Over 50's Club Scotland (Part 1)

That’s The Hairy One home again. Poor souls like a drunk man staggering about. He’s on soft food for 2 weeks, no chews, biscuits ect. Good job I got plenty of eggs, pasta and rice in.
He goes back to see the vet on Monday just for a quick check up. But I’m so glad he’s back.


I hope you don’t go May…just laugh it off and keep doing you. Don’t change who you are.


Great news Rox Your wee drunk man will come on great now he is home!

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Ye cannae improve on perfection Hen. :rofl: :rofl:


Thanks Bonnie, I’ve been on edge all day about him. If he gets a good sleep tonight he should lose the wobbles by tomorrow.

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He must have been in some pain Rox … but it’s horrible when you have to walk away isn’t it.
I bet it’ll be cuddles all night.

Good to hear he is home Rox! Animals always seem so different after an anaesthetic, but he will back to normal soon. Give him another hug from me tomorrow! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Rox, glad to hear that Daegus is back home, no doubt you will spoil him rotten. Hi to the others posting on here. May stay put, that’s an order just wait till you op. Jean she sounds like a wee worry wart. My nieces were asking what I want to do for my 80th, bungee jumping, jumping out of a plane. I just said no way, asked them if they were after my insurance money :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


Jess I am up for a bungee jump! Anytime !

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May My sister had her cataract surgery on 30th August & she is so glad she did. She had no pain, just the worry of being awake whilst they did the op, but she is amazed at how well she can see now.
You are brave, so I am sure the better vision will be worth 30 minutes worry.

Good morning Twink & All…I see I’m still here…wot a surprise :grin:

I’m not worried about the op’ Twink as My Neighbours and some Folk I’ve spoken to have reassured Me…It’s the outcome that concerns Me as I have some macular degeneration and it will be a cross fingered job the surgery will improve My sight…But positivity is My middle Name,so here’s hoping.

Have a good one Folks whatever You’re doing,and give Daegus a hug from His Auntie May Rox.x


Morning, Cloudy and dull here, thinking of raking out the autumn and winter jackets to wash while I can still get them dried outside. The blooming nights are drawing in again already…Sigh.
Back from the pool and having my toast n coffee before taking The Hairy One out for a shortish stroll. Not sure where yet as he’s to stay quiet and calm, that means no other dogs for a few days.
He’s eating again but soft food, will do him some scrambled eggs when we get back.

Morning! Its a lovely day, hope it stays that way. I made some breakfast biscuits in the air fryer, and footered about.

Rox, I’m glad Daegus is on the mend now :+1:

I’m away to do interesting things in the garden before the weather changes. Try and get a walk done somewhere as well.

Have a lovely day. :smiley:

Good morning. Rox hope you have a nice quiet walk with Daegus. May enjoy your day. Jean I wouldn’t want to attempt a bungee jump I’m a coward. Pixie have thought about getting an air fryer, but not to sure about it. Hairdressers today, then some shopping its my nephews 16th birthday coming so a wee party for him tonight. Staying overnight in Glasgow at my nieces then come home tomorrow.

This had me in fits. :joy: :joy: :joy:


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Ha ha.luv it…I’ll bet Ruth the mooth gorra a bit o’ a shock there :laughing:

I’ve been doing a bit of shrub pruning in the front garden,I know it’s a bit early but those near the path & gate have grown enormous over this Summer and I get soaked walking up the path when it rains…garden bin’s full to the brim so hope it get’s emptied soon.

My cancer specialist told me that positivity really helps & I believe him because I am still here 11 years after a very aggressive cancer.
My sister had an astigmatism in the eye, so they had to go a bit deeper but she now has almost perfect vision.
I, and I am sure everyone else here, is hoping that all goes well & you will be well rewarded for your positive attitude. Please let us know when you can!

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