. Society has to let the village idiots put guidance in mindless people.


How you hold him (Trump) accountable is not to elect him, in a free society anyone may voice any thoughts they wish, and while one may sue , with traitor Don, one will have to stand in line, he has made a career out of lying, cheating, and defrauding people and / or business’. Trump has money, what he seeks is power, with power any / all things are possible, and his following are basically anarchists and religious zealots, which is to say they are of extremist ideology.


That is drama queen Don for you…

Different world, different attitudes, people are beginning to become complacent, taking their freedoms for granted, then the snakes start coming out of the wood pile(ala Trump).

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Uh oh. Changing their story now. Lied once they will again.

So you are saying this was not a quote from Trump, just made up by the BBC?

OK then - I thought it was too reasonable a thing for Trump to have said. As I said before, he made the well known nonsense about stolen elections - not semi reasonable statements about just losing.

“There is one thing you might have noticed I don’t complain
about, politicians. Everybody complains about politicians,
everybody says they suck, well where do people think these
politicians come from, they don’t fall out of the sky, they
don’t pass through a membrane from another reality,they come
from American parents, American families,American homes,
American schools,American churches, American businesses,
American Universities and elected by American citizens, this
is the best we can do, folks, this is what we have to offer.
This is what our system produces, garbage in, garbage out.”
-----George Carlin


I’ve been listening to the excellent “And the rest is politics USA” podcast. A very interesting take on the always off message & posting wild things approach by Trump. Their theory is such outbursts gain Trump media coverage while his core base likes all these crazy comments. It was estimated that this ploy is worth billions of free media coverage - and all exposure is good exposure for Trump.

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Both yes and no. They do help Trump pump up his supporters and keep donations coming in, but it also makes more and more potential voters realize the dangers Trumps return to the Oval office presents to the the American people has a whole., and many of the voters he is discouraging are the very people he is wooing, Christian America, all Christian are not of extremist ideology and recognize what danger a Christocracy offers.

There was mention of Harris’s interview on the news last night and comment that some of her answers were incoherent