Will you pledge allegiance to King Charles?

Funnily enough horses are easily scared, in the army band we we taught not to hit the big drum when passing horses, remember years ago when that Paddy fired the starting pistol at the Queen?.. remember how she showed us that day just how good a horse person she really was. if they started to shout suddenly when the horses were passing, they would react…

You only have to watch the parliamentary channel and listen to the discussions to see where the country is headed. The tone has changed in the last few months. They say that the conservative party is not what it used to be and is being driven by extremist pressure groups. It doesn’t feel we are in the same country. I’m not clear what labour would do differently. I’m not sure at all about their manifesto as on the one hand they are complaining about the tories and on the other they seem to be doing u-turns on any digression from Tory policy.


If you ever do suss out exactly is the Labour manifeso I’m sure Starmer would be glad to hear it
we have gone from bumbling one eyed Corbyn to slimy Starmer who is simply anti anything they say at the other side of the table.
perhaps a strong King is what the country requires, we certainly need a leader that knows what hes talking about, someone with ideas about manufacturing
if the had used the redundancy and dole money to subsidise our heavy industries, then we would be world leaders today instead of being hanger-ons…God Save the Country


Maybe the difference is the loss of the Queen. She used to have those chats with the PMs. Perhaps she had more influence than we realise.

Absolutely right to arrest those protesters. Wrong time and place for a protest.
Send them to the tower and throw away the key I say…
They are just a bunch of killjoys…


Bring back the Birtch !!!
i remember in a pub once one guy interupted a friendly debate with that statement and the old guy sat next to me almost launched at him, the old guys eyes were on stalks “aye” he shouted “an you should be the first fecer to recieve it”
it seems the old guy was one of the last to get that punnishment…

It’s my belief that Charles will be an interim King. I give him five years tops, before William takes over. The old Queen, God bless her, left it far too late to hand over the throne, leaving Charles in a no win situation. I did enjoy the Coronation, apart from that drawn out stuff from Welby. The troops and bands were magnificent as usual. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :yum:

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The King not likely to waste any time to make his reign meaningful, and prepare William for his succession. I agree that Charles may stand down; when he feels the time is right for both of them. A difficult problem will be to stay out of politics.

Asked in a 2018 BBC documentary if he’d continue to meddle in affairs he’s passionate about once he became king, he replied that he preferred to see it as “motivating” rather than “meddling.”

I dont believe Charles would abdicate.
Unless of course he became to ill to continue.


Good post OGF, but I would think that the young that you mentioned would be up for a bit of revolting. All the great unwashed rent a mob seem to be under 30 :grinning:

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I think Charles is in for the long haul , he will die king , then onto William . After which I think the royal family will dissolve.

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No they are not most seem middle aged .
And why shouldn’t the young protest they are going to have a hard enough time ahead without having to fund an unelected billionaire.


Just because it’s a right to protest in the UK, it doesn’t give them the right to protest with impunity - Causing criminal damage and interfering with processions, sport, or people trying to get to work to earn a living. If this was the case, what would be the point of organising anything. Total chaos would be the result, and people taking the law into their own hands.

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They weren’t however doing any of these things on Saturday .
If you remove the right to protest it’s a slippery slope that ends in dictatorship and oppression .


Coming at this from a different angle perhaps, I don’t believe that they furthered their cause.
Preaching to the converted at very best.

What about those poor people who simply came along to celebrate and enjoy the day and had to endure a noisy minority’s protest ruining the occasion for them?

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People travelled from all corners of the world to watch this event Muddy, the economy of local businesses will have received a great boost in trade from, not only foreign visitors, but people from all over the British isles. I don’t think it’s a slippery slope at all, it is an attempt by the few, to spoil it for the many. Very bad form in my opinion and there are better ways to protest about the benefits or otherwise of the King at the ballot box like we did for the EU. We are a democratic country after all…Aren’t we?
Take a leaf out of the Scottish book and hold a referendum and lets see what the majority think.

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I beg to differ madam, the egg throwers seem to be young :grin:

What egg throwers ?

We already did that and got Brexit much good it has done us .

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The Not my King rent a mob, when Charles was in Nottingham I believe