Who doesn't have the flu jab and why?

Jayzus!..do We have to go around this particular mulberry bush again and again and again…give it a rest will Ya.

I’ve had it annually for 8 years, on the advice of my haematologist who’s been treating me (anticancer drug daily) for polycythaemia for the same period.

Not had any probs with the flu jab, it stimulates the immune system - which is good - then passes out thru the body.

My GP practice recently asked me to come in for an shingles jab, the haemo people didn’t think that was such a good idea.

With some people you are a name, with other’s you’re just a number. :wink:

Either way, to the medical industry you’re simply a cash cow.

Healthy people don’t generate revenue.

Gawd, I’m with you there, May.
Unbelievable aint it.

And yet you’re still opening and reading Flu related threads !! Go figure lol

I like grapefruit, too, and it’s one food I can eat now I am no longer on statins.

Hope ya don’t mind me replying to this thread as i know its old and a sore subject to some but thought i tell ya about my wife’s reaction to having the flu virus jab which she had every year as she was her dad’s carer and he wasn’t too healthy. It’s fairly long winded tale but not easy to explain with a couple of lines.
Right December 2017 she had her flu jab as usual in January her father fell and ended up in hospital so she went to see him every day for two weeks until he was home on the 15th Jan. On the 19th of Jan she was out rounding up sheep here and 100% fit the same evening she had a sniffle and bit of a cough developing, the next day she was looking very unwell and tried to see the GP but he said he wasn’t available so later later in the day she got much worse and I had to call an ambulance they arrived 50 minutes later and she was very sick but the Paramedics said she won’t be kept in as there’s no beds and told me to go to the hospital later to collect her which i did and she was terrible yet they refused to keep her in and after pleading with them for 6 hours I had to bring her home with some Gaviscon for her stomach and vicks throat spray for the cough…6 hours later I had to call another ambulance and they arrived and too one look and took her back with me following but as i had only driven a car for the first time in 10 years after passing my test and never in the dark in a blizzard…I am a Biker hence only learnt to drive a car for emergency up here) when i arrived the doctor was standing in the hall and just said “Sorry we couldn’t save her” she was dead. The flu virus had caused a blood clot in her lungs and killed her…if they had done an ECG they would have noticed the problem and been able to save her by giving her clot busting medicine (an asparin could have saved her) Now she was a very fit lass yet killed by the flu virus in 24hrs…they tried to say she died of blood pressure and diabetes and she had neither so they had to do another death certificate for pulmonary embolism. Now is it worth risking getting flu or not? I have so many questions but will never get answer to, I later found out she had been left on a trolley in a corridor approx 20ft away from a nurses station who were more interested in taking selfies and dancing (got info from another nurse on duty that night) and the Locum was sat having a fag in his car and not fighting to save my wife as he claimed (since been struck off) so would i have a flu jab? No. When you hear people saying oh its only a cold or just a touch of flu think on as it was 24hrs to kill a perfectly fit lass. Her father is almost 88 and has diabetes/high bp/overweight the lot and still walking. Sorry for the depressing story but when i see people saying its just a cold etc it touches a sore point. Cheers and feel free to delete this post if it offends anyone.

What a sad story.
I am very sorry for your loss, Galloway.

I’m very sorry about your wife. It is really tragic that she died from a pulmonary embolism. The flu shot won’t have been the cause though. The flu virus in the shot is dead and can’t give you flu. The symptoms of a blood clot are severe coughing if it moves to the lungs and it might seem related, but it’s not flu. It can take a very long time to dissolve a clot in the lungs even with timely medication. I have a friend who was treated and recovered but it took a couple of years to dissolve and he was extremely ill in the meantime. We really didn’t know whether he would make it.

Aye its still a shock to me and having no answers or getting to say goodbye then at the funeral a guy walked up and shook my hand and said “maybe if you had been more assertive we wouldn’t be here today” he was referring to the fact i have an anxiety/panic attack prob and basically they thought i didn’t do enough to save her which is slowly killing me. They didn’t do an autopsy and as i was in shock i don’t know if they asked me if i wanted one…too late once she’s cremated. Yes i am bad with nerves etc but I’m not puddled as they seem to think i am…i was a virtual recluse for maybe 15 years so many of the locals didn’t have a clue who i was yet they all turned out for the funeral and just showed what lovely people there are. I am slowly trying to get out and about and even had a chat with someone in the shop last week which would have impressed my wife…it does make ya feel stupid a full grown man terrified of nothing very weird feeling and all caused by industrial injury so could happen to anyone even those who take the P out of mental health probs. Oh well hope ya didn’t mind me posting this .

There’s nothing you could have done to save her Brian. My friend who had this barely survived and he was under constant medical supervision. People who have it are usually perfectly healthy and then suddenly go downhill. It’s down to the medical professionals to diagnose. At that time of year they made a mistake and thought it was down to winter bugs. They did not recognise the symptoms were totally unrelated to colds and flu. It’s their fault.

I am so sorry Brian what a sad time you have had .
I am surprised they didn’t do an autopsy I thought that it was obligatory in cases of sudden death.
The man who spoke to you at the funeral was a tactless idiot.
Unfortunately for some reason there are always people like him about you will find after a personal tragedy.
Just try to put it out of your mind .
Take care now .

We always have the flu jab, and we have had the pneumonia jab too.

Hello Brian , I’m so terribly sad to read this , how dreadful for you . Dont be worried about posting or sharing your feelings , I’ve done and have others and we have a lovely support group on here .
Look after yourself and be proud of the small steps your taking .


I won’t have one and I have only ever had the flu once in 1988. When I worked in nursing homes, all the elderly were given a jab and most had side effects and still caught the flu.

Don’t forget that us men contract Man Flu at least once a year when we have to spend a few days in bed being waited on hand and foot. :-p

As I have Asthma I have the flue jab every year as a preventative measure and have never had any side effects.
Like most people I have of course had quite a few vaccinations over the years. There were those given to me as an infant and during in childhood and in more recent years top ups for some and additional ones those that keep me safe whilst travelling… Rabies, Tick-borne encephalitis…

This is total kidology I’m afraid.

The Flu Jab prevents nothing so you are merely kidding yourself or listening to bogus advice from uninformed people.

The Flu vaccine has been tested and proven to be useless (peer reviewed evidence from the Cochrane Institute). The vaccine helps only about 1 person in every 100 vaccinated. Absolutely catastrophically a failure then.

There is absolutely no way such a vaccine should be being rolled out to the nation with such dire performance. That is still is rolled out is testimony to how corrupt the medical and vaccine industry is and how corrupt our goverments are in failing to prevent it.

A significant number of people DO get some VERY SERIOUS side effects, some of them life changing, some of them fatal.
Given the vaccine is utterly useless, that’s pretty much a criminal situation.

The Vaccine Compensation Programme in the US has so far paid out over $4 BILLION in compensation to victims of vaccines. Over $4 BILLION !!!

Yet the vaccine programmes continue rolling out because their revenues far exceed what they have to pay out to murdered or crippled victims of their vaccines. It’s an extremely lucrative business using FEAR as it’s primary selling technique.

We must be getting close to flu jab season… hey ho!

I had the jab - once. And the ensuing side effects.