Will you pledge allegiance to King Charles?

I think you might be right Mary!

Don’t forget to sign here: Let the public vote on the future of the monarchy — ActionStorm - some of the comments are :043:


Probably got the idea from Mr Putin


I guess the coronation is the usual show of military might with all the usual suspects dolled up in their military uniforms surrounded by their armies demonstrating once again where the real power lies in Britain.


I wondered if all those guns were loaded.
I think that they were


But first you have too change the voting system, maybe it is already too late and we will have to accept Dictatorship of the CCP. Communist Conservatism Party.

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Probably. Now it is crystal clear what is happening. Our polluted politics are a cancer that has killed Britain.

Never say never, Cinderella! Don’t give up,

Yes, our voting system is unfair and undemocratic so most people can’t change anything by voting

Hence the need for direct action :muscle:t4:

We have to protect OUR human rights against OUR government.

Cannot say I relish protesting, but hey what the heck!

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:muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4: You go, girl!

The armies are already here.

Calm down…
All this fighting talk and nobody will do anything, the establishment have walked all over us and there is nothing we can do about it. 15 minute towns and cities, wasting our money, when we are in debt for squillions, propping up foreign wars and investing in dumb ass projects, making sure that everyone is connected to the internet so they can override your server and keep you frightened with warnings while filling your heads with propaganda. Has anyone actually noticed the virus like spread of mobile phone masts?

We are powerless to resist. Cameras are everywhere watching your every move. You are not even safe from prying ears and eyes in your own home, so be careful what you say. We are ‘All Connected’ after all. They know where we all are 24/7. Why protest when we can sit at home comfy and have Sky, Netflix, computer games, social media, and unlimited box sets to divert our attention from what is really happening in the UK and the world. The MSM news will keep you informed without having to leave your sofa.

So what would happen if we mounted a national protest? First they could starve you out. Empty supermarket shelves and blame it on Brexit or Putin. If that doesn’t work, freeze your bank accounts. Did nobody take any notice how Justin Trudeau ended the lorry drivers protest in Canada? He froze all of their bank accounts. Their cards were useless. And bear in mind that nearly all of our money transactions are electronic now. Cards are a lot more efficient than cash, so lets get rid of cash. We can even get rid of cards, just get an app for your phone and use the internet…After all, we are ‘All Connected’

Or what about spreading a virus and getting us all to stay indoors? They’ve already done a trial run to see if we are gullible enough to take the bait. And don’t forget to have your vaccinations or you ill not be allowed to travel or mix with the people who have. Did you know that there are now more illegal immigrants than members of our armed forces? They are mostly fit young men, some of whom are army trained. Just in case our own forces don’t like shooting Brits and refuse to police the locals. Perhaps the immigrants could be immobilised in an instant.

Whether Brexit was good for the country or not is irrelevant, it was the last hope that the common people had to override the government, and at least we succeeded in getting rid of that waste of space Cameron. But that was all it did. After successive PM’s tried to push through some watered down brexit to pacify the plebs, along comes Sunak. Nobody voted for him, and the IMF and WEF have had to pull some very interesting strings - The Boris parties, and Truss’s failure - to eventually get their man into power, when even members of his own party didn’t want him there, we took it hook line and sinker. In’t the MSM wonderful!

All this talk of protesting is a load of hot air by a bunch of oldies. All the young people in our schools and universities are being brainwashed to accept this changing world, so most of them will not join us. Lets get back to the spectacle that’s meant to distract you from the things that are changing under our very noses while the rich and influential manipulate us like a pound of putty. God save the King!

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I can assure you they were not… ok no doubt the police guns are but not the armed forces.

I didn’t think they were, it just takes one militant soldier…

can you see what you said…lol… a militant soldier…lol… i thought all soldiers were trained to be ‘Militant’…sorry pal, your right, just one bullet, thats all thats needed, but the only polititian i might have shot was Thatcher, and perhaps Churchill…bring it on…

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A soldier is trained to be combative, known as a combatant in war. A militant is an activist, as they are not members of a regulated army.

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I’m sorry to intrude Maree but how might this direct action manifest itself?

Genuine question on my part.

I’ve been droning on about this for years. Farenheit 451 pretty much predicted it. With the advent of social media, there’s a marked reduction in access to real information online. Much of the rollout of technology is indeed about population control. People moan about religion controlling the masses, but then happily buy smartphones, smart TVs, cameras etc. ditch their library cards, books, agree to reduce journeys, travel (carbon footprint), leave their houses less, become socially isolated, no longer exchange ideas etc. You can’t escape though because it’s become such an accepted part of our lives, because it is all so “easy” and it’s also a drug sucking people in.

Interesting, but not sure what this all has to do with the coronation… other than all that pomp and splendour is another distraction for the masses to keep us happy.

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Wasn’t that the point of Brexit? The other reasons were just a smokescreen.


“Arrested for having t-shirts and flags”

Sounds like something from North Korea!

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One person got arrested for having a megaphone because it might scare the horses :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Ridiculous, Prince Andrew’s face alone could do that and they didn’t cut his head off