US Election 2024 antics

Trump came in to the Oval Office and rode an Obama bull to economic success which he (Obama) had created to bring the US back from the worst economic downturn since the depression, and Trump (as he always has) claimed the credit. Then when covid set in Trump (and his staff) had no answers / idea how to deal with covid, so he spent the remainder of his term siding with the extremist right’s views on covid, and there were no strides in the fight against covid till Joe Biden took office. Trump has always been big on talk and small on action.


The death of any human is a tragedy, should not be a part of politics. My bet we will never know the truth about what really happened, except Trump was never in danger and his supporters (Trump’s) were buying assassination souvenirs within hours of the attempt, and basically the “real victims” (those who were shot) were no more than side stories to the Trump flock.

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I’ll answer your questions:

He’s going to fix the border. How?

Trump will name an America 1st Director of Homeland Security who will deport hundreds of thousands to Mexico, where they can wait and work through the LEGAL immigration process or wait for hearings. Re-fund and expand border and ICE programs to prevent, identify, and remove illegal aliens back to Mexico as part of the Wait in Mexico Program. Federally fund the expansion of the courts in borders states to expedite those seeking asylum and enforce employment laws already in place. Leverage the $55 BILLION that we send to Mexico every year to accept and repatriate illegal immigrants while they are part of the Wait in Mexico or similar programs.

He’s going after NATO? How will this makes the US better?

The first part of your question is vague, so I’ll answer the second:

71% of NATO expenditures are from the U.S. More contributions (directly or indirectly) will keep more tax dollars at home to the tune of billions.

Trump, by leveraging more member nations to increase their percentage of domestic military spending will mean they will have more assets when intervention is needed. This means a more equitable balance of service members, equipment and funding from other countries. Europe will forever be fiercely protected in Article 5, but regional stakeholders are expected to take on a greater regional role in conflicts. That means fewer U.S. service members deployed, and again, more money for the U.S. domestic budget. It is wildly inaccurate to suggest that Trump would pull us out of NATO.

He’s cutting taxes to the rich again. How will this make us better?

What taxes are you talking about? If you will be specific, I’d be happy to respond to the first. In the meantime, here’s my response to the second:

As someone who has changed my mind and will vote for Trump, I have done a little homework. Trump has rid Americans of the punitive estate tax, plans to removes taxes on tips, and wants to shift taxes to tariffs and fees on overseas manufacturers, putting American businesses, especially small businesses and manufacturers - which are the one and only true creators of jobs by the millions - in the drivers seat by positioning them in a much greater advantage in American markets. His tax policy is based on taxation that promotes growth - growth of companies, growth of jobs, growth of GDP (which services the debt), and growth of investments, which reduces the need for individual taxes (his goal).

As an example, let’s look at retirement. As someone on a pension, surely you understand that virtually every penny of your retirement pay belong Social Security is the result of successful return on bonds and investments in American businesses and corporations. Tax incentives promote research, development, expansion, dividends, and financial ratios and buybacks that strengthen business and drive higher stock values. If it is corporate taxes that you are upset about, it’s the states and not the feds that drive most tax incentives.


On one main point, Mexico is not the big issue @ the border, and because the real issue will not be addressed, it will just be a continuation of failing policies at the US southern border.

Your other points are no more than right -wing propaganda which will never realized, Trump has done naught but increase the tax burden on the working class while decreasing taxes for the affluent. A major prospective goal for Trump and the GOP is Project 2025, what is the Project 2025 agenda? This radical agenda, designed to be set in motion on day one of a new Trump administration, was written by top Trump advisers. AFSCME research shows Project 2025 would hurt working people by: allowing states to ban labor unions in the private, thereby weakening the power and influence of working class Americans.

AFSCME research shows Project 2025 would hurt working people by:

  • Allowing [states to ban labor unions in the private sector.
  • Making it easier for [corporations to fire workers who engage in collective action or organizing.
  • Allowing corporations to get rid of unions even when the workers are protected by a signed union contract.
  • Forcing workers to hold secret ballot elections to form a union even when their employer has agreed to voluntarily recognize it.
  • Eliminating overtime protections for workers.
  • Ignoring the federal minimum wage.
  • Eliminating the [Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which has relieved many AFSCME members of an overwhelming student debt burden.
  • Ending merit staffing in the federal government so Trump can hire unqualified loyalists for thousands of positions now filled by qualified, trained, nonpartisan career employees — among them AFSCME members.
  • Gutting health care and retirement benefits. Eliminating federal rules that protect children from working in mines, meatpacking plants and other dangerous workplaces.

