Who doesn't have the flu jab and why?

I’ve never had the flu jab and don’t intend to have it in the future either. As far as I can remember I have had flu just twice in the whole of my life.

I don’t think the flu jab would be of any use in preventing imaginary illnesses … :wink:

I’ve been having it since I had (probably swine) flu in 2012. I’d never been so sick. I’ve not had any side effects from the jab. I do think they should focus on the younger population though. They focus on children but they should focus on the under 60s too.

No would never have it. the more one has to stop infection the less natural immunisation one builds up in the body. Not just flu jabs but products that kill 99 percent of all known germs. it can’t be good for you I don’t care what anyone says.

Too much emphesis on stopping instead of having and let the body protect itself

Isn’t that what the flu jab does? It makes the immune system think that the body is being invaded and it then make the antibodies to fight it so that when you do get a flu virus it is all ready to bash it on the head.

It is more or less how all vaccines work, they pre prepare the immune system so it is ready for the real thng.

Except for the HUGE elephant in the room which is that there are well over 200 individual strains of flu and the vaccine only covers 3 of them which is why it has been proved to be utterly useless and unfit for purpose.

The extremely serious downside, as you have kindly highlighted there, is that the vaccine “infects” your body with inactivated flu virus which causes the body to devote precious resources to combatting it (when there is of course no need at all to do that !). This occurs right at the time of the annual Flu Season and makes elderly and infirm people especially vulnerable to catching the REAL strains of flu and other colds and viruses that are circulating at that time because their immune systems have already been compromised by having to devote all the resources to fighting off pretend flu virus from the useless vaccine…

Hence those people suffer the REAL flu and cold viruses in a far more serious way than they would otherwise have done if they’d just stayed clear of useless vaccines and let their bodies deal with them.

That in turn ensures that those people spread around the REAL cold and flu viruses each year to lots of other people, hence we get this so called annual “flu season”. Seriously where do people think these viruses go the rest of the year??? On holiday???

The flu vaccine is a total scam. It’s utterly useless for purpose, scientifically proven to be so by the leading independent organisation that sets medical testing protocols globally.

The more that stupid people keep having the jabs, citing all manner of silly excuses for doing so, the more flu and other viruses spread further creating a self supporting fraudulent industry.

The Flu Vaccine business is predicated totally on a Campaign Of Fear which is perpetuated every year by the fraudulent media and by the medical industry itself.

They tell you every year that “this year’s strain is particuluarly nasty and for those ill and unfirm it could be fatal”

Just a dedicated Campaign of Fear to make vulnerable naive people run to their GP for the shot. This industry makes $billions every year from this scam.

People need to stop making silly excuses for themselves to justify having the vaccine. Annecdotal nonsense.

The vaccine is PROVEN to be useless. It is therefore an utter scam.

Stop spreading the viruses around to the rest of us who have more sense.

Great post Realist, youve just confirmed my previous doubts
about the flu jabs!
But surely some vaccinations do have a good beffect?
Like smallpox etc?
Regards Donkeyman!

I will be interested if you receive a response that confirms the success of some vaccines in wiping out diseases near enough completely (e.g Polio).

Unfortunately one can take absolutely nothing for granted.

Once you understand that this is an industry which is prepared to annually vaccinate millions of people with a patently useless Flu vaccine, purely for profits, and which has use of the media and NHS and other medical institutions to peddle that snake oil, then you have to approach EVERYTHING with huge scepticism.

Each and every individual vaccine must be researched very thoroughly to get to the truth.

Thus far I’ve determined for myself that:

  1. Flu vaccine is complete bogus snake oil, a total scam

  2. Shingles vaccine is completely unnecessary, your chances of getting shingles are astronomically tiny and your chances of dying if you do get Shingles is infinitely more astronomical. It’s a stupidly unnecessary vaccine being increasingly peddled on the usual Campaigns of Fear.

  3. Measles vaccine is also peddled on the Campaign of Fear angle, particularly emphasising the emotive “children die because of Measles” angle. The numbers however, like Shingles, are tiny and grossly overhyped. Large numbers of children suffer serious problems as a result of having the vaccine. More in fact that are saved from dying.

Aside from vaccines I have also satisfied my self that Mammography is an awful thing which has harmed far more women than it ever saved or cured. It should be outlawed, but it persists because it feeds the lucrative cancer industry and gets women on that cancer pathway as early as possible, even if they didn’t need to be on it. Utterly wicked imho.

