US Election 2024 antics

LOLOLOLOLOL, more right-wing propaganda, Biden tried to eliminate who ? LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Shucks, looks like Ms. Harris is doing that all by herself, or maybe real Americans want to continue as a Democracy and not another 2 bit dictatorship, or even worse, a Christocracy.

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Again that is your spin just using different interpretation making it sound somehow worse - but same as I said, without the emotive hyperbole, Biden was under pressure to pull out given the party saw more success with somebody else and he had enough integrity and self understanding to accept that and do so.

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‘Republicans for Harris’ member encourages Pence to endorse Harris: ‘Your voice can make an enormous difference’

I’m intrigued by him telling his supporters don’t bother to vote.Does he think he can fix it?Or get help from the Supreme Court like Bush?

“Here’s what all conspiracy theories have in common,
did you ever ask yourself this ?
There are people who are sure something is true,
that they want to be true, and they find evidence
in support of what they want to be true when there’s
an absence of evidence that should be there and isn’t,
or if there’s evidence that points against it.,
They have to invoke a conspiracy to keep believing
what they want and say the missing evidence was taken
by the government, or this conflicting evidence was
put in by the government to throw you off so that they
can continue to believe what they want, rather than have
the gaps in the data unravel what it is they think is true.”
— Neil deGrasse Tyson

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Sometimes a conspiracy theory turns out to be right Raven…The establishment are professionals, and have unprecedented access to the media to which we all take our lead.
They could even convince you that CO2 is having a drastic effect on climate… :rofl:

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Republicans Line Up to Endorse Kamala Harris
Story by Rachel Dobkin . 17hr


If that is the case then why are you so concerned about shipping food across the world if burning fossil fuel has no effect? Just buy it where ever it is cheapest.

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As I said before, the information is out.
Don’t run to the propaganda news stations check web sights that have “.gov”. Anyone can check them

Like I said above, check the government records (.gov). One will become better informed.

The party was telling him to pull out. Immediately after the debate. The puppet masters didn’t. So they had to find another puppet and then they cut the strings. Just look at the donations.

LOL. A Democrat organization calling them selves “Republicans for Harris”. The sad thing here is only a Democrat is desperate enough to quote it LOL.

From your statement provider

A Democrat organization, 10 times as many Democrats have become Republicans.
Of the Republicans that jump ship, how many are still in their position. None?

Or you could simply share your insights. Easier and quicker for everyone. If you raise something then it is only reasonable that people ask “explain please”.
Or is it all “nudge, nudge, wink, wink, if you know then you know”? (Answers my own question - of course it is, we are wading in the conspiracy mire already.)

the votes no more than signify the dissatisfaction of a divided country, a country fed up with it’s electoral options, there had to be a winner in 2020, just as there had to be a loser, but the 2020 election was lose-lose no matter how you voted, and the only winner in 2020 was Corpocracy. Mr. deGrasse was not pro-Trump, he was merely pointing out how divided we were / are as a nation, and if Biden or Trump returned to office in '24, the situation would only worsen. There is no way to tell how the '24 election will turnout, but hopefully we will have a fresh younger perspective, which I think Trump / Biden has helped to bring about.

Let’s do that and start from the beginning

Nasty and more than a little crazy. Trump is now promoting the Taylor Swift conspiracy theory. Let’s consider this - a very senior politician wants people to think that a pop star is at the centre of a secret service attempt to thwart him. That sits at the pathetic side of delusional.

Where does this information come from???

You were a comedian in your professional life, OR, you have absolutely no idea what is going on in the US political arena today, either way, as it appears today, Independents and Moderate Republicans are swaying towards Kamala Harris as the best option for 2024 and going forward.This signifies 2 things: 1-everyone on both sides of the isle recognize what Trump is bringing to the table, and that is tyranny, and while it just may be a Trump dictatorship, he is going to have to reward the fanatical Christian following which put him in power, in other words, a Christocracy, the most intolerant and brutal form of government known to man. 2- Everyone is tiring of the same old extremist leadership options we have had forced upon us since Mr. Obama left office, we are ready to move on to younger fresher ideas. Either way, we do not need a traitor and convicted felon (Donald Trump) in the Oval Office. So hit us with all your propaganda, but groups like “White Men for Kamala Harris”, “White Women for Kamala Harris”, and “Republicans for Kamala Harris”, suggests the country is tiring of the “old guard”, and think it’s time to move on.

I like the way you laugh it off, especially since Ms. Harris entered the ring she has neutralized the “swing States” and GOP strong holds such as Georgia have become “toss up states”

As Lincoln requested above. You posted

Republicans Line Up to Endorse Kamala Harris
Story by Rachel Dobkin . 17hr

On Sunday, the “Harris for President” campaign announced

“Republicans for Harris,”
A Democrat party political misleading–saying. It made by democrats.–
a program designed-- designed by Democrats --to “further
outreach++ looking for some republicans–efforts to the
millions of Republican voters— how did the Democrats the number and how do they know millions of Republicans reject anything. It’s a worthless state ment to keep the weak minded Democrats in step --++who continued to reject the chaos, division, and violence of Donald Trump and his —Project 2025 agenda.” Just because some village thinks that is true does not make it true. Show any information that trump is involved with that, anything