What made you say F*** today

See previous post.

Twisted my ankle on the frozen ground. Flippin’ 'eck that hurt!

7 month old, 57lb, teething Doberman puppy just came running full force and paw-punched me in the gut! Flippin dog is strong asf!

Doesn’t sound very sweet :grinning:

The snow n ice, sick of it.

just realised i was sweating because i had forgotten to turn on the ceiling fan…

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Lucky bugger!

I’m going out with the girls tonight for a Thai meal

And I forgot and booked an Ocado food delivery

And you know what that means, don’t you?

My old man will have to take delivery……

He’s already stressing and he’s bound to forget to put something in the fridge or freezer, or get distracted by something and not answer the door :crazy_face:

F…ity, F…, F…

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What if he has a lad’s night in and they scoff it all while your out? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I really wouldn’t mind, just as long as they remember to put Sunday’s chicken in the fridge :scream:

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yes i am, but its not rocket science else i’d still be in Donny, i save money by being here. and yes i wish you were here to,

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for no reason, my left knee decided that today was the day that it was tired of my $h1t and gave out on me. Almost fell and now, it’s been hurting all day. Ice did not help nor did Robaxin. I will try heat next. Maybe it’s musculoskeletal and I pulled something.

Bloomin’ Parakeets! So many of them arrive when I top up the bird feeders that the poor little’uns don’t get a look in. Even the woodpeckers have to wait their turn.


Elasticated support bandage (tubigrip) might help AF lady…

but you must remember to remove it at night

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Yes Crabby, absolutely. Don’t wear them all the time, only while walking or jogging for support…

sure mate, they really help but you dont need the help to watch tv, people put them on in the morning then forget theyve got them on… ive got one i use occassionally, and i forgot to bring it…lol… and i live upstairs here, of course they will sell them here, but i havent seen them yet…lol… one step at a time…lol, it aint easy this getting old…

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I used the hole in the wall earlier today and very cleverly walked off leaving the card in the machine. The F*** word was used with abandon when I eventually realised! Still, I made a phone call, canceled the old card, it hadn’t been used fraudulently I’m relieved to say. I feel that I should add that I moderated my language while speaking to the nice helpful lady that took my call.:+1:


If I read this correctly, you turned a terribly risky situation into a “luck is with me” day!
Perhaps you said the magic word so many times, you scared away any ill spirits that may have been hovering. That, and the nice helpful lady… :wink:

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Now that’s a very positive and upbeat take on the situation, thank you, I’ve learned much today!:slightly_smiling_face:
Although heaven forbid I’d offend a nice helpful lady, on the phone or otherwise.


Just to be sure I put on my best, poshest telephone voice! :innocent: