US Election 2024 antics

Largely because they think the VP will promote the same agenda as the President, but that is faulty thinking, most VP candidates in recent elections are brought in to shore up the weaknesses of the Presidential candidate (Tim Kaine in 2016, Pamala Harris in 2020, Biden in 2008,…).

Good bit of nitpicking.He’s Trump choice for his next VP.Lots of money backing him and he won’t disagree with his master either.

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I watched a bit of Michelle Obama’s speech at the democrat convention.

You’d have to wonder why she isn’t a candidate.


You got my point then

I think she recognises that voters dont like the idea of a family dynasty - and so would be hesitant to vote for the spouse of a previous president.

I think that was partly the reason Hilary’s campaign failed.

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well obviously that was a light hearted comment about apples and oranges.

But anyway, no, referring to a person’s colour or race or ethnicity is not racist- obviously using derogatory words would be or making genalisations or assumptions based on race - but just saying person is x colour/race/ethnicity - that isnt racist.

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I agree and both disagree with your sentiment, but Barrack has been the closet thing to an actual leader the US has seen since 2016, I think she (Michelle Obama) would have been a formidable opponent.


“don’t count the lies, count the I’s”. Former President Clinton talking about Donald Trump at the Democratic Convention held yesterday.

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Although it’s always a cheap shot to refer to physical appearance, it’s not racist to make note of someone’s poor choice of make up cosmetic shade.


You might want to check that information. It had nothing to do with Bill Clinton. But thanks for the input.

Wonder why the “Washington Redskins” had to change their name?

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Yes I do think a man in the WH is best

First, my use of the word theory referred solely to Bannon’s writings on political strategy. The references to what Trump said and did are not theory. They are well documented. So much so that a third of the accused in the Georgia corruption case decided to plead guilty.
It is interesting that you set the US legal system as a benchmark of truth and veracity. I doubt many others would do so. The track record in the US of wrongful incarceration and highly dubious verdicts of not guilty is not a very good record. Extremely well paid lawyers go to extreme lengths to get their rich clients off the hook. Regardless of guilt or not.
It does seem you are going to depend strongly on the conclusion of the Senate trial following the Jan 6 rioting. Which is to say, a partisan house voted along party lines to exonerate Trump even though all the evidence was that he was guilty. And the conclusion of that, for any reasonable thinking person, is that Trump got away with it because his party backed him. Not exactly facts, was it?

One gender is no more / less qualified to lead than another, they both retain the same intellectual potential, so why would you think a man would be better leader ?

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How is Trump’s betrayal comparable, it is nothing but false extremist right -wing fabrication, you do not want a strong leader, you want one one can be manipulated and swayed, as Trump.

O Dear …you dont understand English sarcasm do you :innocent: :innocent:

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Deflecting again, was Trump found guilty of any wrong doing in Georgia? No, is the correct answer. That again is a fact.

Just because you don’t want to except our governments ruling. Matters not. Yes. All these want-a-be lawyers opinions matter not. Under this Republic, just because someone says , some is guilty, does not make them guilty. Another thing that makes this country one of the greatest in the world.

Again facts. Not theory

Tis cool bro, I was just interested as to why you might have felt that way. All Humans have the same potential, but some people feel men deal more from logic and women deal more from emotion and therefore less wars, but Joshua Schwartz of Carnegie Mellon and Princeton’s Christopher Blair argue that while, in general, women may have more pacifistic leanings than men, “women leaders face strong political incentives to be more warlike”.Mar 17, 2024

Prove your point with facts and not theories, opinions and bias. Proved facts so the puppet masters and present a case. But with out facts. It just a theory.

Like the GOP covered for Trump with impeachment hearings, his political supporters are intervening and dragging their feet in Georgia, so the case has never been resolved. You bring so many lame points and falsehoods. It is not that Trump has ever been exonerated, it’s just his political backers influenced the process so he may have a chance to get elected and with what Trump and his backers have planned, everything may just go away, but it won’t. Trump and his supporters are the most corrupt group to hit the political scene in over a century, at least since the early days of the American Mafia.