Women breast feeding in Sainsbury’s car park

I think the point that is trying to be made is that certain members of society, in this case breastfeeding women, seem to now be in the limelight if their ‘rights’ are been infringed upon.

Some people support breastfeeding, others don’t … some people might glare or swear at a person who breaks wind in a cafe, especially if they drop a right stinker … but the minute that person mentions he has uncontrollable IBS does it become a natural bodily function? See how silly the bitting and batting can get?

So the embarrassed mother will get an apology and a free voucher and her moment of indignant outrage on social media.
Not to mention hordes of indignant women yelling out about women’s rights.
I feel sorry for the poor baby if mum saves a snapshot of the webpage and tells her grown up kid … Look! That was you!
Perhaps the kid, once adult, will feel they were exploited?
Who knows?
That last was meant as some genuine humour found in the situation.
It often helps and is something that seems sadly lacking nowadays when minor issues get all blown all out of proportion.

The world has gone ‘woke’ mad and is becoming full of wokies.


Me too … life is too short.


Yeah, come on Mort, let’s go and have a coffee. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

What milk will you be using?


That reminded me of when an old man did exactly that, then wandered around asking women to zip him back up because he had a frozen shoulder! Yuck. :see_no_evil:

Ey? :roll_eyes: Couldn’t zip it up because of a frozen shoulder, ey?
So how’d he manage to unzip it in the first place then, did he have to ask someone to do that as well? Grotty old bugger. :laughing:


Ugh …now that is sheer perversion.

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It doesn’t seem a lot to ask to make an old man happy. :slightly_smiling_face:

It depends on what he was offering to pay … to help make an old hag happy :upside_down_face:

Doing a good deed is your payment; virtue is it’s own reward. Although I don’t know how virtuous tucking away an old fella’s old fella is. :thinking:

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Eugh! I wonder if anyone fell for it? :rofl::rofl:

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I didn’t stay to find out! :joy: