Will you pledge allegiance to King Charles?

There is always a silly beggar somewhere no need to tar all young people with the same brush .

We should never want to make the elite, mirror us, that would do no good.

It’s been tried.

It would appear that the majority of protestors that tear down statues, try to erase the history of this country and refuse to acknowledge the new King are taught this in University and are mostly young. However, I believe they are being manipulated by a much more influential and wealthy instigator.


Yes I agree Muddy, but that was due to lack of interest by the tories. At least it did show that they were honest about the result. Brexit could have been successful if it had been done properly and not done just to appease the plebs.

But it’s always the few that give the rest a bad name.

Noisy protesters just annoy everyone else.They should hold an event of their own at the same time and pretend the other thing isn’t happening.That’s a good way to register your dissatisfaction I think.


I agree, although they would probably say that wouldn’t be as effective .

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Not everyone responds to egg throwers with decorum!


Two jabs.He probably didn’t like the mullet.

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Looks like mullets were quite the thing in Rhyl.


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The protestors in London were members of Republic
Their leader Graham Smith is 49 .
All were released without charge and the Met has said it regrets arresting them.
They broke no laws whatsoever .


Disgraceful behaviour by the Met detaining innocent people and abusing their power. There needs to be a full enquiry

Graham Smith has received a personal apology, which he hasn’t accepted and he intends to take legal action, more power to his elbow, I hope he sues the pants off them

This is the thin edge of the wedge as far as calling ourselves a democracy is concerned :rage:


At least the police removed the rabble from the celebrations.

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If I had loads of money I would finance the prosecution to get em locked up…

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If it was me I would have organized a re-enactment of Charles 1 execution in Hyde Park.With a coffee stall and ice cream van for the kids.

And I’d finance him to take legal action against the police! :muscle:t4::rofl:

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:pleading_face: I never did. I never saw a minute of the Coronation. I had no interest in the event.

See you in court…

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