Sounds pretty grim to me Realist, but I suppose it’s our fault by wanting the latest technology as with mobile phones, they were the exception when they first became available but now you are the exception if you don’t have one. Were they thrust upon us by stealth? Is this the future to be told what O/S to use under the mistaken belief that you are making the decision? Do I have to own a car that does everything for me and lets my mind wonder instead of concentrating on driving? The problem is, you can’t buy a car that hasn’t been equipped with all the latest gizmo’s. Am I to believe that everything today is meant to make you stop thinking for yourself? How many hours are spent watching ‘Box Sets’ playing computer games and listening to music, all the things that prevent constructive and creative thought. Ask yourself this…How long has it been since I sat down in silence and just thought? Without a TV or radio playing in the background, or without interruption from a telephone? Some of the worlds greatest scientific discoveries would not have been made if distractions had been present to interrupt the thought process of say, Einstein. The great man had seven suits and shirts all the same so upon waking he would not waste thinking time deciding what he would wear today…
Just thought I would say that I had an opportunity to test this tonight. The pop up thoughtfully offered “now” or “tonight” for upgrade and (having been caught before on the red X) I thought I’d try this out. The task bar would not show in front of the pop up box - very crafty of them. However, I managed to click and drag the Task Bar enough to the left to see the programs and saw a bundle of letters I didn’t recognise, so clicked to highlight. Then I moved it over to the right and clicked “end task” - and the pop up went.
Sneaky lot, aren’t they!
Good for you. Trouble is, it will be back.
You should read back in this thread and try one of the options for downloading software to prevent this re-occurring.
It will probably be easier to shut down the laptop until August and buy the new tablet I keep promising myself.
Just disable Windows updates and then uninstall update number KB3035583. Job done.
As long as you don’t want any other updates.
There won’t BE any other updates JBR for people staying on Win 7/8 as it’s going out of support.
That’s based on an ‘if’ and a ‘what if?’ It wasn’t something that happened. The Government didn’t force that choice. Might as well say ‘if’ or ask 'what if? about anything else that didn’t happen.
You are saying it’s all about choice and I believe this is true. To say that people are being lead, without thought, by governments and businesses is totally wrong in my opinion. People young and old, from all walks of life think about and choose what they want/don’t want and then act accordingly.
People will fight against that which they don’t want. The Poll Tax has been given as an example. Another one could be the various strikes that happen when people believe an injustice is being done. Your fellow human beings are not as easily hoodwinked as you think they are and do not sit in armchairs letting themselves get dumped on. However, I suppose what is the case is that people can hold different opinions to your own and choose to let stuff happen, or at least not be so worried about it all as you are …and that’s a choice in itself.
We’re on a Windows 10 thread here but it could appear your opinion is that, if a person decides to upgrade to Windows 10, they are somehow unthinking or easily lead. Quite a presumption and completely beyond the pale in my opinion.
RFID tagging might or might not happen in the time scale mentioned but if it does, it won’t have to be done by way of any recommendations or pressure from governments and businesses. People generally can’t get enough of technology. This isn’t because they are all being led. It’s because they have been shown the devices and decided they want them. No amount of leading or pressure will get people to buy, or be forced, into having something they don’t want.
Taking another hypothetical view, a government might tell people they cannot be RFID chipped because it is considered step too far. Something over and above people identifying themselves by using a phone, the swipe of a card or other ways carried on the body (not in it). Wouldn’t it also be government control if they were to make a law saying that people cannot have this done?
I haven’t been asked to decide about energy usage meters yet. When the time comes I’ll give it some thought. If I get one, I won’t just think that I’ve given it some thought …as you might think.
Not for a few years yet. 2020 isn’t it?
Yes JB, I believe it’s just Windows XP and Vista at present.
PS:- Have a good time in Germany, I’m looking forward to the report…:-D:-D:-D
You lot are all paranoid.
And that is from some one who uses The Pirate Bay all the time.
Not entirely true but I’ll leave it at that as it would open up too much side discussion. Be aware that a number of GPs were bullied into issuing antiviral prescriptions for all residents in care homes. Many people were given the vaccine without their consent and many suffered the side effects.
No, my beef with W10 is the manner in which MS have pushed it. They have used aggressive tactics and underhand tactics. They’ve tried the “get it free now or you will pay later” scare tactic. They’ve tried aggressively using pop-ups which won’t go away. They’ve even gone so far as redefining the “cross box” button which everyone knows is what you use to close a window, but on their pop up it means you accept. Then there are all the instances where many people’s machines were simply automatically upgraded without their consent. When challenged about this MS apologised and said it was an “accident” !
Choice is the pertinent issue. It should be a free and un-pressured choice for everyone. Unfortunately that isn’t the case the way MS are behaving.
I already stated all that when I explained how RFID technology will likely be implemented. The young generation will lap it up first, everyone else will get left behind if they don’t follow suit.
They might, but no company is going to spend billions developing the technology if the government isn’t going to sanction it. This situation is not hypothetical. The technology HAS been developed. The technology IS being tested by thousands of people. There is no way this would happen if the government was going to outlaw it.
I don’t think they will ask you. Just as Microsoft is aggressively pushing W10, the energy companies have been lying to the populous and telling them that smart meters are mandatory. My guess is that you will NOT get a nice letter saying “We would very much like to install a Smart Meter on your property, is that ok?”
What you will get is a letter saying:
“Your existing meter will be replaced by a smart meter in the next 2 weeks. Please ensure the engineer has access to your property and the meter”
Sorry BUT
You are coming over as a Nutter.
So everybody is, on average, living much longer these days because of the way the government deliberately harms people.
Windows 10 has been referred to as ‘Windows 10 crap’ a couple of times. Does the above mean that it’s only the manner in which it has been pushed is crap? I can kind of agree with that because I’m not intransigent on some points. Can an OS that hasn’t been tried yet be called ‘crap’, perhaps judged as such just because you don’t want it? I think a good number of people (would we be thought of as ‘sheeple’?) have installed it now and have a good opinion of it.
Yes I agree, the young might like to use it (their choice) but will those of us not choosing to do so will feel left behind? Although this has looked to be the case with computers, I have my doubts that it will extend to RFID. Even if that was to prove wrong, perhaps neither of us will live long enough to see what happens one way or the other.
The situation where everyone has it is hypothetical as yet but I don’t discard the points made about it. Quite the contrary, I’m likely to take note and look into it. I might not come to the same conclusions but that’s just a difference in the outlook on life.
I am not going to spend time worrying about that before it happens. we’ll think about it when the letter arrives. Then act as we see fit, whatever it says.
How did you know that I’m going over to spy on Merkel? :shock: I said we were going on ‘holiday’.
Why would any body go to Germany if not too:twisted::twisted::twisted:
My first wife and I have voted OUT. We have a postal vote, as we are off to Germany in three weeks (to see Angela Merkel).
Nothing sinister JB, this was one of your previous posts…Do you recognise it?
Ah, but I never mentioned ‘spy’.
I know nothing about computers, but somehow I think that we will al have windows 10
Definitely a bit sneaky.
No we most certainly won’t. Microsoft cannot force or mandate their product on anyone. It’s a product being offered but consumers have the choice. Whether they realise they have a choice, or whether they fall for the pressured aggressive tactics like the one you have highlighted, is entirely up to them. If they do their research they will realise they can happily stick with Windows 7 or 8.