US Election 2024 antics

Did you not see what I said? Using a Democrat political ploy and trying to make it sound like it a Republican party movement. Hope this doesn’t come as a surprise but it laughable and I know it not right for me to be laughing at the mentally impaired. I’m sorry.

How about skipping the lies and propaganda, just facing the actual facts, Trump is a lying “blow hard”, and people recognise for the scumb he is.


sure, one can use emotive hyperbole like puppets and strings - or one could just look at the facts.

Biden has sensibly, for the good of the country as he sees it, agreed t o step down and the party has proceeded wit h Harris.

Eight videos that confirm that Biden was going to for re-election and then rightly decided not to run. And endorsed Harris, who is now confirmed to run.
Thanks for that little history of why Biden made the correct decision not to run. But I’m confused as to the point you are trying to make. This thread is about the 2024 election, which Biden is not running in.

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agreed, Lincolnshiore - not sure of point being made by videos - as usual people can find snippets of events that ‘prove’ something - and obviously one can find videos of Biden saying he was re running prior to him deciding not to - but what does that prove, we all know he has pulled out now

Seems like someone had all these videos ready to prove why Biden shouldn’t re run as he is getting old and frail - but point bit surplus t o requirements now, Biden himself has conceded that and stepped down.

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Well I’m no Doctor, but even I could see Sleepy Joe Biden was too old and decrepit to take on the job as President of the USA back in 2020…It was a shrewd move by him to bring in postal voting though…So easy to fiddle.

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Just to prove he’s a lier on repeated occasions.
Charging his mind, makes him a lier.

If he decides not to run makes him I lier. It doesn’t matter how you want to look at. Said one thing and did another, period.

Oh no, then you should not vote for him, if you’re that outraged.
I can’t be bothered to note that making a statement of intent, then reflecting that it is not possible or suitable to fulfil that intent, does not actually constitute a lie. So if bothered, which I’m not because he’s stepping down, I could readily defend the argument that Biden is not a liar. Trump however is definitely a liar. A proven one.

an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker or writer to be untrue with intent to deceive

I can provide more if need be.

An assertion of intent which does not come to fruition is not a lie. Two days ago the UK 1500m runner asserted that he would win gold. Yesterday that did not come about and he came second in the race. Nobody has suggested that he lied two days ago. His assertion was proven to be wrong, but he is not a liar.
And I do wonder what harm this so called deception by Biden has done. In what way are you affected? How is the US affected? Who got hurt?
On the other hand: