US Election 2024 antics

Name any country as a whole that that doesn’t as country as a whole that doesn’t have “racial discrimination”.

Ok, let’s talk about personnel experience. Obviously you have not lived in the US and unable to talk about first hand experience.

Basically, nullifying “as many women seem to want to stay unequal as men wanting to keep them unequal.”

How many of those on your list are self made billionaires. Using their own ideas to get themselves to where they are.
That doesn’t go along with the idea of gender inequality.

I haven’t lived in Saudi Arabia either but that doesn’t preclude me from having an informed opinion on the status of women in that country or any other country that I take an interest in.

I will wait and see whether the mysterious 538 members of the Electoral College will decide to vote in a woman for the first time ever and prove me wrong.


I can make the connection on that.

That sounds like Harris answer.

That didn’t make sense either.

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FYI - the US will never have a female PM.

As far as I can see, stick the BBC news on at about 5.00am, when they start gobbing off about the Financial Markets, without exception, each CEO of various financial analytical institutions is female, don’t have a problem with this, just sayin.

You can make as many laws as you like July, but you can’t force people to accept things they don’t believe in… :009:
There will always be racism, sexism, and all the other isms…It just proves that groups stick together.

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You are correct, we will never have a female Prime Minister, nor a male, for that matter, but Kamala Harris is attracting a lot attention ( to become the Democratic candidate for President of the USA) Biden was unable to attrack. As I have mentioned in earlier posts She (Harris) has received endorsements from Republicans, Independents, an even organizations formed just to support her like White Men for Kamala Harris and White Women for Kamala Harris, and these organizations though recently formed have received large amounts of donations in a short period of time.
If there had not been a Hilary run for the Oval office ,there would have not been a Trump Presidency, nor a Biden Presidency, and the ineptitude of the Trump and Biden Administrations has opened the door for Kamala Harris.

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well yes, exactly - that was exactly my point - Robin seemed to be asking us for a law that showed sexist inequality in US - as if there not being such a law proved there was no sexism there

as you have said and as I said, laws don’t prove culture and attitudes


for whose information??

everyone knows US does not have prime ministers

That is why I said there have been very few western nations who have not had a woman president or prime minister ( or for any nitpickers, a leader by any other label)

Yes US is slower than most to get there - but I wouldn’t say never - sooner or later there will be a woman president.
Hilary Clinton almost got there - if it isnt Kamala this time it will be someone else eventually


I think, particularly young people ,are tired of having bitter old men in charge and anyone younger and more mentally alert and energetic, regardless of their sex, would be a pleasant change,


Too much testosterone Mr Smith. If you want plenty of wars just put a young spunk in charge…
‘With age comes wisdom’ Perhaps not in everyone, but by and large…Been there, done that, made the mistakes along the way, and learned from them…

Kamala is certainly younger than both Trump and Biden but at nearly 60, not exactly a ‘young spunk’


Wisdom comes with age? I present to you one Donald Trump. No sign of wisdom there.
And as for plenty of wars? I present Putin (71) and Netanyahu (74). Not exactly youngsters but very keen on conflict. I think you need to hark back to Alexander the Great to find justification for that notion.


I was countering the statement of “large swaths” of Americans that suppress women. Don’t get me wrong, there are those that don’t like women but i was looking for the large swaths of people that suppress women.

I may of misunderstood your statement

for whose information??

Only her neck gives her age away though

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