I must say I’m enjoying it still, but am getting a bit worried, I have a five minute pro…my arms are getting muscles at the top of my arm…I can tell because my t shirt arm is tight…I may have to do less pull ups on it,
Pauline, I get that pain in the muscle at the top of my arm, RSI the Doctor called it. Repitive Strain Injury. I get it if I use the ball thrower for the dog too much. I have to stop doing it and a couple of days on pain killers with my morning coffee and it soon clears up…Till I do it again.
Yes I work out!
Yes I enjoy working out and always have but the exercise I enjoy the most, which is walking, I’m having a harder time doing due to foot problems ( getting checked for diabetes ) however I love swimming, kayaking, bicycling and using my pilates machine. This thing is made for those who have any type of body injury or for those very overweight since it supports the body completely while exercise so there is no impact. It’s no ‘low impact,’ it’s no impact which feels great.
I came across some free exercises during lockdown - lots to choose from and all fairly easy to do. After a few weeks, I really noticed a difference and am sure the exercises have made a difference. I’ve recently taken a break from them (busy with other things) but have now returned to them and building up again. Google Fabulous 50s workouts. You can like and subscribe to the workouts and (I think) get access to her playlists. She also has a Facebook page which is worth following.
Less than a year after my divorce, I broke my patella when playing badminton. I hated every minute I spent in that plaster cast and determined to return to full health as soon as I could. From limping (on crutches) just a few yards, I managed to return to walking normally and without a limp. Although it hurt like hell for around three years and staying on painkillers for a very long time, I was advised to “walk through the pain”…so I did. Fast forward ten years and I’ve walked some of the Camino de Santiago and now lead walks for groups. I limit the length of my walks to about five miles as I have arthritis in my hips and knees and don’t want that to get worse - but manage to do at least three walks a week - so 15 miles a week - 64.5 per month…excluding casual walking around…gardening…beach walking etc. My Fitbit, which includes every step taken - often records over 150 miles per month.
I probably hold the record for most paces by a Human Being, as such, because of probability (and clumsiness) tripped up many times. Some really hurt, others did not, Its all about luck, or, a helping hand, time will sort that one out
No it’s the lunger, it was happening during lockdown and the pool was closed. I stopped doing it and the pain went away, aided by pain killers. I’ve been doing it on and off for about 10 years, ever since I got Dageus. He just loves to chase that ball.
I will post a video as said, but, this machine is not easy, it will look easy on the video, but I’ve been working out on this machine for at least 3 years…it has 3 levels, I have it on the second level…