US Election 2024 antics

Yes she is quite attractive looking - however her appearance isnt the issue.

lost at to what you are saying here - you said FYI, US has never had a female prime minister. I asked for whose information - ie who did you think you were telling that to who did not already know it?

Good job I didn’t mention it then.

Trump interview at the NAJB conference .What a shocker! Why did his handlers let him do it with proper journalists.(not Fox)
And he’s done more for blacks than Lincoln,apparently.

Yes, Trump says strange and unjustified things. And often is attacks on opponents are pathetic statements like “she is dumb, real dumb”. Which hardly indicates an intelligent mind.
So its no surprise that a recent angle by the democrats is that Trump is weird. Which works because Trump is weird.

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There is always the exception that proves the rule Lincs, but personally I don’t see anything wrong with all three of your examples…They all have one thing in common, they are all patriots and want the best for their people. Something our government should consider, and show some balls…

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Funny that these “patriots” have all also lined their pockets handsomely as part of doing their patriotic best … for themselves. Nothing says patriot quite like self-enrichment. Always be suspicious when someone overtly plays the patriot card.

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And our government doesn’t…?
They might start off in politics wanting to change the country for the better and have their hearts in the right place, but once they get contaminated in government, it becomes everyman or woman for themselves. Either stab someone in the back, or be stabbed…

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I know that Strugeon bought a £60k camper van through dubious use of campaign funds. But its really not in the same league as Putin stealing over a trillion from the Russian state, is it?

Tis true, but Trump and Biden’s failing cognitive conditions sure make Kamala Harris the more attractive selection, especially Trump’s. Listening to Trump rant, exaggerate , and flat out lie leaves one with much doubt of cognitive conditions of those who support him.


Were Trump’s politics acceptable to true American’s (they are not), he is mentally unfit to lead, period.


Does this post come with a free tinfoil hat?


Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump reported between $172 million and $640 million in outside income while working in the White House, according to an analysis of financial disclosures by CREW.

Both Kushner and Trump announced they would not take a salary while working for the government in an attempt to shut down nepotism concerns. While their supporters marked this as a public sacrifice, the massive amount of money they made on the side undercuts that argument, as government salaries would have been less than 1% of their income.

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This is addition to the hundreds of tthousands of dollars the government paid for Trump (actually the Secret Service spent close to 2 million $$$) to stay at Trump owned properties.

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I find it humorous, that the party didn’t notice Bidens cognitive problem, until his lie came to light, that he wouldn’t step down from running for President.
It just so happened all at once that he was totally incapable of handling another term.

If I understand it it correctly, all the former president’s are not give secret service after their presidency? Maybe, implying that presidential candidates are not entitled to secret service protection?
Not sure what the point of the statement is.

The 2012 former presidents protection act gives all ex-presidents life time secret service protection.
The point about Trump benefitting from the secret service costs of accommodation are just that. He insisted that where ever possible they use Trump hotels and pay full rate for them. This is skating very close to a president and e-president making money from being a president and ex-president. But then its Trump, always grifting.

Since Obama reinstated life time protection, you don’t want to check the tab on his protection. Research, research. Research.

Sorry, but former presidents do not make the accomodations for the Secret Service, the agency does that. I may be missing the point, again.

It was widely reported in the UK that Trump insists that the secret service use his hotels. They might make the booking but he makes sure that he benefits. Grifting.
I tried to locate info on the costs of protection for previous presidents but couldn’t find anything. But one would expect the cost of one ex-president is the same as the cost for any other.

Allways admired Carson.

Tucker Carlson Shocked by Ben Carson’s Warning (

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