Women breast feeding in Sainsbury’s car park

Wise words, Foxy, you’re not just a pretty pair of legs. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Harbal, welcome back…

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You are a bit obsessed with the media OGF ( that that you claim to never read too )
I expect the mother was upset put it on Facebook or something not for fame but because she was subject to an unnecessary piece of unkindness .

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into the old guessing game as usual ??

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I am a man, so breast feeding is not an option for me.

Changing a nappy in a car is and I have no problems with that at all.

Been there, done that, not a problem, just natural, but you are as discreet as possible.

I would not change a nappy in somewhere people are eating.


No, I’m not so sure about that.

Before the media circus, Sainsburys just offered a fairly low key expression of regret, and a promise to look into staff training and a £40 quid voucher, all low key and fairly dismissive

No acknowledgement the incident had happened or that the law might have been broken, no proper apology

After the media circus she gets a proper expression of regret, a phone call and an invitation to attend the store for an apology in person from the manager, which she’s done

Note the change in attitude?

Bringing the incident to the public eye and shaming Sainsburys will hopefully make other stores and employees and just misogynists in general think twice before they break the law on breastfeeding, so good

We fought hard for women’s rights and if we let things like this be swept under the carpet they’d soon slip back to their old ways

Looking at this from another angle, if I was breast feeding, I wouldn’t be waiting for people to complain, I’d be doing it as privately as I could manage in the first place, not only to avoid trouble, but for my own peace of mind.

I can’t imagine I’d ever do it in the middle of a cafe full of people for example.
Yes, I realise the younger generation do, but it wouldn’t be for me.


It’s personal choice though, and the law says breastfeeding in public paces is allowed

So the complainers haven’t got a leg to stand on.

It’s the woman’s choice and those trying to lay the shame on with accusations of being ‘inconsiderate’ are out of order and controlling

Anyway, this woman was in her own car, for goodness sake :rofl:

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Yes Maree, I am quite aware of all that, and never said the woman in the OP had done anything wrong, did I. In fact I already said before, that she was in the privacy of her own car.

What I am trying to say is, I personally, would try to find somewhere private or quiet for myself, nothing to do with whether its legal or not, just for my own peace of mind and to concentrate on the baby, without comments from other people watching.


Looking at it from yet another angle, other people should have the good manners not to ogle or interrupt a nursing Mum with her baby.
They should leave Mum alone to focus on feeding her baby wherever she is, without other folk gawping at her or making comments.
The gawpers and complainers are the ones at fault in that situation!

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Of course I understand, if you or any woman prefers privacy and a calm, quiet space, then that’s completely their choice and very understandable :two_hearts:

But because some women prefer that it shouldn’t be used as a stick to beat women and shame women who don’t always choose that and limit their options either

As someone who fed mine until quite late, it was so commonplace and natural for us, and we’d done it so often and so much that we did it without any particular need for a quiet place or make a big special thing of it. Wherever we were together and they were hungry, off we’d go!

I was so used to it that I was an expert on doing it discretely, wore tops and clothes that made it easy and certainly didn’t go around waggling my bits in people’s faces and I never got any complaints!

I was always very private when l breastfed my babies.
These days, you get ‘militant’ breastfeeders who do it publicly to show they have rights.
It’s all well and good but please don’t do it opposite me, whilst l am trying to enjoy a meal with all that slurping going on…

I have also seen them change a baby on a restaurant table…yuk.
I think the dirty disposable nappy left in a supermarket trolley was the worst thing.


I agree, Art. :+1:

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Yeah, but just because you were always very private doesn’t mean that other women nowadays should have to be or should want to be, it’s their choice

As for slurping, there’s less of that from babies feeding than from some grown ups people with bad table manners and no teeth!

We can’t always be picky about who we share a restaurant with and what they get up to

Agree on nappy changing though and the selfish way some people people just dump them any old where :nauseated_face:

I’m reminded of the anecdote about a woman walking through a town centre with one breast exposed.

When this was pointed out to her, she cried out, “Bloody hell, I’ve left the baby on the bus!”


So, if it is all so natural, it would be fine for me to wee on the restaurant floor in front of all the people?

Would you also be in favour of women walking around town centres… topless?

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I think you are using the wrong analogies.

I think we all agree that the place to dispose of wee and poo is in the toilet area of the restaurant - whether you are an adult wanting to wee and poo or whether you are changing a baby’s nappy - it’s not acceptable to do it at the table where people are eating!

Trying to compare feeding a baby with using the toilet is not a valid comparison.


They are both considered to be a natural thing.
Both situations are offloading bodily liquids


I cannot see how you make these comparisons!
If you cannot see the difference between human milk produced to feed a human baby and the bodily waste we excrete, then there’s no point continuing this bizarre discussion - I cannot figure how anyone can claim the two things are similar in terms of hygiene at a restaurant table!

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:rofl: I thought exactly the same.

If a man pee’d up a tree in the park, people would report a flasher about.
If a woman showed her bum while squatting in the park, she would certainly get comments, yet getting breasts out is in public is acceptable.

I do also agree with what Muddy said earlier too, though, and there are discreet ways of feeding, and the ‘militant’ oposites, who don’t care a fig whether others might feel uncomfortable or not.

Anyway, I’m out of all this silly arguing now. I’ve said all I need to say.

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