What topic/s could you spend hours talking about?

Quite understandable. My temprament would have got in the way too. The salad sounded lovely though! I’d have gone back to the shop for you, too. :slightly_smiling_face: I look forward to seeing more of your posts. :+1:


I love chatting about 70’s nostalgia. I spent a fair part of my break at work a couple of weeks ago reminiscing about Crossroads and the characters that appeared in it.


Maybe I should get out more…


Yes would be my advice but then follow me and your bound to follow Trouble Chilli
Benny was that?
I feel nostalgia hitting me now… :grinning:oh and tis Meg!
sorry running to save my crumpets…


all good Chilliboot…dripping butter now everywhere

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Spot on👍
Not forgetting David Hunter, Sandy and Jill Harvey. I wonder what Miss Diane is up to :astonished:
Enjoy your crumpets! :+1:


Well I cooked a fresh batch this mornin’ and I now realise how to get more holes in them as well… :wink:

you can ask and I might just tell yer…

oh Sandy…he was sort of fair ginge I think


well I don’t know this seems to be so wrong…

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Ever so wrong, now…


Enough of this nonsense! :018: :wink:

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Yep I know but it is Topical Chat…How I managed to stay on Topic holey nosey maybe I am catching Flu or something sinister… :worried:

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I do too Dianne, I can see your humorous and playful side and I do look forward to reading your posts… :+1:

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Italian recipes!

Please ask if you need any help :smiley: :tomato: :plate_with_cutlery:


Tony Adams ( Adam) is still around and Benny, and Miss Diane. Most of the cast are no longer with us.
Sadly Jill has dementia.
Did you watch Nolly recently?


It was very sad about Sandy , he was fit and healthy when he was cast in the wheelchair, then he got Hodgkin’s disease and had to use a wheelchair. Life imitating art?
He died of the illness aged 35…


Yes, all very sobering really. It’s easy to forget actually how long ago that was. I didn’t watch Nolly I’m afraid, that one just passed me by. I hardly watch any TV at all these days, just the occasional DVD.


The serial seemed to reach a kind of crossroads and took a wrong turn.


Me neither not a TV fan I listen to music most of the time whilst doing other things…At the moment I and doing a lot with my New Sewing Machine that has go fast wheels…Always enjoyed creating stuff from nothing…
I knew nothing of Sandy and his health, very sad what can happen in our lives…


The universe I could miles and miles on about it and never get to the end

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I enjoy baking and need to follow mostly recipes rather than make up new gems…
My Crumpets I now know I had forgotten to heat the milk and then add the cold water. so its luke warm only.
…The difference is startling…loads of bubbles meaning loads of air holes in the Crumpets…much tastier now. Have tried batch cooking them and as long as you under brown them then all is purrfectly Successful…


Case in point, I just got a new client, but boy does he talk! Like 10 minutes explaining how he found something on ebay and the mini dramas of its delivery :grinning:.

I wonder if such folk are aware they can be boring when reeling off every tiny detail?

I mean sure if it’s recounting a really amusing story, but an ebay delivery?

I’m a good listener to an extent but when people push it too far I let them know one way or another. Sometimes I’m too blunt and it doesn’t go down well

Don’t ever use the phrase ‘so I turned around and said’


Or, as is common up here
“I was like…then she was like…the he came in and was like…” while demonstrating facial expressions and hand gestures! :grin: