What makes you nervous?

I get as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs when a police car is behind me in the same lane.

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When one thinks :laughing:

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When I see moronic looking dog owners allowing their ill trained pooches free rein in public places, especially when there are small children playing. I like dogs by the way…


I am on alert most of my waking minutes

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The post,i dread opening letters,especially when waiting for hospital results,i actually had one yesterday and waited for 3 hours to open it,all was well thankfully.


The post can bring dreaded news, or splendid news.
I am happy for you that the news was positive. :slightly_smiling_face:

Cycling on the roads can make me nervous sometimes …but I always manage to hold it. Difficult because I don’t know where I’ve put my nerve half the time. Must be somewhere about my person. :slight_smile:


Thank you Bretrick,those are very kind words.

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Dentists, letters from Tax/pension office, letting the wife go shopping without my supervision :smiley:

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Mrs Fox bashing around with the hoover when I’m trying to write a post on the forum. I think she’s trying to say…“Are you still wasting time on that computer when there are jobs to be done?”
Probably more uncomfortable than nervous… :face_exhaling:


My daughters dating life. My daughter’s academic probation. Tomorrows sometimes gets me worked up too. Anxiety nut here!

on a non personal note, everything anything about NON world peace…Garza, Ukraine. Baltimore bridge…

conclusion, ignorance might not be blissful, but there are days where it would be darn peaceful

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Agreed. There is too much bad news getting about.
I follow the news on a 24 hours dedicated news channel. Luckily I ca only listen for an hour a day whilst driving to and from work.
I think it is important to keep abreast of the news but one can be overwhelmed with too much information.

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I never watch or listen to the news at all Bretrick, unless someone says “Have you seen what’s happened?” We get an hourly bulletin on BBC radio two I sometimes listen to if I’m driving, it’s on the hour every hour and most times I only remember to put it on at five past… :frowning_with_open_mouth:
I never have music on while driving in case you were wondering… :009:


I never watch the news. Only listen to it on the radio or read it on ABC news on-line(Australia)
I also never listen to music in the car either. Come to think of it, I hardly ever listen to music these days.

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Any doctor’s appointment does days in advance except a dentist’s.


Crowds of people and long queues

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Cliff edges :scream:

My son’s one of those people who has to go and stand on the ruddy edge

It’s not that I’m really afraid of heights exactly, just those situations where it’s one trip or slip and you’re gone


I used to climb mountains quite often. Not now - but then I am 77 of years…


Heights… don’t like being much above the 4th floor… views might be spectacular but you’ll find me glued to a wall…

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Or this: