Fitness Report Thread

I’m getting loads of exercise rushing around the shops, extra baking etc so I hope that will count as exercise:-D

My daughter is getting WiiFit for Christmas so I’m hoping to have a go on Christmas Day to help work off my turkey dinner:lol: I wonder what it will give my age as?:blush:

Sounds like everyone’s having a xmas break :lol:

I’d like to join this but it doesnt sound as if I do as much as everyone else. Have to pull my socks up. Sunday I did 4 hours cleaning the carpets with my bissell which was hard so I hope I can count this. Today I havent done much as I worked last night and I’m in again tonight. Hope to do some walking tomorrow. I’m also doing the davina fitness dvd when I get time which is really hard.

I’m going to seriously start again on Jan 2nd :mrgreen:

Santa brought me WiiFit Plus :roll:
I’ve just had my first go. It’s updated many of the games (rats! those I had sussed have changed :slight_smile: ) but has much more opportunity to ‘personalise’.
I quite enjoyed having a bit of a move about and haven’t put on too many stones over the season of gluttony

I need to wait another week before I start exercising seriously … I still have another turkey dinner to look forward on New Year’s Day :roll:

My daughter had WiiFit Plus so I daresay I may be paying her a few more visits than usual! :mrgreen:

Haven’t got anything to report as I have not done any-blame it on the weather :slight_smile:

First report of 2010??? Goodness me OFFers - we’ll need to do better
I have been Wii-ing all the time. Got a silly WiiFit age of 26 today :roll: My husband wishes …

Oh I forgot about this thread. I’ve been a good girl. I’m on the weightwatcher points and have been doing it for 2 weeks. My son has a dog that is overweight so I have been walking him down the fields, we started off power walking but with the snow it changed to a brisk slip slide;-) I also bought davina and hannah watermans dvds and have been doing them. So far in two weeks I have lost 7.5lbs so I’m quite pleased. Had a blowout at work last night, had a chow mein and a big chunk of birthday cake so back on track today. Did 45 mins brisk walk in the fields with 4 of my dogs. Lovely day today, I could smell spring:-p

Have to admit I peed in my pants today before sticking them over my head

Gas attack again

Cheap sprays do NOT make young(even old) males smell sexy-but it does make old gits sneeze and cough.

That was the gym changing room btw

LOL I hate bo-bashers/perfumes too! Full of chemical crap!

Best smelling person I ever smelt was an aromatherapist - it was hypnotic! She had a nice ‘glow’ around her too - must have been the feeling of well-being from the oils.

Today was the first day I got out walking with friends in a long time, it’s amazing how warm 33 F can feel.

I’m swimming three times a week now and really like it alot, a group of healthy seniors with a sense of humor:cool:

I love swimming Buzzie! Used to love going when we were kids :slight_smile:

Have done my first real exercise today since…can’t remember!!! Been for a lovely walk, about 40 mins and hoping to extend this during the week-weather permitting of course…

My first serious exercise this morning! I did a two mile walk on the treadmill machine which really surprised me as I didn’t think I would achieve that distance. That was followed by exercising with the wii fit.

Well done Mags
I do my daily routine on the Wii and the regular 40 minute walk with the dog
I think I am actually losing some weight/inches now my sciatica has completely gone and I can move freely again.
Gardening soon, hopefully

Keep it up guys!

I’m still going on the bike every other day or every few days, and I have added stomach crunches a few times a week and… dancing while waiting for the kettle to boil for my hot water bottle :043: Rocky thought I was mad at first but now he joins in :lol:

However I must say that diet has been key too - late last year I was going on the bike everyday, but still eating ‘normal’ stuff - I have noticed I feel a lot better now with changing the diet cutting out all the nonsense I was having, I exercise a little less vigorously too if anything.

My couple of miles on the exercise bike most days has paid off, I have lost a total of 10lbs before my holiday … I’m a happy bunny! :mrgreen:

Well done Mags, I hope you enjoy your holiday.

I haven’t exercised as such apart from the normal dog walking. I thought everyone had given up, nobody has posted here for a while.

I lost 5 pounds when I went away in the caravan, just by not eating the meals prepared by OH, it soon went back on when I got home. I am away again for nearly 2 weeks, I will have to make more of an effort this time!

Thanks MM:-D
I also wondered if folks had stopped their fitness regime :mrgreen:

I have been quietly pedaling along on my exercise bike, eating healthily (mostly salads) and have cut out potatoes, bread, biscuits and cake.

However, 2 weeks of American food may change that! :lol: