What's on Netflix

Very honourable. I think it had zero percent on rotten tomatoes.

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I’m binge watching Designated Survivor. I’m obsessed. :star_struck:


Watched that years ago. Not bad, goes on a bit …

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Oh my goodness, yes!!!
It’s getting exhausting but I’m persevering.

why not try some slick Turkish soapy drama?

I have watched a few Turkish shows. I’ll give these a shot once I’m done with this marathon series :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Not sure if this is on Netflix but just finished the latest series of Fargo. Inspite of a slight, and pointless, supernatural element (which I hate) it was a very gripping series. I had to watch the last two episodes in a binge

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I enjoyed this … about a black pianist and his minder/driver. Set in the early 60s. :+1:


Currently watching another Turkish TV Series

Been watching Virgin River over and over. I didn’t really even like the show that much, but it’s relatively easy watching, and I can’t find much else at the moment.

I’m also rewatching Gilmore Girls. It’s probably good on a first watch. I’m just not excited about it on the rewatch.

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We watched some of that, I do confess.



Watched The Kill Room. Quite enjoyed it

just watched the first two episodes, looks promising …

Decided to get my money’s worth from Prime so currently am watching Jack Ryan

I don’t think the main character suits the role but otherwise it is OK, full of action.

Also watching Mr & Mrs Smith, another action drama. I think the main characters are pretty good sometimes the plot is a bit weak (I am stil on the first series in both these)

I am not sure I will watch all the seasons of either but they will do for now as a time filler, they are not boring that is for sure.

Both series had their origin in films I think

Yes, I watch Gilmore girls and Virgin River, just when I need some “comfort TV”, no need to concentrate on difficult mind-boggling situations.

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I’ve never been a fan of the Big Bang Theory, but since watching Young Sheldon, I want to watch that next to see what happens when he grows up. Really enjoying the show, particularly Annie Pott’s character (Meemaw).

The other show that looks good is “New Amsterdam”

I tried that ages ago but thought it was a bit soapy and predicable and abandoned it, had the same problem with House. Both have a similar premise of the outsider coming in and trying techniques that nobody else thought of for the happy smiling benefit of all.

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We enjoyed this:


Raising Voices is in Spanish, yes? Was the lip sync good? Or do you speak Spanish?

Shows in different languages throw me off sometimes when the lips don’t match.

yes, the sync wasn’t that great, but I still enjoy this type of thing.

dubs and subs

We’re currently on Wrong Side Of The Tracks, Spanish with English dubs.

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