This whole thing is difficult, purposefully so. These industries don’t want people getting to the truth. They have an extremely lucrative business and VERY VERY powerful positions because of that. They have governments in their pockets.

Our health, our lives are totally expendable in that business model. We are cannon fodder. People dying as a result of vaccines are of no interest at all. They happily shell out the compensation and just continue raking in the $billions from all the other vaccinations.

There are some simple things to note.

  1. You ABSOLUTELY can not trust the medical industry and what it says. Tests and reports are utterly biased, bought and paid for. Only independent research of the kind Cochrane does is of value.

  2. You can not trust staff in the medical industry. They are controlled and brainwashed/conditioned by that industry and their jobs are on the line if they do not tow the party line. Many GP’s are ignorant of Cochrane’s studies of Flu Vaccines. GP surgeries and clinics rake in £0000’s from the annual flu vaccination programmes. They are conflicted or ignorant if not simply willing participants in the whole scam. Some are so wicked that they threaten their surgery patients with removal of their membership if they don’t take up their annual flu shots. They are simply like horse racing bookies revelling in that singular time of the year where they make an absolute ton of money like the Grand National. They know it’s wrong, but the income is vital to many surgeries and they can’t go against the wishes of the medical industry.

  3. There are tons and tons of disinformation articles out on the internet. It is a total minefield getting to any truth. You have to read it all and learn to recognise the bogus stuff (put there by medical industry stooges) from the real stuff (often real testimonies of real people)

It’s all hard. It takes perseverence, dedication, time. You must care, you must be determined to get to the truth and look through lots of data.

The vaccine industry very much hopes that people won’t do that and that they will just give up and listen to their GP.

Those people are victims.

Do the research. Be informed. Protect yourself and your loved ones.

Your health is YOUR responsibility, nobody else’s.

Oh dear, you obviously have nothing better to do with your life than browsing the web all day and posting lengthy arguments on forums. Are you a world renowned expert on this subject? I think not!
Whilst you are free to present your argument please refrain from telling me what I am doing or thinking.
Realist indeed!

Originally Posted by Realist →

The more that stupid people keep having the jabs, citing all manner of silly excuses for doing so, the more flu and other viruses spread further creating a self supporting fraudulent industry.

Realist, calling people who make up their own minds to have the flu jab ‘stupid people’, which you know full well includes many of our members here, is completely out of order. You do not have any qualifications and appear to be brainwashed by what you read. The flu jab can save many a life, especially those with vulnerable illnesses already.

My word, doesn’t time fly.

Seven months this thread has been rambling on . . and on …

Before we know it, it will be Autumn, and you know
what that means don’t you?
It means this years Flu jab lectures will begin - as they do every flippin’ winter!

That’ll be nice.


We usually have our flu jabs in October.

I will be first in the queue Tara :slight_smile:

Knowing someone who was in their 50’s fit and well and died after contracting flu helps to concentrate the mind.

I appreciate having the vaccination doesn’t give me 100% protection against all strains of flu but as someone with asthma and a heart condition, any help is better than none.

Utter unsubstantiated hogwash, nothing but rhetoric.

One glance at the Flu Mortality rates in the UK shows categorically that the numbers of people dying from Flu are going UP year on year not down. I have previously and dutifully posted up those numbers and the links to the government website pages where they are published. They are facts.

Thus the Flu vaccine is NOT doing what you claim it should do. If it had any efficacy at all the Flu mortality rates would be coming down.

The vaccine is not fit for purpose by any stretch of the imagination and thus should categoriclaly not be being rolled out across the nation. It’s simply a money making venture predicated on a Campaign Of Fear.

Oh for pity’s sake you really are getting very boring on this topic. OK so you don’t want to have a flu jab, fine don’t have one, but stop going on about it.:shock:

Itr’s not about ME not having a flu jab.

It’s about exposing a fraudulent industry which is preying on weak and vulnerable people in order to make $billions.

Nobody is forcing you to be involved. Move along if you’re not interested in the facts.

I had the flu jab once a few years ago and I ended up with the worst bout of cold and flu I have ever had. Never again.

If we can stay away from infections such as people sneezing and other people with the flu, plus keep ourselves warm, wash our hands and keep ourselves fit then we will go some of the way to avoiding the flu.
In most cases anyway, some are just prone to catching the flu I guess.

I am not interested in your so called ‘facts’. :shock:

I reckon it’s the same as taking vitamins and completely useless cough medicines. If it gives people peace of mind that they are taking something that might make them feel better, then so be it.
‘Fact’ is though, the jury’s out on if it works for everyone and I wouldn’t waste my money :102: