US Election 2024 antics

Sounds like good business to me…


LOLOLOLOLOL, every thing is a lie, except for all lies that spew from Donald Trump’s mouth , which his followers swallow hook , line and sinker .

Unless they decline protection, all former Presidents receive secret service for the remainder of their lives.


You dont see any conflict of interest or unethical behaviour in somebody organising that accomodation for their protection be in their own hotels or in any way that profits themself?


No I don’t see that as what happened.

I think Biden was under pressure from his party to step down on account of his age/perception of fraility and the recognition that the party had more chance of success under a new leader

Biden had enough integrity and self recognition to accept that for the good of the country as he sees it, that was right thing to do

Of course that is not something one would expect Trump to ever do, as he has no personal integrity



I’m sure you said the same of Michelle Mone winning that PPE contract during the pandemic. Good business that Michelle and a nice little earner. Where’s the harm?

Your point is a well known, and publicized, fact here in the US., actually this very fact encouraged Robert Kennedy to run as an Independent (whom Kamala Harris has since rendered irrelevant).
I would like to say this, that while Trump is (and has been) one of the biggest threats to Democracy in the history of the US., I also think he has been good for the US. 1-he has reminded us how fragile Democracy is, and without constant vigilance how fast this freedom can be lost., 2-This 2nd point I think has been obvious throughout history, and that is the danger religion,unchecked, poses to society., 3- How chauvinistic and racist US society is, especially when it comes to leadership. The Trump’s / Putin’s / Hitler’s/ Stalin’s of the world are a dime a dozen, and as fast as you dispose of one another crawls out from underneath a rock.

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No, that’s different Lincs… :009:

Might of missed it. The Secret Service book their own accomodations not the one they are suppose to protecting.

Not that different. Both are lining their own pockets because circumstances came about where it was possible. And certainly the decent thing to have done in both cases is not to personally profit from it.

The party and Biden didn’t have enough foresight to have Biden drop out before the debate.
Almost everyone saw, long before the debate, some even before taking office he was in a mental downward spiral.
Even after the whole world seen the incompetency displayed in the debate. Biden still said he was not drop out of the race.
The ones pulling his string dictated his dropping out of the race. Look at extortion money that piled in after he dropped out. Hold the money, until he drops out.
First it was a cold, then it was COVID. An excuse for everything, nothing has changed.
Can’t see the forest because of the trees.

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Putin. Stalin. Hitler and Biden all tried to eliminate their political opponents. Not an opinion but a fact.
I agree, they crawled back under a rock, pelosi, nader and that whole crew, crawled back under their rock.

It is a fact that Putin, Stalin and Hitler have/had a track record of removing any hint of opposition. All well documented.
But please tell me the person that Biden had bopped off? I missed that one. I’m guessing given the company of Putin, Stalin and Hitler you will also have an example of countries that Biden has sent the military in to take them over.

Sort of like Polosi husband got between $350,000 to $1,000,000 of the COVID pandemic money

Mr Pelosi held investments in companies that were awarded emergency loans during the pandemic. Is that what you are referring to? Or was there an example of him personally committing fraud or wrongly taking government money?

Wow. How ones memory lapses, jan 6, Russian collusion, BS impeachment, assassination attempt and the list continues.
Can’t continue when memory is failing.

See, memory failure, lining one pockets.

You are going to have to explain that little outburst - preferably with more evidence than social media rumours.
Trump was behind Jan 6 remember? What was Biden’s role that you are making up?
Russian collusion - what, when, where, to achieve what?
Impeachment - what, there was no grounds for Trump to be impeached? Pull the other one. There were grounds and Trump should have been jailed for what he did after the 2020 election.
Assassination attempt? That was Biden’s work? On what evidence? One minute Biden is a senile fool. The next he is a cunning manipulator. Which is it?

Sorry, if I never knew about something how could my memory be failing? Just simply explain what you are referring to, it will greatly speed and enhance our chat.