Will Smith smacks Chris Rock live at the Oscars

So rather than be about who actually won an oscar best actor etc its all about much ado about nowt, todays world I guess.

I’m not getting drawn in, LD. :018:


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Misdemeanor Battery - Riverside Criminal Defense Lawyer.

Misdemeanor Battery Elements and Potential Penalties Under California Law

California law defines battery under Penal Code section 242 as willful or unlawful force or violence used on another person. Misdemeanor battery, also known as traditional “simple” battery, may be punished by a fine not exceeding $2,000 dollars, and/or by imprisonment in jail for a maximum of six months. It is important to understand that the crime of battery may be charged even if the victim was not injured.

When a battery victim does suffer injury, the criminal charge may rise to battery causing serious bodily injury, which can be filed as a felony. These penalties include two, three, or four years in prison, in addition to a potential fine and formal probation. Battery on a peace officer and domestic battery are specified in the California Penal Code separately, and also carry severe penalties. Misdemeanor battery is a violent crime, and while the length of potential imprisonment is less than for a felony battery, it remains a serious conviction.

If it goes to court then I suggest that, if WS is found guilty, he should be banged up, since $2,000 is small change for for WS … :neutral_face:

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Ah, so your another with fence splinters in his arse😉

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Chris Rock used to be incredibly funny but his humour has got grimmer and more insulting .

Yep. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Purely for publicity. CODA was always going to win, now he’s stolen their thunder and all anyone is talking about is him

These Oscars will always be remembered now as the ones where Will Smith did some slapping, not as the ones where CODA won, which I think is a shame

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One shouldn’t really make jokes about medical conditions.

What seems a bit odd is that Rock decided to just stand there while he watched a clearly irate Smith walk towards him. Not sure why he thought that was wise.

Do you honestly believe that Chris Rock was slapped as surely the first reaction would be to raised a hand to the slapped cheek I know I did when my late wife had me across her knees, oops I have gone off topic. :smiley::smiley::smiley:


That’s just for the battery part. The assault charges fines and punishments are in my post above and are up to 6 mos in jail and fines up to $100K.

Assault and battery are two separate charges.

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You would have to consider the matter to form a belief, but why would you bother?

If it were a white man that hit Chris can you imagine the outrage


I don’t know. If there were no apparent racial element to the encounter, is it fair to assume there would have been outrage?

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Chris Rock was wrong to make a joke about Will Smith’s wife’s Alopecia but l can’t condone Will Smith hitting him.
He should have sorted it in some other way than show violence is ok to the whole world.


What did he say that was offensive? I’ve watched the clip a few times, and I don’t really understand what he was he was on about, but I didn’t hear anything to account for what happened.

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Chris Rock was referring to Will Smith’s wife’s shaven head as a GI haircut.
Jada has shaved her head after losing clumps of hair due to Alopecia.

Well he should have asked Ricky Gervais for a few tips on how to offend a room full of celebrities without getting punched before he hosted the show.

I think Smith was right to hit Chris Rock (who’s he?). He insulted his wife and deserved what he got.


It was a bitch-slap designed to humiliate and not injure. If he had wanted, Smith could have knocked him out cold.