Who doesn't have the flu jab and why?

and in the pharmacy too

No I haven’t Realist. I just wanted simple answers from members on here - their own experiences & opinions.

I’m not interested in wading through pages of damning evidence because I would then have to wade through pages of good evidence & I’d end up not knowing what to believe.

Hi Carol :slight_smile: I have been having the flu vaccination for many years. I have never had any problems other than a slightly sore arm.

It takes a couple of weeks for the vaccination to become effective, many people wrongly attribute infections they develop during that time to the vaccination.

I have been told if I get the flu I will have to be hospitalised due to my medical conditions so I am always first in the queue to be vaccinated.

Well said, Carol.

Your question was simple enough, just a straight forward question asking how many members don’t have the jab.

Nothing about what’s in it, what it does, big pharma’s, or why we shouldn’t have it etc. etc. etc. . . . . yawn . .

I don’t have it simply because I’m anti anything to do with medication.
If I can get away with not taking anything I do.
I certainly don’t want injecting with any crap. Plus, it’s got albumen in it, or it used to, and me and egg don’t get on.

If I get flu and snuff it, then so be it. We’ve all got to die one way or another. (That sounds so flippant having just been in Nom’s thread). :cry:

I only take what I have to take medication wise. Before I had my thyroid/parathyroids removed, I told the consultant I would not take the medication.
He said if I don’t take Thyroxin I would go into a coma and eventually die, like a car running out of petrol. The Child said she wanted her mum. So I take it.
Also, I take Calcichew-D3 Forte. For osteoporosis but primarily my calcium levels go dangerously low and I get tetny, which then involves hospitals and drips. I don’t want to entertain that again.

I don’t the take heart medication for the blips I occasionally have. Heart attacks can happen with or without taking medication, so why should I make my system worse by taking medication if I could have a heart attack anyway?

I can’t get past medication causes more problems than it helps. Some think I’m an idiot. So ok - I’m an idiot. It’s my life. I only honour what I promised my daughter.

Sorry this is rather long. I’ve just left Daz’s thread re Nom and can’t think straight.

I have nothing against taking medication. I don’t take the flu jab but I do take medication for existing problems such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

I suffer with Asthma, so l get bombarded every year by my surgery via letter and texts to come in and have the Flu injection. I always decline.
The sight of all those people sitting or standing in the packed waiting room, all holding their coats and their sleeve rolled up, saddens me because it’s as if they are on a conveyor belt!

I am not scared of injections as l have a Vitamin B12 injection every three months. l just don’t want any concoctions injected into my body. I eat well and l am rarely ill.

No problem at all, though I am curious as to what you hope to gain from the asking of that question. What is the underlying reason for asking if I may ask?

Actually that’s not true. There really is no “good evidence” out there and if you take the time to read through one of the other flu threads you will see that none of the data I highlight is refuted by anything other than hearsay and emotional anecdotal twaddle.

There is only one way to get to the truth and that’s to roll your sleeves up and go look at the research.


I refuse the 'flu jab each year because:-

  1. I have a strong, healthy immune system, so do not need it.

  2. I have never, ever, had 'flu and see no reason to have it injected into me.

  3. I eat onions and/or garlic almost every day - both are antibacterial and antiviral. Have not had a cold in 30yrs.

  4. I believe the human body was designed, for the most part, to be self healing. For that reason I never take antibiotics either. They inhibit the production of natural antibodies.

I was dead against it for years as I was convinced it had made me ill in 2003, but then in 2012 I had very severe flu. Since then I’ve had it every year. I have it because I have a strong immune system because I am still relatively young and the vaccine works on people like me.

I think the focus of the vaccine is all wrong. There should be a blanket offer of vaccination to everyone under 65. Those who have strong immune systems should be vaccinated. That would stop the spread.

They are now vaccinating schoolchildren and that hopefully protects the oldies.

If your immune system is strong then surely your body can cope with the Flu by itself!

almost killed me…there are different strains and some are vicious. It is a killer even if you are young and healthy.

Your logic doesn’t follow for me I’m afraid.

The flu vaccine (allegedly!) works by making the body ITSELF create antibodies to combat the virus.

The vaccine does not contain any magic antidotes or virus killing elements. The vaccine simply initiates in the body the NATURAL processes of the immune system to combat an invading virus and thereby generate antibodies.

Those antibodies are weak and only last 1 year because they are predicated on the combatting of a psuedo virus, ostensibly the inactivated virus in the vaccine.

If you actually get the flu, and your body fights it, the antibodies your body produces are far far more potent and powerful and last many years.

Either way, it is your own body that fights either the “pretend” inactivated flu virus or the real virus. Thus your immune system is the solution either way.

If you maintain your immune system and more CRUCIALLY if you understand how your body works and DO NOT OBSTRUCT its healing mechanisms then it is capable of dealing with such viruses quite naturally.

Unfortunately most people do not understand how their bodies work and most people pretty much IMMEDIATELY start taking pills, potions and syrups at the first sign of colds or flu and thereby obstruct pretty massively the body’s ability to fight the virus.

