Win 10 worse than a blasted, pushy door to door salesman

By installing some of the software options mentioned earlier in this thread.

I mean people in general who get the pop up, not folk on the forum JBR :slight_smile:

They can google it - like I did!

You get rid of ALL pop ups like that by simply disabling JavaScript in your browser. You should also disable Windows Updates if you don’t want this W10 crap coming your way.

Microsoft have been and are being ultra aggressive. They don’t deserve people’s support in this. They are clearly desperate to establish this new platform of total control. I will say again, much much bigger agendas are in play here than just standardising on one windows version. Go there at your own peril.

I was meaning has Microsoft made it impossible for them just to get this off their screen (if clicking the X downloads W10).

Would the only way be for people to switch their computer off to get it out of their ‘line of sight’?

I don’t know as I haven’t personally experienced it. However, to avoid clicking the red ‘acceptance’(!) cross, perhaps right clicking on the taskbar and choosing ‘close window’ might do it. It will almost certainly come back though.

I think the best thing they can do then, assuming they really don’t want W10, is to install the appropriate software.

As Realist says, they could disable Windows Updates, although obtaining some of those might be advantageous. As for disabling Javascript, I don’t know. It certainly isn’t enabled on my computer, but I suspect that Microsoft would manage to get round that anyway.

Yes, you’re probably right. It’s just not on Microsoft invading the unsuspecting punters like they are some sort of god (shakes head). :twisted:

Microsoft lacked control in the existing versions of Windows.

Users CAN totally disable Windows Updates in Win 7/8 and users CAN disable Javascripting so that there are no Ads or pop ups and no tracking scripts can keep tabs on your activities.

I sense that Microsoft now want that control back, and with that control will come charging mechanisms. They will imo invent (develop) phased updates which we will eventually have to pay for (unless those updates contain control related changes which they really want everyone to have in which case they will be free).

I’m not fooled for a second. Windows 7 is just fine and will remain my OS for a long time to come.

If they’re not careful they’ll do a Dave (shoot themselves in the foot).

There is already the option of various flavours of Linux and, of course, some people may very well choose to go down the Apple route.

Then there is always the possibility of another competitive OS if the situation is favourable.

We still have a free market and I’m sure that Microsoft must realise that they are obliged to compete rather than dictate.

The thing that aggravates me about all of this is the fact that when you purchase a device to work on or surf the net it becomes a tool and you shouldn’t have to be constantly updating it or modifying it. I don’t enjoy buggering about with my computer when I should be using it to do some work or socialising with friends on it. Hell, I didn’t buy my car to be constantly taking the engine out and polishing it.

I’ve kept Vista on my Desk top computer and Windows 7 on my Netbook - They were the operating systems that came loaded on when I bought them - I disabled updates right from the start and have suffered no problems.

Google have stopped supporting Vista and it hasn’t made a scrap of difference to it’s efficiency. I will continue to use both computers until they eventually pack up and whatever O/S is loaded on a new device I will accept and use after first disabling updates.

I detest the hard sell methods used by the likes of Microsoft and other large companies, there is no escape these days from somebody wanting to sell you something.

This is terribly naïve JBR. The extent to which software houses and other businesses along the food chain are hooked into MS and Windows and all the associated packages (.NET, ASP, etc etc) is immense. They do pretty much have a monopoly.

Apple clearly have a share of the market but they competed by producing specific products and associated software like iPods and iTunes, iPads, iPhones and so on. It’s a bit of a proprietary world and is tied down with Digital Rights Management issues.

Overall, no other company is going to replace Microsoft any time soon. Business are far too invested in Windows. So they can do pretty much whatever they like . . . and they are doing !

Businesses are pretty much tied to Microsoft. Too much of their computing needs rely on Microsoft to consider changing now. Computers for the home come supplied with a Microsoft OS. Those not opting to buy Macs know nothing else. Even if someone says “Change to Linux”, many don’t have the technical abilities and therefore the courage to do it. A mention of it is usually greeted with silence. Even if it was done, there is still a usage learning curve and people generally aren’t interested in learning about computers. They are turned on and just expected to work.

