World Population

Re last sentence…TOSH!

We are corrupted by our environments…

Like it or not Rehab this is the way it is…

If what you claim is true how come the environment has only affected a minority? I was under the impression that we are all affected by the environment but if you are an enviromental scientist I will bow to your superior knowledge

You are quite correct Rehab in that we are all products of the environment we have grown up in. Parents provide our early shaping until we attend school and then we are subject to many different forms of development. Teachers make an impression as does the company we keep. The things we perceive to be right and wrong are formed in these early years. Most people want to be seen as normal, part of the group or gang. The fashion industry make a great deal of money by creating new fads, examples set by celebrities are also something that people want to copy. Tattoos were few and far between until David Beckham and Cheryl Cole set the ball rolling. Glam Rock in the seventies began the acceptance of homosexuallity and as artists ‘came out’ it was gaining momentum to be accepted as normal. People are now too afraid or not bothered enough to speak out against homosexuallity for fear of being called homophobic or intollerant. The older generation are more likely to dissaprove of homosexuallity due to the environment they were exposed to for the most part of their life (I probably fall into this category) but the younger generation accept it as quite normal.

That’s my take on it Rehab, I’m not an environmental scientist just an observer of life writing my opinion on a forum.

Excellent response, I admit to agreeing with some of it, but not all, I blame genetics :smiley:

The thing is, as we grow older, become (hopefully) wiser and better able to think, then we each have a duty almost to understand and accept that we have been programmed and conditioned and should thus seek to undo that conditioning, unlearn what we have been taught and start afresh from first principles.

So whilst lots of older people are still in the rut of their younger conditioning that does not excuse their behaviours. Many of them still refer to African men as “niggers” and to Pakistani men as “Paki’s”. They mean no harm by it, it is just a reflex, a programmed response. Unlearning such things requires effort and commitment which sadly many just don’t do.

What we must all realise is that the core problems are not about what each of us believe in any given generation. Each generation has its own set of standards and behaviours. The core problem is that each generation is being programmed and conditioned from a young age. What the conditioning is almost doesn’t matter. The problem is being conditioned at all.

We must try to understand who is perpetrating the conditioning and how they are doing it.

Sounds like something from the NWO conspiracy theorists handbook. :smiley:

OGF I am a little confused by your ‘scientific’ reasoning - who or whom are you blaming exactly for the anomaly of ‘homosexual’ personalities’ is it God, Genetics or bad parental techniques.

Incidentally there would probably be a similar % of non-professional runners compared to gay people - who would you blame for this abhorent
behavior pattern - God; genetics or bad parenting - you running behavior is certainly seen as deviant by many!

Thanks Rehab, good that we can find some middle ground.
In my book nothing is written in stone and I appreciate differing opinions.

I agree with some of your comments Realist but not all.
I don’t think there is a major coordinated conspiracy going on.
It is necessary to prepare our young people for the journey from child to adult, and to take their place in society. Most parents try to set an example of what they believe to be right. Parents themselves have made mistakes and through those mistakes have learned, what they consider to be, the best way to progress through life. The child may, or may not, take advantage of their parents wisdom. They may recognise flaws in their parents teachings and decide to take their own path through life.

Education, we all know the benefit of a good education, so in this country attending school is compulsory, and why not? We will learn many things in school, but the main thing we will learn is how to react with other people. Each government has it’s own ideas how to teach our young, I am no expert, all I can say is that my schooldays did a good enough job for me to build a mostly happy and rewarding life. But things change and now schools are unrecognizable to me, I would have thought the best people to ask about teaching our young people are the teachers, not the government.

All in all though, that’s life. There are a lot of things I could complain about, but there are a lot of things that I admire, in other people, and in technology, at some point you have to take things at face value and believe what you see and hear. Act on the things you can change, and take with a ‘pinch of salt’ those that you can not…

Bottom line - whether homosexuality is totally genetic or it is an unintended outcome of some early childhood circumstances or
a combination of both,
the fact is that it is not a matter of ‘choice’.
I’m bloody sure that nobody chooses to be ‘gay’ - with all the life-complications which that adds.
Nor is it right or wrong, moral or immoral, legal or illegal between consenting adults.
It just is !

Live and let live for godsake !

On the other hand, being gay now seems to be a lifestyle choice, you have to be gay if you want to make it big in the meejah.
Delete black/coloured insert gay, never criticise, don’t say homo, yet another sub species we are not allowed to offend.

Only to those who have not or cannot think it through.

Methinks our Rehab doth protest too much …

:slight_smile: the stock response to anyone who protests the gay agenda, you could try something a bit more original Pumice. Maybe a bridge too far?
Look around you, it’s fashionable to be gay.

Maybe in Old Blighty, Rehab. (Actually, that would not be a surprise).

Certainly not in Aus.

I thought homosexuality was big in Australia?

Two very good and true posts Rehab. Anyone who question homosexuality are treated with scorn almost like criminals. We return to the way we have been programmed.
The media can change the way society thinks and acts just like a dam deflecting the water in a stream.

Pummie, hasn’t one of the biggest gay pride celebrations in the world just taken place in Sydney?

Quite right, Fox - as previously acknowledged.

The point I was trying to make is that it is not “fashionableanywhere to be ‘gay’.
It is not something that anyone chooses.
A hetero person will not choose to become ‘gay’ because of any bloody parade or Mardi Gras or ‘fashion’.
It just seems that, if some of the posts here are any indication, ‘straight’ Aus may be more accepting and tolerant than some other places ?

HANG ON, why not ask an expert ?

everything is big in OZ - it’s a big country with big ideas the only thing small is the number of immigrants we let in!

can you match that?

Just for your interest, this is an Email I sent to Australia’s PM on 17th September 2015


C’mon mate. Grow a pair. Do the right thing. You know you want to. Show the anti-mob who’s boss !

For years he has supported same-sex marriage
but returned to government with a one-seat majority and kow-towed to the looney-right within his own party.

He is now pushing a ‘plebiscite’ (costing $170mill) instead of a simple vote in parliament - which would pass in an eye-blink.