What have you done today?

Bugger lugging a tent around in your backpack, I always put one of these in my back pocket and make sure I have a good meal and a comfy bed at night…
Credit Card

Although you are never far away from a B&B or hotel in England but I suppose you can drive for days in Aus, and the weather is kinder to campers.

Personally I haven’t used a tent for over a decade but my kids either use them or a swag. Unfortunately we are often hundreds of Km from the nearest supermarket.

This was our camp at the Packsaddle Roadhouse - free camp sites, $5 to use a shower. The tent in my previous post is to replace the one on the right.

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My days of camping are long gone. Taking over 100 Scouts to Scotland camping for two week cured me of ever wanting to spend my nights under canvas again.

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I went on Crossrail, otherwise known as the Elisabeth Line, for the first time today. It wizzes along nice and quiet and smooth. From Bond Street to Farringdon, then visited Smithfield Market for the first time in nearly 40 years … remembering the day when party animals went there for breakfast at 5 or 6 in the morning.


Mowed the lawn.

Been a bit of a stressful day. My sister called first thing this morning - she had fallen on the floor and couldn’t get back up to get into bed. When we got there she was in bad shape so we called an ambulance. That took the rest of the morning. Lunch, a quick stroll with the pooch then off to the hospital, this time for me. I have a serious problem with my hearing. A new hearing has improved things. Then another visit to see my sister…

No work today…took my son to Brighton for some fresh sea air and a mooch about.

We always do a bit of window shopping in Jump The Gun on the way to the sea front.
Not a good picture but I was taken by the dark olive 60s slim cut jacket with the small tidy lapels…£475 quid stayed in my bank account.

Good job I don’t like brogues!!!

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From all my mods and rocker days I’ve never seen a scooter with a spare tyre before and it looks too big? :grinning:

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A bit before my time… it’s probably just a bit of a wreck to attract customers.
Nobody in their right mind is going to leave something truly valuable and vintage on the pavement… it’d be gone in the blinking of an eye :wink:

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The last time I was in Brighton,many years ago,I bought a suit in a 60’s retro shop in an arcade.Some shade of blue,although not a suit person ,I thought I looked really cool :grinning:

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That’s the nice thing about not being a suit person.
When you do indulge you really appreciate it :+1:

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That last time I visited Brighton I surprised by the variety of shops in The Lanes.Previously they had just been antique shops.I didn’t know whether I liked it or not.

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Never shopped for suits, spent a fair bit of time searching for potential suitors :icon_wink:

Went to the cricket in Abergavenny,shot this video.
No idea what the Nant is called!

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Watched the whole Three minutes forty seconds, no raw sewage, no fish, “boring” :icon_wink:

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Suits for weddings and funerals? M&S does it for me…Some of the assistants have got promise also…

Been to the Leukaemia dept. for a blood test, gets analysed straight away: all’s well.

Had a 10.40 appointment, I arrived early and was out by then!

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Opened some Amazon deliveries. It doesn’t get any more exciting than that my friends.

Went to the pharmacy this morning. It is a good long walk on The Roman Road. which avoids street traffic so the wee dog doesn’t need the lead for most of the time.

Worked a pretty mellow six hour shift today and at this moment in time sipping on an ice cold Heineken.

Not much more I can add :slightly_smiling_face: