What makes you nervous?

Hmmm… never been disrespect towards anyone. Find someone else to lump this on.

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I also love thunderstorms! Fascinating and mesmerizing event.
When I was 16, I had just finished vacumning, and my boyfriend was putting the unit away, metal rods…I looked down the hall just in time to watch lightning travel up to him…just a quick jolt…I married him, he was soooo lucky!:wink:


About 15 months ago I slipped on ice and broke my shoulder. I haven’t recovered, I’m always wary of something slippery. And I need to hold on to a hand rail when going down steps.


Sharp intake of breath , a massive Ouch and so painful . Poor you x

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I too wear aids, but they have to be removed before entering the scanner or the circuitry will be fried by the ultra-high magnetic flux. Even so, the loudness penetrates deep and causes anxiety.

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You would not have that opinion if your house had been struck by lightning and the resulting fire completely destroyed it! I’ve survived that horrendous incursion and to this day, I’m still wary of all electrical storms.

I also broke my shoulder. I was on my way to my office early evening. It was a pleasant evening so I took my bike. {I had in mind one of my customers problems.} The path was newly paved so I took it at racing speed…except far too so. I fell consciously until the ambulance picked me up. It that point I was still in mind to carry on with office and the customers problem…

Going to the dentist


Understood. Also a problem is when there is several noises at a time. Also I have only one the hearing which is also problem.

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After your terrible misfortune, I can well understand your dislike of electrical storms. :worried:

However, just as many have had horrible vehicle accidents and dislike driving again,
I can still enjoy the pleasure of travelling by car. Percentages of lightning strikes is more like a freak of nature, wrong time, wrong place.


I took my son camping a few years back as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, there was a night of torrential rain and seemingly non stop lightning and thunder, the flashes seemed to light up the inside of the tent, needless to say we both hardly slept at all…an experience to remember all the same!:+1:

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Doctors and Dentists appointment. Also travelling anywhere by train especially a long journey where I have to catch a few trains :thinking:

<<< Also likes Thunder storms and the heavy pitter pattering of rain on glass. If the sea is wild, more the better.
Curiously. One of the few occasions, that dropping off to sleep in the conservatory, lasts longer than the storm.
Clearly the spectacle, without the drenching. :+1:

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I had neighbours some years back, they had a daughter and chose to name her Storm… what a wonderful name!



Storm Huntley

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Storm_Huntley
Television presenter · 2014–present · STV Glasgow (weather / The Riverside Show) CBeebies (Down on the Farm) Channel 5 (The Wright Stuff and Jeremy Vine) Storm

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Same here. Just got back from the dentist, where i had a very large and complicated filling, which meant i was in the chair for 45 minutes - i was starting to panic towards the end!

I’m now attempting to drink a welcome cup of (lukewarm) tea. Unfortunately, as my mouth is still numb, most of the tea has dribbled down my chin.


I have a list.

Dentist, Dentist, Dentist - have to see one tomorrow for 2 extractions. I need to be awake enough to drive myself home.

Health of my children, parents and friends.



Being alone

War and politics might resolve all other items, depending on order of execution.

Spending money…

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Tomorrow’s appointment with a Urology Consultant is today’s reason to be nervous.

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Hope it turns out okay mart… :+1: