US Election 2024 antics

Enough shots were fired to kill and injure. They must not be forgotten: they took a bullet meant for him.

And sorrow to the family for backing Trump in the first place. Was it worth it? Trump didn’t care. Kissing the helmet of the firefighter who dies??? Please, spare me. He couldn’t kiss his wife on stage, or maybe she couldn’t force herself to be caught kissing him.

Perhaps someone here could answer some of my questions posted above to persuade some people there may be a reasonable answer? That would take a while to find something in writing, but I can wait for anyone to actually find details of how Trump is expecting to be any better than he was the first time around.

I can wait…and wait…and wait. No no, take all the time you need. This thread certainly isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

UK press are putting a different view on the assassination attempt.

Americans have been saying that Democrats SOP was " deflect, deflect, deflect".
Now the Democrats are using are trying to a similar statement distract, distract, distract. :slight_smile:

Don’t know what the confusion is, he is going to continue on with previous administration???
Fixing the border to the way it was before biden???
Will make sure members of NATO pay their share of NATO.???
Cutting taxes, works just good government paying student loans .???

Worked better than “build back better”, which accomplished nothing.

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Don’t really understand the meaning of “taking a bullet for someone”. Professionally speaking right?

Did Biden or the vice president show any affection to them. Much less to train derailment awhile back? The answer is no.

Of course they have an excuse, as always, for putting a target on his back.
It not Bidens fault he had a cold that got so bad it turned into COVID.

What may have happened if Trump had been killed?

Thank whoever or whatever you choose.

You still haven’t found any solid answers to question…

I’m off and out of this discussion. If, and until there are real and true answers, I’ll stay with my convictions.
All the best to those of you who back Trump.

It hard to understand, ask any socialist Democrats.

[Quote] from Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe :
“the 10 seconds that it takes” for information to flow through, that could be just enough time for a gunman to fire a few shots.

Thought that was the secret service job, to save the President at the risk of losing their own life. The brave man who was killed was protecting his family from a bullet meant for the former President.

Cannot be any worse than having a traitor and convicted felon( Donald Trump) as your Presidential candidate, all it takes to be a GOP candidate for office is extremist leanings.

It means you are willing to put yourself in harm’s way to protect someone else. This often sounds like a tough expression. Mothers might not say I’d take a bullet for their child, but they would. People in the military, however, might say, “I’d take a bullet for you, man.”


Everyone entitled to an opinion even if it’s only in their own mind. Even if they are base less, right?

I was thinking the very same thing .

I am glad Biden has stepped down, I think it is time to move on to younger person and new blood - I think it shows integrity to accept when for the sake of the country as you see it, you stand aside.

Of course Trump wont do that as he has no integrity

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A good guy.