Microsoft have played a major part in making that mostly possible. Computers are so easy to use that we can post on this forum by clicking buttons. The technicalities behind this simple action are amazing and I think Microsoft have to be given a lot credit for their part in making it possible for non-technical people. Not such a big bad company in my opinion.

They wouldn’t have achieved the success that they have if their products had been that poor or unusable over the years. Nonetheless, they have historically come under fire for every change they ever made. If I was Microsoft, I think I’d have given up by now, picked up my ball and gone home. This not likely to happen of course and until it does, most people will stay with and are tied to a Microsoft operating system.

Windows 10 is eventually going to be the one and we will end up with whatever Microsoft decide to do (unless brave enough to jump ship). That’s just a fact I reckon. If they do decide to charge a subscription, what are people going to do? Kick against it but pay I suppose.

Personally, I’m going to stay with Windows 10 for as long as the OS proves good. I’m not going to worry about all the ‘ifs’ that could come about at some time in the future. I’ll accept, without fighting, updates for W.10 when they are released for as long as I use the OS. They are generally good for the system. A list describing what the updates do here:

As regards control and spying, I can remember the outcry when WGA was introduced. Yet I wonder how many think about this now …or even know what it is, let alone worry about it? Nobody from Microsoft, or any other company, came to the door and grabbed people by the collar. No other ill-effects either.

Sure it’s possible to put on the tinfoil hat and worry about spying and privacy but I personally have never worried about this aspect of computing very much. I think my privacy went out of the window the day I went on the Internet. I might have to eat my words if anything arises because of this attitude but it has been 20 years now and nothing noticed so far.

I wouldn’t surprise me also Mart if you gladly and willingly accept a micro RFID chip to be implanted under your skin when the time comes !

Is RFID implantation another of your projected theories then?


No theory I’m afraid. A reality that has been here for some time. 1000s of people already have them as part of a trial.

OK, I’ll just say I won’t be volunteering.

I came across this when researching those links Realist. An aside from the Windows 10 discussion and just for information purposes:

Indeed. I don’t think for a second that the target date of 2017 will ever be met. However the point to note is that the technology HAS been developed, it IS there ready and waiting to be used. All it now needs is for the corrupt powers to enforce it upon you.

That of course would be tricky and difficult as most people wouldn’t readily volunteer IF the perception was that you were being “bagged and tagged” like cattle.

So instead let me lay out for you how this is going to play out.

It will begin with the youngsters of today’s generations. They already are totally bought into mobile phones and “Apps” and the Cool/Wicked ability to wave a bank card over a card reader to pay for stuff and to wave a mobile phone over a card reader to pay for stuff. It is already second nature to them, they don’t see it as being “bagged and tagged” they see it as a cool and convenient way to buy “stuff”.

The step up from that RFID chip being in a bank card or phone to being implanted under your skin in your hand is therefore a tiny one. The kids will absolutely love it. It will seem like magic. Let me pay for that Starbucks Latte with the wave of my hand over the terminal, how cool is that, I am empowered. The technology then picks up momentum.
All those kids working in IT Helpdesks and other people in large buildings find that their office doors are all locked electronically. They then get to sweep their hand over the door security panel and Hey Presto they are identified and the door clicks open. This is fantastic! It’s the stuff of Star Trek and Star Wars, neat, wicked, cool !

This is how RFID “bagging and tagging” will be implemented. The older and more rational amongst us will see it for what it really is. Big Brother implementing the ultimate surveillance system, the loss of all privacy and free movement. But whilst we might oppose the RFID tagging and refuse to have it, the world will nevertheless change around us because so many of the youngsters will have been duped.

