US Election 2024 antics

I try my best to follow the “law”. Everything else is baseless. We seen that during The supposed COVID pandemic. Where they were making rules that were not laws and punished people for not following them and now are paying millions in reputation for their stupidity.

So, ya give me a law that is not fair.

Yep, scrimping through information. Surprise.

The popular vote is the vote of the people, the electoral vote is just a means to manipulate the voting process, and should be eliminated. My statement is not about taking away individual rights, it is about returning the rights to the voting public, the majority is supposed to win.The hilarious point is you implying I am a socialist / fascist when you openly support a person who is openly suggesting his aim is to become a dictator, and who has (in the past) collaborated with a foreign Nation to steal an election, who tried to overturn a legitimate election, and incited an insurrection, and the most hilarious of all, his most ardent supporters are “Christians”. Oh yes, and his manipulated Federal Court system is openingly declaring their intent, no President should should held to a different standard than all other citizens, and his judges should be impeached and removed from the bench.

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nor is your choosing just to ignore the truth.

Surely Trump is aiming to appeal to the religious groups that want to end the separation of religion and state? He is specifically addressing “Christians” (in fact evangelical christians specifically) with the sort of message that he thinks will appeal to them:
I’d note that while you and I might see the problems with a dictatorship, this group does not - nor do 41% of Americans according to a recent poll.
I’d also note, that it seems obvious from his way of addressing them that Trump himself is not a Christian. He addresses Christians as you guys over there, rather than us guys here.

As I said, to Trump they are a means to an end, but thank you for bringing up a vital point, those who support Trump are extremist Christians who desire to live in a world built around their “version” of Christianity, polls are misleading and very subjective. Polls I’ve seen suggest 80 % of all US citizens prefer a Democracy, while one in five of adults in Generation Z and Millennials indicate “dictatorship could be good in certain circumstances” . Politics / Religion are man’s inventions, their main intent has always been to control and manipulate their fellow man (species), combine this with our natural born instinct of greed has always left this world in turmoil.

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I am not saying Kamala Harris will win the 2024 Presidential election (or even be the Democratic candidate), but there have been a few interesting occurrences, one in particular in a poll taken by pro-Trump Fox News, Fox released a swing state poll (taken on July 22-24) that showed Harris’ favorability ratings ahead of Trump’s in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Michigan. Harris has virtually eliminated Robert Kennedy Jr. from the Presidential race and has picked up some Republican endorsements. It is to early to tell anything, except it is to early to tell, but anything is better than what a habitual lying /traitor / convicted felon brings to the table, and more than that the candidate is a reflection of his supporters.


I watch the American version of ‘Undercover Boss’ and I would say that there is a good representation of powerful women bosses Annie. And I suppose that until someone as strong, efficient and decisive as Margaret Thatcher appears in the American political system, we won’t see an American woman president yet… :009:

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Equality for women isn’t about strutting about in a pant suit and acting like a man…

that is not at all what I am saying and I think you know that.

Fact remains that USA is one of the few western nations not to have ever had a female president or prime minister - the fact that men are the most voted for and the most qualified all the time shows some sexist bias i n the system - as of course there has been historically in all countries but most others seem further along in overcoming that.

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and yet you know nothing about Kamala Harris, how can you judge her ? We live in a racist and chauvinistic society, actually it has always been that way, look from religion to politics, women and people of colour have always been considered as 2nd class citizens (or worse), and the USA today is a prime example of this, but we are making (slowly) some break throughs, and maybe Ms. Harris will be our first multiracial President. Our choices look better now than they did without her.


Isn’t it more to do with money? To be President of the US these days you need to be a millionaire at the very least even in Merica women don’t earn as much as men. There are no women in the top 10 richest people in the US

Let’s hope this Kamala Harris gets up and beats Trump, she has closed the gap somewhat and Trump is showing signs of slight panic, though it is hard to tell with him, his policy platform seems to be largely just pouring insults on any rivals.

Nothing to do with her colour raven, didn’t even think about it till you mentioned it…

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I am willing to talk about it but is seems that one example can’t even be given. So in conclusion, one example can not be given so a conversation can not take place.

The only one I can find, happened about 30 years ago at VMI.

This was not specifically aimed at any individual, but the US as a whole. This country has a history of racial discrimination which even effects how our laws are applied.

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Robin I’m hardly going to trawl through US case law to prove to you that the US still has a sexist society. The fact that you don’t accept that is not a surprise but the continued rejection of the Equal Rights amendment pretty much says it all. To be fair just as many women seem to want to stay unequal as men wanting to keep them unequal. The ERA was suppressed in various states by women as well as men. Both like the old fashioned status quo.

I will be astonished if a woman is elected by the college. There may be enough popular votes, but what does that really mean in a system where 538 individuals appear to make the final decision?

Yes Raven, us in the UK were late to the party. But one thing is for sure, if you place a load of reactive chemicals in a jar and shake em’ up, they will go off with a bang, and it takes time for those chemicals to become inert…They are far from being inert yet…See the connection?
The only way I could explain it without getting banned…

yes but that itself goes to show sexist bias - why are men richer than women?

what are we finding an example of?
Nobody is disputing that legally there is equality - obviously that isnt the same as attitudes and culture still being sexist


Equality has never been enshrined into the US constitution, so legally it’s subject to the vagaries of case law and individual state political whimsy.