When that happens they then wrongly conclude that the virus is somehow particularly deadly or unstoppable and with the constant Big Pharma “Campaign of Fear” running every winter, they go running off to get a flu jab, which frankly just puts you at more risk.

There are viruses and viruses. Your body is capable of deling with the vast majority of them IF you maintain a strong immune system and IF you don’t obstruct it’s processes.

There are some viruses so virulent, which replicate so quickly that the body can not cope. For those viruses we need dedicated antiviral treatments which do exist.

We do not need to vaccinate every living human to combat bloody flu, especially with a vaccine that is patently and scientifically proven to be next to useless helping about 1 in 100 people who get the shot. What we need is either a vaccine that is proven and scientifically tested that has at least a 75% efficacy rate or else we need good antiviral drugs that can be administered quickly to anyone that gets flu.

Meanwhile, as things currently stand, the safest way forward imho is NOT to have any flu vaccine and to boost your immune system on a daily basis and understand how your body works, in particular with fevers and to be resolved never to obstruct your own body’s healing mechanisms with silly pills, capsules, tablets and the like.

That’s not how it works realist. If you have a vaccine and it works your body is already prepared to destroy the virus before it has time to replicate. The severity of flu is down to its speed of replication before the body has a chance to build a defence.

Sorry but that IS how it works, exactly as I have stated. The vaccine makes your body create antibodies against the psuedo inactivated virus. It is those antibodies that are subsequently supposed to combat the real virus if it later arrives. Unfortunately antibodies made in that way are far far less potent and powerful than antibodies made to combat the real virus. They only last about a year which CONVENIENTLY (cough cough) means you need to keep having the flu vaccine each year to keep creating those lesser antibodies. A self serving vaccine business with perpetual demand.

If you get REAL flu then your body will make extremely strong antibodies against it and those antibodies will last many years, likely 5 or 6 years and will vastly out perform any antibodies that would have been made using a flu vaccine.

And this is where self education comes in and the understnding of how your body works. If you get a flu virus you will quickly get a fever as your body goes immediately into defense mode.

Most uneducated people will immediately reach for paracetamol/neurofen or aspirin tablets (or flu capsules that contain those things) and the second they do that they stop the body being able to generate its fever which is the PRIMARY defense mechanism against these viruses.
The fever would prevent the viruses from replicating, that is its purpose. Without the fever the viruses replicate at an alarming rate and overrun the body and THAT is what kills people.

This simple truth is not advertised by the health industry who instead want to sell you pills, tablets, capsules and potions, even if it kills you. It is a sick and wicked industry.

None of this gets us away from the fact that there are literally HUNDREDS of flu strains circulating the world all the time and the flu vaccine only caters for up to 4 of those strains. As a result the vaccine helps only 1 in 100 people which is utterly useless. No other commercial product on the planet would ever get a green light for consumer release if it’s success rate was just 1% !!! Yet flu vaccines do.

The dire risk with the vaccines, apart from the awful list of serious side effects they come with for some, is that it WILL stretch your immune system, forcing it to make antibodies agsinst those tiny 3 or 4 virus strains during the very season where there are hundreds of strains circulating. When you then catch a strain that wasn’t in the vaccine you body then has to try and fight it off whilst already having been compromised by the vaccine.

It’s like getting a serious cold and then just as you are dealing with it, being given the full Flu virus and hoping your body will cope.

It is for this reason alone that the vast majority of peole who get the flu shot, end up catching ILIs, Influenza Like Illnesses shortly afterward. You are right in the season of cold and flu virsuses and you go and compromise your immune system by having the flu shot. What else can be expected but a bout of nasty cold/flu like illness?!!

I will repeat what I said earlier.

Right now WE DO NOT have an effective flu vaccine. At best the vaccine can only cover up to 4 strains and there are literally hundreds of strains out there. If it were a case of the flu shot doing zero damage to you and not impacting your immune system and not having dangerous undesirable ingredients (like squalene) and not having very serious life impacting side effects and not making you spread germs 6 times more than unvaccinated people . . . . then it might be a no brainer to have it. Covering 4 strains out of 100s is at least something !

Unfortunately though all those above risks DO exist and it is just not worth having those risks for the 1 in 100 chance that you might get benefit from the vaccine, especially if you are already a vulnerable ill or compromised person.

As it is, you have a great deal to lose by having the vaccine and pretty much absolutely nothing to gain by having it.

The world needs a true vaccine that does work and caters for the majority of the flu strains, not this sham fraudulent multi million dollar fake vaccine business that wilfully uses a Campaign Of Fear to frighten people into having it.

Carol must have wished she’d never asked her simple question. :frowning:

So, Realist, have you ever had a flu jab?

Nope obviously not.

Never taken drugs either, or smoked, or drunk excessive alcohol or any other forms of self harm

Realist if your body is prepared with antibodies which were created because of the vaccine then you don’t need a fever to destroy the virus. You will destroy it when the first viral cell enters the body. If the virus cannot replicate you don’t need a massive defence which wipes you out for 3 weeks. It’s basic immunology.

So may I ask why you buy prescription drugs and stock pile them, if they are not for you?