What have you done today?

Had a busy day,Seniors’ meeting this morning, then I had to get onto the electricity supplier because of their astounding bill.

My electric bill arrived last night It was over $630, my normal bill is about $200 to $250 a quarter. Even worse this $630 bill was after the Federal Government rebate of $125 a quarter and my pensioner rebate was applied. The original bill was over $800.

The stupid bastards had given me an estimate based on a meter reading error they made last year so I read the meters myself, informed them and told them to buck their ideas up.

Finished off fitting my new 65 watt solar panel to my camper, it is the biggest one I think the box will take. Will wire it up tomorrow.

It replaces a 40 watt panel

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God only knows what hours these electricity workers keep. At 9pm I received an email:

Billy has earned his/her penalty rates.

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you must have gave a sigh of relief on the correction , I know I would have.

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Chopped a couple of feet of the height of the Laurel hedge. Not too easy as it is quite deep as well as tall. Then cut the some of the clippings to ‘green bin’ size. Too many for one bin collection. Only fell off the ladder once when the branch it was leaning against broke. Not bad :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice job Mart, I used to have some high conifers in the back garden that needed a good trim each year.I once fell off the ladder and demolished my water butt. In 2016 I decided to replace them with a wall…


Looks a neat job on the hedge …although you could have cut a chicken shape into it. :slightly_smiling_face: The wall looks good.


Saved a lot of work Mart, and probably a broken neck now I’m getting a bit more wobbly…

Nice ladder selection mart.

Nice wall Foxy, “Perps” look pretty good!

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Thanks Spitty…What’s ‘perps’ ? :017:

Perpendicular joints.

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Didn’t stop me falling off that long one though. The Laurel was about 12(ish) feet high and 4 feet deep. The branch the ladder was leaning on broke. The ladder fell all the way down with me on it. Took a few minutes to extricate myself from the middle of the trunks, twigs leaves etc.

Today’s occupation was to stop this material from fraying. It’s used to cover the ground at the allotment once the crop has been dug up. This has been cut with scissors rather than a gas soldering iron, so it just keeps shedding long strands of plastic that get everywhere. An idea was to seal the edges with diluted builder’s PVA, which I happen to have quite a lot of.

Brought the sheet home to do it because I had a flat space to stake it out and paint the edges ready for cutting away the frayed parts.

The hedge looks perfect did you use some sort of measuring line?

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Just by eye and limit of reach Muddy.

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Wow! What a huge transformation!
Are you currently doing ALL of this ?
Is that red rig yours or are you renting it.

:joy: I second this. :wink: lol
That’s funny.

collected Love in a mist seeds for next year

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Twas back in 2015 Chelsea. The red rig belongs to a team of builders I hired to clear the land and build a wall. They also laid a concrete base for the summer house…


That is truly some extensive work you’ve had done which must have cost a fortune. The summer house is really cute. Is it for when you get extra guests or for you both to sit and enjoy some hobbies?

I’m confused in where your backyard is.
Is the big main wall at the back of that summer house and your main house in front?