Just as today, no-one really uses written cheques any more to pay and we all pretty much have to carry bank cards and credit cards, so too will bank cards start to be discontinued. Banks will start to charge people who insist on using “out-of-date” technology and so more and more people will have the RFID chip. Everything in life will be made ultra easy for those that took the chip, entry to venues, passport control, ATM machines and so on.
The naysayers will get left behind and will eventually become so disadvantaged by not having an RFID implant that most will eventually crumble. Big Brother will then have won.

This entire process will imo take about 5 years, however should the powers that be want to speed up that process they won’t hesitate to instigate some horrific “incident” on home turf, killing hundreds of people which will be blamed on terrorists and the inability to effectively track and ID people. On the back of such an incident they will mandate that everyone be tagged.

Excellent post Realist, as usual, but what’s to be done…It will happen!

I guess at some point you will be faced with the reality of choice. Much as you would have been if the government had mandated that everyone must have the Tamiflu vaccination when there was a swine flu scare some years ago. If that had happened would you have had the vaccination? If not how far would you go to resist it? Would you go to prison rather than have it?

The same would go for RFID tagging. At some point the choice will be put before you along with a ton of psychological pressure. What will happen to those that refuse? Financial penalty? Prison? Will such people lose certain privileges?

When the government tried to implement the poll tax, many people objected to it. Many outright refused to pay it. Others just crumbled under the psychological peer pressure and just handed over their cash. Some went into custody rather than pay it. In the end it was scrapped. Who were the fools then? In those 2-3 years some people held out and never paid a penny in poll tax. Others did pay out of Sheeple compliance and they lost out.

All these kind of choices ARE coming our way now as the world is changing. We have to think in advance about who we want to be and what we want to do. Either fight, or lay down. It is simply another war, but a different kind of war. The oppressors are on home turf and seeking to bully you into submission. Is life worth living if your privacy is going to be taken away and if you are forced to live a life of slavery?

In a short time you will have one of these choices to make.
The energy companies, in league with the government are going to TRY to force you to have a “Smart Meter” attached to your home. This is a wireless device which will replace your electric meter or gas meter or eventually both. It will allow the energy company to constantly transmit data from that smart meter to their own systems presumably over 3G or 4G technology. They will be tracking and recording all of your energy usage every day because ultimately they will change their tariff systems to charge different rates at different times of the day. In the end your energy bills will triple. But none of that is the real problem with “Smart Meters”. The problem is that they are many many times more powerful than the wireless router in your home. It will be like having a BT phone mast right on your driveway constantly transmitting harmful radio waves at high strength through your body 24x7. Smart meters have already been implemented in the USA with huge opposition. People are fighting hard against them for health reasons, installing Faraday cages around them, refusing to allow energy company engineers permission to enter their properties and so on. Some people have been arrested as usual.

You are soon going to have to make the choice. The energy companies are already pushing adverts on TV to say “Smart Meters” are coming and trying to convince people they are great. The energy companies have already been criticised for duping the populous into thinking a Smart Meters ARE mandatory and that they have no choice, but they are outright lying. Nobody can force you to have one. But instead, the energy companies take the aggressive line of saying “well if you won’t have a smart meter, we will treat your home as an unknown quantity and charge you a top rate amount every year for energy usage”.

So your choices are:

  1. Pay through the nose as a dissenter
  2. Accept the meter at the expense of your health
  3. Disconnect from the electric or gas totally

Options 1 and 2 are both going to see you pay tons more money one way or another.

Even if you personally refuse a Smart Meter, your neighbours might crumble under the pressure and have them so you will be irradiated from all sides anyway by their meters. You will have to shield your home to be safe and install faraday cage sheeting at significant expense.

This is all part of the war on humanity that is playing out before our eyes whilst we all sit clueless in our armchairs. Method upon method to erode our health. Water, Food, spraying of the atmosphere, irradiation and on it goes. I’m afraid it is every man for himself.