US Election 2024 antics

that is really silly.

People obviously change their minds and decide not to do things they had previously intended to do because of health or lack of support, or someone else having a better chance of success or whatever
From simple things like playing sport to hosting Christmas to standing for president
That isnt a lie - what you said was true and your genuine intention at the time you said it and then circumstances changed.

I also think changing your mind about policy if circumstances or situations change is a good thing - stubbornly sticking to the same decision regardless isnt a sign of honesty, it is a sign of inflexibility and pigheadedness

Above goes for anybody - it doesnt change depending whether I like or approve of the person.


Actually there is, not a useful point, just more right-wing propaganda to excite right-wing extremist, mean while Kamala Harris gains in the polls, and starts to wool more and more young voters, Independents , and Moderate Republicans, because voters are getting tired of what Trump and Biden has brought to the table the last eight years, but even having said that, Biden was the better pick in 2020 and would have been the better pick over Trump in '24, thankfully we have a younger,intelligent, and energetic option.

It is quite funny how Biden is still the focus of Trump and the GOP, could it be Trump and the Republicans are flabbergasted by the way Kamala Harris has come on the scene and seems to have taken control. Hilary had a of “political” ghosts to contend with, which made her vulnerable, still she actually won the popular vote (which is the true vote of the people), now Trump has nothing but lies, insults, and misinfo to use against Ms. Harris.An excerpt taken a Newsweek post about 2 hours ago : " Harris’ boosted chances of winning the election may be due to the increased enthusiasm among Democrats since she entered the race. This week, 60 percent of Democratic voters said they were “very or extremely enthusiastic about voting” in November, while 58 Republicans said the same.

Kamala Harris Takes New Lead as Likely 2024 Winner, Poll Shows
Story by Kaitlin Lewis• 2h • 2 min read!&&p=0075f47f5d3abf73JmltdHM9MTcyMjk4ODgwMCZpZ3VpZD0yZDA4M2FmOS05NWI1LTZjMTgtMzYwNy0yZTMyOTRiMTZkNWQmaW5zaWQ9NTQ0NA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=2d083af9-95b5-6c18-3607-2e3294b16d5d&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXNuLmNvbS9lbi11cy9uZXdzL3BvbGl0aWNzL2thbWFsYS1oYXJyaXMtdGFrZXMtbmV3LWxlYWQtYXMtbGlrZWx5LTIwMjQtd2lubmVyLXBvbGwtc2hvd3MvYXItQUExb3ExbFU_b2NpZD1CaW5nTmV3c1NlcnA&ntb=1

The GOP doesn’t actually have any intelligent women so don’t know how to deal with them.

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A lie is a lie. It does not matter if you change your mind or not. Period.

Phew, glad you’re content with your own individual definition. But do tell everyone - now that Biden is not running, and you have decided he is pure evil for not delivering on his commitment (or as we like to say, realised it would be a mistake to run), what will you do? You can’t not vote for him if he is not running. You can’t vote even more, even harder for Trump because it doesn’t work that way. My suggestion for your next best course of action is to directly write to Biden and make it clear that you are not going to vote for him. You do need to do something with your extreme disappointment in the man.
PS have you lived your own life entirely by delivering on every single statement of intent that you’ve made? Really?


This thread continues to be pure entertainment.

You go right on spinning yourselves into the ground without a dog in this hunt (sorry, mixed metaphors) while I go do the one thing you cannot in this election - skip off to my local precinct with proof of citizenship and make a very studied and educated vote.

Actually, check that :thinking: I forgot that this is the U.S.; hopefully I will find some man who will tell me how to fill out my ballot, being as stupid, oppressed, and submissive as I am :rofl:.

Carry on! :laughing:


:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :rofl: :joy:

OK name one in Trump’s entourage.

I just meant those that Trump listened to.

I didn’t include you obviously :grinning:

righto - have your own individual definition if you like.

Make sure you apply it equally to everyone though - not just to those you dont like or approve of.

If somebody is is coming to visit and has t o cancel because they are sick, make sure you call them a liar, for example

and make sure you apply same to all politicians, not just when it suits your narrative.

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I do, a person say they are coming to visit and does not come is a liar. But if someone say they are coming to visit, unless something comes up. Is not a liar. Very simple.

I’m going to ask again, have you never, ever made a statement of intent and failed to execute on that intent? I’m going to see you at 6pm; but arrived at 6:30pm (liar). I’m going to win this hand of poker; but didn’t (liar). I’m going get a better job this year; but only got rejections (liar). According to your own definition, you certainly, for sure, have been a liar at some point.

I think the mix up here is, you are referring to Trump followers, but I would like to point out, there are no “dummies” in either camps (Left or Right), there are only differences in ideologies and philosophies, and of course, greed.


Yes, that is a lie. And anyone thinks they have never lied is lying. And telling one lie makes that person a liar for life.

Thanks for clearing that up. So we all lie, and do so fairly often. And these little lies about our intent are accepted and forgivable because circumstances change, or goals are too great, or shit happens. But you don’t view Biden changing his mind in that way. Me thinks this is an example of double standards.


Yes, we all lie. And I was stating that Biden lied, along with everyone else, not just one person.

Another one people disagree with me about, slightly off subject, I’ll try to keep it short.
When I got out of the military at job interview, I was asked have you ever stole anything and said yes. In the military, they give you a ink pen to fill out paper work. When I got home and empty my pockets, there is a military ink pen. I consider that stealing an ink pen. So I started providing my own that I bought. So yes, I see myself as a thief.

And as you clarify, we are all liars, in the term of lying that we are discussing. So why even mention that Biden is a liar for not completing on something a said he’d do. Why not be more accurate and state “Biden is just like all of us”?
In the meantime you now confirm that you view yourself as a thief. I’d suggest that a thief is worse than a liar. So the statement you should be making is “I am a worse person than Biden”.
Now that clear, can we get back to the 2024 election?

Because Trump was being called out by name. Showing bias. I was just pointing it out, in which some still can except.

The old saying is if they steal, they lie. And everyone has accidentally or on purpose stole something in their life. Be it candy, cookie or a ink pen and if one can’t admit to themselves, proves the point they lie.

Trump was called out because he lies on an industrial scale. Daily. To call him out, and not others, for lying is not bias. It is simple accuracy.
However, he does live by that phrase - if they steal, they lie. He is good at both.

Biden lies every day on an industrial scale.