I’d be really interested to know how many of our members do not have the flu jab.
I don’t .
I don’t like needles and I don’t see the point of putting some other virus or whatever into my body .
Hi Carol.
I’ve had a flu jab just the once about three years ago. Never again.
That winter I suffered the worst bout of cold and flu I’d ever experienced. There are different strains of the flu virus and unless the jab matches what you pick up, it doesn’t work and can even make it worse by giving you more severe symptoms.
I hate taking medicines except those prescribed by a GP as over-the-counter ones never seem to work.
It’s a massive money-making racket.
There is no real cure for a cold or flu, so why waste money on ‘remedies’.
Hot drinks, keep warm, stay away from others who have colds and ride it out I’m afraid. The only way.
Get well soon Carol
Hello Carol. I have had the flu jab every year for many years and never had a problem… Man flu? Yes a couple of times but there is no treatment for that.
I had the flu jab 3 times when I worked with vulnerable older people . Each time I was really unwell within a week , one time so ill my throat was on fire and started closing up , in panic during the night I called an ambulance . I couldn’t speak for 4 days . I blame the flu jab for each illness
Now I refuse each year and I won’t ever have another .
I was supposed to have it this year (first year) and didn’t. I know 6 people who did and 5 of them were ill afterwards. I’m not taking the risk.
I’ve been told off at the COPD clinic for not having it but sod it, none of them need to have it so until they do I will ignore their preaching :cool2:
I don’t have it, I get called in for it every year but I know too many people who have said it makes them feel terrible.
I haven’t had flu for decades and only the last two years have I had colds, which usually clear up with Vit C and zinc.
I think there are too many vaccines, one day there will be a super dooper bug that no one can prevent that will wipe us out because are bodies aren’t used to fighting for themselves
I don’t for all the reasons the above posters mentioned. Plus I don’t get the flu.
^^^^& this
This is why antibiotics aren’t as effective as they once were and why you can’t get them from a doctor unless you’re half dead!
Oh Carol…nooooo,…ok then…I used to get the jab every year until I found out the vaccine They were using for the over 65s was less than useless in preventing flu…so…I stopped getting it…I’ve only ever had the flu once and that was 50 yrs ago…I’m in good health and don’t put any prescription med’s /drugs into My body…so it was the right decision…for Me.
I’m 81 years old and don’t recall ever having had the flu. I have never had the flu jab as my immune system seems to be coping.
Ive never had the flu jab in my life and most certainly never will .Its a personal decision for me. Im 54 and been invited to have the flu jab for a couple of years now,I really should tell them to stop wasting paper on me.
Many doctors used to prescribe antibiotics for flu viruses thinking that they’d help but they do nothing for viruses. The only thing antibiotics do is kill off certain unwanted bacteria but in doing so they kill off healthy bacteria also which destroys the immune system. People definitely can become immune to them if over prescribed.
Ive never in the past taken the flu jab, even though as a carer Im supposed to
I had flu 3 winters ago, I was very very ill so I thought that perhaps I should take it but so far Ive not had a cold or sniffle since so I don’t want to tempt fate
You know my stance already.
Can I take it you’ve now managed to read through a couple of the past Flu threads here where all the damning evidence has been presented?
A better approach to your question might have been to set up a poll so you can see the specific number of people for/against
I have in the past but won’t be again. I m taking as good care of my body as I can and watch the food I put into my body to help my immune system to fight any viruses naturally.
A friend of mine had the flu jab last year and unfortunately died of the flu. Also my dad got really poorly last year after having the vaccine.
Hope you are ok carol xxd
I have never had the jab either.
My doc’s have offered it many times, even texting me to offer it now.
They pester more than British Gas about their darn smart meters!
In their waiting room, I notice they even have bunting up advertising it now.
I do have the flu jab every year.
I have never had any sort of reaction to it.
Catching flu could be the death of me, so I’m having everything I can get.
I also had the one-off pneumonia vaccine, too.
Oh, I dunno. Traipsing through Home Bargains yesterday, I noticed a small package among the various cold remedies
which had Man Flu written on it. Looks like it’s getting recognised as a valid illness.