US Election 2024 antics

Sky News from aussie land

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They got it through Fox News, it even showed Fox in the background.

I like Tulsi.

(5) Sky News host reacts to ‘lefties losing it gold’ on Kamala Harris - YouTube

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Tulsi Gabbard Destroys False Narratives Around Kamala Harris’ Actual Record and Lawlessness (


yes, hopefully.

But he is older age group and obviously more at risk of taking longer to recover.

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Lefties losing it: Sky News host slams ‘clowns’ calling for assassination of Trump (

Yet much of Sky’s news comes from Fox, and do not forget Sky News has had a few issues of it’s own *** . The most interesting point to date with Kamala Harris, while she is catching it from the Trump right, she is garnering support from moderate Republicans, and actually holds a lead (and has for a while) in some polls over Donald Trump. I am not saying she will be the Democratic Presidential candidate, but, before Biden dropped out many Democrats worried that Robert Kennedy Jr. would dilute the Democratic vote, and she has rendered him a “non- factor”.

*** In August 2016 Sky News was criticised after allegedly paying €2,000 to a group of Romanians to pretend they were part of an eastern European gang selling guns to terrorists in Syria.

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I don’t believe the Americans will ever vote in a female President. It’s still a very sexist nation. Despite being the origin of the feminist movement, women never managed to attain equality.

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Leaving aside the politics of individuals - Surely that must break eventually - Hilary Clinton wasnt far off - and USA must be one of the few western nations not to have had a woman president or prime minister yet.


I thought Michelle Obama might be the one to do it but now I hope this Karmala Harris breaks the mould. Spare the world from more old men.

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She’s making him poop his pants anyway.


Surprised of the opinions of how women don’t have equality in a country they have not lived in for a prolonged long period of time. I’m guessing these are opinions formed from information that has been spoon feed to them via bias news.
No one can name a country that is a major world power that has elected a female primary leader. Don’t get me wrong there has been women in power, during their time period that were considered a major power. But you have to look at, they were a major war mongering country during their power.

There will be a female president in the USA future but right now the ones stepping up are incapable of leading a two bit country much less a major power of the world.

You pretty much prove my point.


yes I have opinions on how women dont have equality in places like Saudi Arabia that I have never visited too
Perhaps that is all based on spoon fed biased news too :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

My previous point stands - USA must be one of the few western nations not to have had a women president or prime minister. That wouldn’t be opinion, but objective fact.
Western nations of any size was my point, whether or not ‘major powers’ wasn’t my point.

That’s a great post.

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I note that Trump just promised no more elections if he gets voted in - so no chance of a woman president for a while then

I don’t understand why that is a defining point. Government is supposed to be for the people of the country, why being a “major” power (I presume that means spending a lot of money on weaponry) is a consideration for female leadership is beyond me.

Does the USA want to be considered in the same basket as totalitarian regimes like China and Russia?

So there is now a social media storm as Trump vice presidential candidate JD Vance’s America being run by “childless cat ladies” 2021 comments have been resurrected on social media by America’s darling Jennifer Aniston.

Vance’s poorly thought out attack included at the time a swipe at Harris who is childless (although she is stepmother to her husband’s two children from a previous marriage). He’s now trying to backtrack to say he was being sarcastic.

Reminds me of the Teresa May/ Andrea Leadsom clash during the Tory leadership camplaign in 2016, with Leadsom’s “but I have children” comment.

Please could some explain to me how JD Vance’s comment is not an example of the misogynistic, chauvinistic and sexist undermining of women that infuses large swathes of American society.


Actually it is worse than that. The evangelical right wing want women to simply be vessels for child production. They no doubt use terms like home-makers. However their goal, as shown by the abortion banning legislation, is to place women as away from working, especially leadership positions, away from education (you don’t need a fancy degree to be a mother), and away from any real say in the country. So Vance was reflecting that mindset by trying to demean a successful, powerful, intelligent woman.

This is nothing new. It is why women have never achieve equality in the US. We think of the US as a land of women’s liberation but the reality is somewhat different. It’s also the land that brought us Stepford Wives. If you want to see the true soul of a country, look to its literature.

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