US Election 2024 antics

That’s good idea, but I was just following on about your lead after the apple and oranges.
??? Guess only one side is allowed wonder off topic.

yes, fair point.

She is not standing as a president candidate but she is involved in the election campaign.

What does it mean for the campaign for both sides now that Robert Kennedy has dropped out and supported Trump?

Is it significant for either? or was he just a Mickey Mouse candidate anyway?

“This was the last week in office for me because of a horrible, horrible election where I got many millions more votes than I did the first time, but didn’t quite make it, just a little bit short,” Trump said. “Just a little bit short .”

Not stolen then?

According to an article on the ABC web site, If Australian voters decided the US presidential election, Kamala Harris would easily beat Donald Trump by 48 per cent to 27 per cent.

that doesnt surprise me Bruce - very few people either side of our political parties seems to have much time for Trump.

not according to that quote.

Clearly Trump made many other claims that it was stolen, a fraud etc

I don’t think one cherry picked quote somehow negates all of them.

When I browse this thread I am reminded of Frank Zappa who once labelled American politics “the entertainment division of the military industrial complex”.


Fascist Don and his following have openly declared war on the US Constitution (particularly the 1st Amendment), this along with his (Trump’s) goal of becoming "President for life " will be his downfall, brought about partnerships of Corpocracy, the Left, and the Moderate Right; all recognize the cancer Trump is, and his return to the Presidency would bring about the downfall of the United States of America. The supporters of Trump are a fanatical bunch, and the security of Pamala Harris should be a top concern for the US Secret Service.

The fact any judge finds any Congressional officer and / or President held to a different legal standard than all Americans should be held to,spells nothing but tyranny to any free society, no better than the drug cartels hold on South America, the US judicial system is a farce, playdough in the hands of the rich.

And I think this is because Trump brings nothing positive to the table, and (in my opinion) has nothing to do with her gender. She’s energetic, young, and idealistic, a breath of fresh air, so to speak; and a much better choice than 2 worn out greedy old white men, and yes, I’m white.

That would explain Netanyahu’s rapturous reception then.He’s keeping the USA arms industry profitable just on his own.

I think Trump believes his Supreme Court will help him win like they did Bush.

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Trump is running under the rubric of building a wall, which he couldn’t get done.

Harris is saying she will build the wall. FYI the number of illegals crossing the southern border because the are flying them in to different US cities to relieve the pressure on the border and letting immigrations at the air ports to pickup some of the load.

Harris choice for VP is talking about assault weapons is like the M16 he carried in combat. So, he has never been in combat, how or what is he comparing.

Harris was against Fracking the last 4 years but now Fracking is ok (to get your vote)

Biden is wanting to go around the legal system to stream line access to the US citizenship. That got stopped.

I agree - it has nothing to do with her gender (or her race)

I agree it has to do with the things you suggest - and contempt for Trump.


I hear Trump was making up more things. This time that Harris met with Putin five days before Russia invaded Ukraine. Harris did not meet Putin, ever. She met with Ukraine president Zelensky. So either Trump is maliciously making things up or he is as senile as Biden. Or both.

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Trump will lie, his puppets will swear to it. The thing about Trump one has to remember, he is not dumb, he knows what he is doing, it’s not important how many do not believe, it’s his few puppets who do believe, so he can keep them riled up and sending him money. Tyranny prefers for it’s followers not to think, just defend the tyrant and act / react.