What makes you nervous?

Jethro’s Posts. :grinning:
Jethro’s 90yo Grandmother, telephoned St. Angels Hospital. Timidly asking,
“Is it possible to speak to someone, who can tell me how a patient is doing?”
Yes said the Receptionist “I’ll be glad to help dear.
What’s the name and room number of the patient?”
Grandma. In her best. Weak and tremulous voice said,
“Norma Findlay, Room 302."
Thank you. “Let’s check with the nurse’s station for that room.”
Receptionist, returning to the phone. “I have good news.
Her nurse says that Norma is doing well.
Her blood pressure is fine; her blood sample came back normal.
And Dr.Shrink. Has scheduled her to be Discharged Tomorrow.”
“Thank you said Grandma. That’s wonderful.
I was ‘So’ worried. Bless you for the good News.”
The operator replied, "You’re more than welcome”. “Is Norma your Daughter”?

“No, I’m Norma Findlay. In Room 302. Where No One. Tells me anything.” :rofl:


People being nice to me.


OMG…they look so casual…YOIKS!

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#1. The Massage Chair I sit at. To fire up the puter!
It consistently Hums/Timbre’s. “Don’t - Believe” repetitively!

#2. Situ Wood Pidgeon’s. Calling to each other.
The Cooing calls. Distinctly ‘Voicing’ a 3 > 6 word sentence. That mimics, as a parrot, something a human has said.
I rest my case. JIC. Another may have experienced similar ?
Alternatively. Making an appointment. Wiff Dr Shrink. :rofl:


Seeing people I know or know of that will ask me how I am doing…I will often keep my head down when going around the supermarket…
Ostrich comes to mind.

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Icy pavements! When pavements turn into skating rinks .
I remember clinging onto a lamppost unable to let go …:scream:

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Supermarket with a partner. In an aisle together. She Guffs.
I nip to another aisle PDQ.
Wam Bang Wallop.
Shoppers with handkerchiefs to their nose.

Point at ME. :rofl:

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For me it has to be MRI scans with their very loud banging of the magnetic coils firing. It gets me every time!

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As it happens my hearing is not very good plus I put my hearing off.


Driving with Mr M
He passes too close to other cars / walls etc


Anyone in the driving seat except me… :astonished:


Flimsy. Poor Quality >> Toilet Paper!!
Declining to comment further. JIC. The Bubble Bursts. :blush: > :wink: :wink:

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Jezzzzz. That’s a recall.
The last MRI. I was on. Must have been a 1950’s Model. The transit mechanism Clunking, was so loud.
The operator. A Somali trainee, ran out of the room.
Returning 10mins later. With me, Half in and Half out!!
Accented Explanation. To one Half cooked Guinea Pig,
“Sorry for inconvenience”." I should have taken your Watch Off first",
I survived. :laughing: The watch didn’t. :face_holding_back_tears:


I dislike thunderstorms. As a child I would hide under the table if I heard a bang, but when I was told it was a mine being exploded on one of the beaches that didn’t bother me at all. I was nearly struck by lightning once when I was visiting my home island about 20 years or so ago. The lightning struck about 6 inches away from me, people thought I had been struck as it was so close!

i am the opposite. Totally love thunderstorms. Though I have never come close to being struck by lightning.
When a storm is forecast I often go to the escarpment above Perth to get a wide view of the storm playing out over the sand plain that Perth sits on.


My kind of bloke Bret… :+1:
We were on holiday in Spain and one evening about eleven that night a massive thunderstorm approached. I went out onto the balcony to watch and as I stood there my ten year old daughter came and stood by my side, she said “Aren’t you frightened Daddy?” I said no because it’s one of nature fantastic light displays…She has never been frightened of thunderstorms ever since. In fact, she’s over fifty now and likes to watch them just like me…

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Foxy, have you forgiven Bret for being disrespectful elsewhere. :smiley:

I don’t recall such an incident Spitty?

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I may be confused, it might have been Bretrick!!

We do not get enough thunder storms.
Once a week would be awesome.

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