Are you still able to work out/exercise?

Awwwww…why would you say that!!! :cry:

I am a very active person. I don’t necessarily exercise, but hiking and walking seems to take care of my exercise need. My Doctor is still over the moon about me quitting smoking. Other than arthritis I’m in great shape for a 57 about to be 58 year old. I owe it to the fact that I cannot stay inside. 2 days of just being in the house and I’m stir crazy, I need nature, it’s stress management. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Its bad for the hypertension. :icon_wink:

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Don’t tempt me to find out just how ‘hyper’ your ‘tension’ can get… :smirk: :wink: :laughing:

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More worried about finding that out for myself. :smiley: :icon_wink:

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:joy::rofl::joy:…does your wife know,:joy::sweat_smile::rofl:…only joking,:rofl:

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You are such a tease, Lucy…:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:…I bet their checking every minute to see if you have posted any more exercise pictures of yourself,:rofl::joy:

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I was once a rascal, no more once responsibility came, I have 35 years no claims bonus. :grinning:


What exercise is that OGF?..:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

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All I see is foxy planted on a Marsh Mallow :icon_wink:


Now who is doing the tempting?! :laughing:
Do you think I should satisfy their search? lol

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With avatars showing off **** I’m sure you have already.

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I was just trying to copy what Lucy was doing pauline…
Question is: Will Lucy be able to strike such a pose when she reaches 71?


You’re great fun and gorgeous…plus you exercise, keep it up girl…you have brightened this site up …

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I may try and copy Lucy as well…I would have to stay covered though…:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

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what a fun picture, this is Monday chuckle number 2. so funny foxy


I’ll be over on the next bus, Foxy!

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That’s the plan! I know people that age and beyond who are capable. Must admit, I may have to adjust some other lifestyle choices though :wine_glass: :cake:


Takes a lot of hard work and commitment…I ain’t in my 70s yet!!..

Picture of me may arrive soon…:open_mouth::open_mouth::joy::rofl::sweat_smile:…striking an exercise pose.:rofl:

It won’t be as appealing as yours though,Lucy…:heartpulse:

Until April last year Lucy, I was running 30 miles per week with an eight miler on Sundays.
I hope to be running again soon, but if I’m not, it won’t be because I didn’t try. I’m walking around five miles every day for now, but I’ve an appointment to see the cardiologist next Monday and hope he gives me the green light to up my training.