What topic/s could you spend hours talking about?

Grrr equally cringe ^.

I’ve got another one but not sure any of you will recognise this. I’m make an excellent point (obviously) and my Brother has this habit of replying ‘it’s not that it’s X’.


I might say I can’t stand middle lane drivers.

He will reply ‘oh it’s not that it’s people who indicate right at a roundabout but go straight on so you have only a 50/50 idea what they’re planning’.

He isn’t saying I’m wrong, it’s just his annoying verbal tick of saying its not that its this


Maybe you have left and just don’t realize it :grin:

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Spitty! Don’t be mean…

Di, big hugs :hugs: Maybe its a glitch in the system?

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Its in my DNA :icon_wink:


I know :roll_eyes: :joy:

I could spend hours talking about internet :performing_arts: drama…not!

Consider that it is sometimes self inflicted and maybe a little introspection would be helpful.

Politics / religion / human behavior, and history, though they are all interrelated.

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