But Trump’s attacks on workers and our unions are only one front in Project 2025’s attack.

The corporate tax rate was reduced to 21% from 35%, individual income tax rates were cut, and the standard deduction was increased, child care credits doubles.

False and humorous.
Project 2025 is nowhere close to the platform of the Republican party nor is aligned with Trump’s
Agenda47. There is no doubt that there are some radical ideas in 2025, but they will no more see the light of day than Antifa’s anarchist, anti-capitalism, communist agenda

That’s funny! Beside the obvious gateway, Mexico’s government is still a Tier 2 human trafficking designation with a massive black market industry to keep illegals moving north. U.S. policy needs aggressive revision that starts with massive deportation, but it has to be done with an equally aggressive migration policy.

Questions were asked, I answered. I am not interested in propaganda, yet, your primary and only source is AFSCME, which is the most politicized left-leaning organization under the AFL-CIO. Now that is propaganda. Do I support extremism when it comes to government employees? No. Do I think the system of civil services employees needs overhaul to include performance-based pay raises and the removal of protections that allows career-long policy infusion of upper level taxpayer-funded appointees? Absolutely.

There are no minds to be changed here. I will continue to check in on this thread, but I am turning my attention to the well-needed invocation of the 25th amendment and the chaos that has resulted from a few oligarchical decision to override their own party’s primary. Who would convince their party’s nominee to withdraw from running without having the mechanics worked out in advanced to chose a replacement? I’d joke about popping the popcorn if it wasn’t so serious.


Spoken like a true Trumpster, typical right wing propaganda.

Well, Joe Biden has stood down, it was a nice touch of Britney Spears, to repeat his name in “Oops!.. I did it again”.


When America sneezes, Britain catches a cold.


So Biden’s decided to call it a day…Surely when he’s alone having a quiet moment to himself, and if he’s true and honest to himself, he knew he was a ‘Has Been’ and should be sat on the porch in his rocking chair, smoking a cigar and clutching a Jack daniels…
The democrats should not be looking for a replacement simply to get rid of Trump (same as the vote for labour to get rid of the tories was here) they should be looking for someone who will be good for the prosperity and people of the USA.


Thank gawd it is no longer a contest between two old men.

Australia has a continent all to itself with no land borders surrounded by oceans, easy(ish) to protect. The UK is an island with no land border yet it cannot stop immigration. The VP was right to laugh about protecting the southern border, you never will, not her nor Trump. Trump’s fence is just an expensive joke.

As for Sky News, it really is just a joke anyway. Invariably factually wrong just a mouthpiece for Murdoch’s latest thought bubble

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What if god saved him just to be beaten by a black woman?The two groups he has the least regard for.That may convert a few :grinning:

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Has anyone seen Biden since he dropped out of the race?
Meetings are/have been cancelled with foreign diplomats.

I note that right wing commentators have opted for the conspiracy theory (I’ve written ‘theory’ but the term ‘made up pish’ is more accurate) that the Trump shooting was conducted by the so-called deep state (more made up pish). Funny how one shooting is confirmed as so very real but so many others are dismissed as fake. I guess its all about the people shot and if you like them or not.

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Biden’s Parting Gift to the Democrat Establishment - American Thinker


maybe because he has Covid and is unwell.

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Well he should be alright if he’s had all of his jabs July… :+1:

And that is why the extremist element of Right fall so easy in line for Donald Trump, they are easily misled, and in spite of all the nay-sayers, Kamela Harris appears to be holding her own. As it was in 2020, and again in 2024, it will be the moderate element of the right which will help secure Trump’s defeat.


O dear BLM it seems are against Harris.

‘Keep burning America to the ground’: BLM turns against Kamala Harris (


Such is the dirty world of politics, but there are some recent polls that show Harris even, or slightly leading Trump. If there had been no Hilary (and Russian involvement) in 2016 there would have been no Trump, and had there been no Trump in 2020, there would not have been any Biden, I expect the same will happen in 2024. Trump might be the “poster child” of the extremist right / Corporate America, but not of true freedom loving working America, no matter their political affiliation. Remember Trump has never won the popular vote (true vote of the people) only an easily manipulated electoral vote.

Remember this is Fox News, the mouth piece of the extreme right, and does not tell the complete story.