What's on Netflix

I watched A lonely planet a few evenings ago, it was a nice comfort, “feel good” movie.

I remember watching “A man called Otto” quite a while ago but don’t remember it very well. I just love Tom Hanks, he’s one of the greatest.
I’ve just finished watching the serial *One day *, I’m not going to comment on it, just in case someone wants to see it, I’m not a “spoiler” :grin:
I will only say that what I loved about it was that it was set in a period of a time when I was the same age as the characters.

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He is perfectly cast as the lawyer (without having read any of the books) and the show has a good supporting cast. (I have no idea of the actor’s name :frowning_face: )

I looked it up and discovered I originally watched it on Disney+

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Manuel Garcia Rulfo. I looked him up today because I thought he looked a fair bit older in the new series, with a bit of grey stubble.

He’s only 43, but I guess that is the problem with some of these long running shows. The actors age as you go along, but the story stays in the same time zone.


Another series returning at the end of the month is The Diplomat, the first series was excellent so am looking forward to the second.

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Yeah I love all that, the detours, everyone’s a real character, the blonde trainee lawyer come lawyer and Cisco. The ex-driver who’s now driver again, the ex-wife who still cares …

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From Prada To Nada … OK/silly film

May check it out. Been watching Industry on I player. Gritty but compelling drama about a fictional investment firm in the city.

I will check out Industry. :+1:

Just watched the first episode of Territory, think I’ll stick with it, seems alright.

Anna Torv has aged since Secret City, but still compelling.

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This is hilarious:

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Has anyone mentioned the Diplomat? Currently revisiting the first season now season 2 is out. It’s interesting in that I didn’t realise the US Ambassador to the UK has a truly sumptuous residence in a large chunk of Regents park, (Winfield house) with a garden only slightly smaller than that of Buckingham Palace.

Also fun to watch how the US Ambassador is far cleverer than either her own presidential team and also the entire British government. She seems to be back seat driving both sides in this show. Is this a representation of reality? Obviously fictional, but all over the place with references to the here an now (e.g. the war in Ukraine), mixed in with a Scottish referendum that is planned at some point in the future.

I’m watching it because on IMDB the series scores about 8 overall so I am hoping to be dazzled as it goes on.

I watched Woman of the Hour recently it wasn’t bad but I felt it could have been better. Quite a promising story (true?)

This is one I abandoned halfway through. I like Anna Kendrick but I’m not so keen on some of the films roles she has been cast in recently.

I’ve watched some of The Diplomat Season 2, will go back to it.

the real Winfield House, Regents Park (close to the mosque)


I think she produced and directed it (something like that). I watched it to the end but constantly felt it could have been so much better, a good story told badly.

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I just finished the new series of “The Diplomat

They certainly know how to keep you wanting more!


Just finished series 1 of The Empress … for the second time! We watch it when it was new, two years ago. Series 2 coming soon … 22 November.

Here’s a tasters:

Did you watch it twice because it was so good?

Yep. We started watching the second time thinking it was the first, but after 5 minutes we realised we’d seen it but kept going through all 6 episodes.

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Gangs of Oslo.

Nordic Noir.

Check it out.

I’m now waiting for Friday and the release of season 2 of the Empress. thanks for the recommendation :slight_smile:

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